package ags.utils.dataStructures; import java.util.Arrays; /** * An implementation of an implicit binary interval heap. */ public class IntervalHeap implements MinHeap, MaxHeap { private static final int defaultCapacity = 64; private Object[] data; private double[] keys; private int capacity; private int size; public IntervalHeap() { this(defaultCapacity); } public IntervalHeap(int capacity) { = new Object[capacity]; this.keys = new double[capacity]; this.capacity = capacity; this.size = 0; } public void offer(double key, T value) { // If move room is needed, double array size if (size >= capacity) { capacity *= 2; data = Arrays.copyOf(data, capacity); keys = Arrays.copyOf(keys, capacity); } // Insert new value at the end size++; data[size-1] = value; keys[size-1] = key; siftInsertedValueUp(); } public void removeMin() { if (size == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } size--; data[0] = data[size]; keys[0] = keys[size]; data[size] = null; siftDownMin(0); } public void replaceMin(double key, T value) { if (size == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } data[0] = value; keys[0] = key; if (size > 1) { // Swap with pair if necessary if (keys[1] < key) { swap(0, 1); } siftDownMin(0); } } public void removeMax() { if (size == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } else if (size == 1) { removeMin(); return; } size--; data[1] = data[size]; keys[1] = keys[size]; data[size] = null; siftDownMax(1); } public void replaceMax(double key, T value) { if (size == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } else if (size == 1) { replaceMin(key, value); return; } data[1] = value; keys[1] = key; // Swap with pair if necessary if (key < keys[0]) { swap(0, 1); } siftDownMax(1); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T getMin() { if (size == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } return (T) data[0]; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T getMax() { if (size == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } else if (size == 1) { return (T) data[0]; } return (T) data[1]; } public double getMinKey() { if (size == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } return keys[0]; } public double getMaxKey() { if (size == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } else if (size == 1) { return keys[0]; } return keys[1]; } private int swap(int x, int y) { Object yData = data[y]; double yDist = keys[y]; data[y] = data[x]; keys[y] = keys[x]; data[x] = yData; keys[x] = yDist; return y; } /** * Min-side (u % 2 == 0): * - leftchild: 2u + 2 * - rightchild: 2u + 4 * - parent: (x/2-1)&~1 * * Max-side (u % 2 == 1): * - leftchild: 2u + 1 * - rightchild: 2u + 3 * - parent: (x/2-1)|1 */ private void siftInsertedValueUp() { int u = size-1; if (u == 0) { // Do nothing if it's the only element! } else if (u == 1) { // If it is the second element, just sort it with it's pair if (keys[u] < keys[u-1]) { // If less than it's pair swap(u, u-1); // Swap with it's pair } } else if (u % 2 == 1) { // Already paired. Ensure pair is ordered right int p = (u/2-1)|1; // The larger value of the parent pair if (keys[u] < keys[u-1]) { // If less than it's pair u = swap(u, u-1); // Swap with it's pair if (keys[u] < keys[p-1]) { // If smaller than smaller parent pair // Swap into min-heap side u = swap(u, p-1); siftUpMin(u); } } else { if (keys[u] > keys[p]) { // If larger that larger parent pair // Swap into max-heap side u = swap(u, p); siftUpMax(u); } } } else { // Inserted in the lower-value slot without a partner int p = (u/2-1)|1; // The larger value of the parent pair if (keys[u] > keys[p]) { // If larger that larger parent pair // Swap into max-heap side u = swap(u, p); siftUpMax(u); } else if (keys[u] < keys[p-1]) { // If smaller than smaller parent pair // Swap into min-heap side u = swap(u, p-1); siftUpMin(u); } } } private void siftUpMin(int c) { // Min-side parent: (x/2-1)&~1 for (int p = (c/2-1)&~1; p >= 0 && keys[c] < keys[p]; c = p, p = (c/2-1)&~1) { swap(c, p); } } private void siftUpMax(int c) { // Max-side parent: (x/2-1)|1 for (int p = (c/2-1)|1; p >= 0 && keys[c] > keys[p]; c = p, p = (c/2-1)|1) { swap(c, p); } } private void siftDownMin(int p) { for (int c = p * 2 + 2; c < size; p = c, c = p * 2 + 2) { if (c + 2 < size && keys[c + 2] < keys[c]) { c += 2; } if (keys[c] < keys[p]) { swap(p, c); // Swap with pair if necessary if (c+1 < size && keys[c+1] < keys[c]) { swap(c, c+1); } } else { break; } } } private void siftDownMax(int p) { for (int c = p * 2 + 1; c <= size; p = c, c = p * 2 + 1) { if (c == size) { // If the left child only has half a pair if (keys[c - 1] > keys[p]) { swap(p, c - 1); } break; } else if (c + 2 == size) { // If there is only room for a right child lower pair if (keys[c + 1] > keys[c]) { if (keys[c + 1] > keys[p]) { swap(p, c + 1); } break; } } else if (c + 2 < size) { // If there is room for a right child upper pair if (keys[c + 2] > keys[c]) { c += 2; } } if (keys[c] > keys[p]) { swap(p, c); // Swap with pair if necessary if (keys[c-1] > keys[c]) { swap(c, c-1); } } else { break; } } } public int size() { return size; } public int capacity() { return capacity; } @Override public String toString() { java.text.DecimalFormat twoPlaces = new java.text.DecimalFormat("0.00"); StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer(IntervalHeap.class.getCanonicalName()); str.append(", size: ").append(size()).append(" capacity: ").append(capacity()); int i = 0, p = 2; while (i < size()) { int x = 0; str.append("\t"); while ((i+x) < size() && x < p) { str.append(twoPlaces.format(keys[i + x])).append(", "); x++; } str.append("\n"); i += x; p *= 2; } return str.toString(); } private boolean validateHeap() { // Validate left-right for (int i = 0; i < size-1; i+= 2) { if (keys[i] > keys[i+1]) return false; } // Validate within parent interval for (int i = 2; i < size; i++) { double maxParent = keys[(i/2-1)|1]; double minParent = keys[(i/2-1)&~1]; if (keys[i] > maxParent || keys[i] < minParent) return false; } return true; } }