unit Utils; interface uses Controls, Graphics //TColor ; type TStrArray = array of string; TUtils = class class function split(input: string; schar: Char; s: Integer): string; class function Explode(var a: TStrArray; Border, S: string): Integer; class procedure RoundCornerOf(Control: TWinControl); class function BarCodeValid (ACode: string): boolean; class function CheckSumModulo10(const data:string):string; class function TColorToHex(Color : TColor) : string; class function HexToTColor(sColor : string) : TColor; end; implementation uses StrUtils, Types, //TRect , Windows, Messages, SysUtils //IntToStr etc ; { VERY fast split function this function returns part of a string based on constant defineable delimiters, such as ";". So SPLIT('this is a test ',' ',3) = 'is' or SPLIT('data;another;yet;again;more;',';',4) = 'yet' Split function shifts index integer by two to be compatible with commonly used PD split function gpl 2004 / Juhani Suhonen } class function TUtils.split(input: string; schar: Char; s: Integer): string; var c: array of Integer; b, t: Integer; begin Dec(s, 2); // for compatibility with very old & slow split function t := 0; // variable T needs to be initialized... setlength(c, Length(input)); for b := 0 to pred(High(c)) do begin c[b + 1] := posex(schar, input, succ(c[b])); // BREAK LOOP if posex looped (position before previous) // or wanted position reached.. if (c[b + 1] < c[b]) or (s < t) then break else Inc(t); end; Result := Copy(input, succ(c[s]), pred(c[s + 1] - c[s])); end; class function TUtils.Explode(var a: TStrArray; Border, S: string): Integer; var S2: string; begin Result := 0; S2 := S + Border; repeat SetLength(A, Length(A) + 1); a[Result] := Copy(S2, 0,Pos(Border, S2) - 1); Delete(S2, 1,Length(a[Result] + Border)); Inc(Result); until S2 = ''; end; class procedure TUtils.RoundCornerOf(Control: TWinControl); var R: TRect; Rgn: HRGN; begin with Control do begin R := ClientRect; // rgn := CreateRoundRectRgn(R.Left, R.Top, R.Right, R.Bottom, 20, 20) ; rgn := CreateRoundRectRgn(R.Left, R.Top, R.Right, R.Bottom, 25, 25) ; // rgn := CreateRoundRectRgn(R.Left, R.Top, R.Right, R.Bottom, 30, 30) ; Perform(EM_GETRECT, 0, lParam(@r)) ; InflateRect(r, - 4, - 4) ; Perform(EM_SETRECTNP, 0, lParam(@r)) ; SetWindowRgn(Handle, rgn, True) ; Invalidate; end; end; class function TUtils.BarCodeValid (ACode: string): boolean; var I: integer; SumOdd, SumEven: integer; ADigit, AChecksumDigit: integer; begin SumOdd := 0; SumEven := 0; for I := 1 to (Length (ACode) - 1) do begin ADigit := StrToIntDef (ACode [I], 0); if (I MOD 2 = 0) then begin SumEven := SumEven + ADigit; end else begin SumOdd := SumOdd + ADigit; end; {if} end; {for} AChecksumDigit := StrToIntDef (ACode [Length (ACode)], 0); Result := ((SumOdd*3 + SumEven + AChecksumDigit) MOD 10 = 0); end; {--BarCodeValid--} { used for EAN 8/13 } class function TUtils.CheckSumModulo10(const data:string):string; var i,fak,sum : Integer; begin sum := 0; fak := Length(data); for i:=1 to Length(data) do begin if (fak mod 2) = 0 then sum := sum + (StrToInt(data[i])*1) else sum := sum + (StrToInt(data[i])*3); dec(fak); end; if (sum mod 10) = 0 then result := data+'0' else result := data+IntToStr(10-(sum mod 10)); end; class function TUtils.TColorToHex(Color : TColor) : string; begin Result := IntToHex(GetRValue(Color), 2) + IntToHex(GetGValue(Color), 2) + IntToHex(GetBValue(Color), 2) ; end; class function TUtils.HexToTColor(sColor : string) : TColor; begin Result := RGB( StrToInt('$'+Copy(sColor, 1, 2)), StrToInt('$'+Copy(sColor, 3, 2)), StrToInt('$'+Copy(sColor, 5, 2)) ) ; end; end.