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Annotation of /dao/DelphiScanner/Components/tpsystools_4.04/source/StTxtDat.pas

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Revision 2671 - (hide annotations) (download)
Tue Aug 25 18:15:15 2015 UTC (8 years, 11 months ago) by torben
File size: 53142 byte(s)
Added tpsystools component
1 torben 2671 // Upgraded to Delphi 2009: Sebastian Zierer
3     (* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
4     * Version: MPL 1.1
5     *
6     * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
7     * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
8     * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
9     * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
10     *
11     * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
12     * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
13     * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
14     * License.
15     *
16     * The Original Code is TurboPower SysTools
17     *
18     * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
19     * TurboPower Software
20     *
21     * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1996-2002
22     * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
23     *
24     * Contributor(s):
25     *
26     * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
28     {*********************************************************}
29     {* SysTools: StTxtDat.pas 4.04 *}
30     {*********************************************************}
31     {* SysTools: Formatted Text Data Handling *}
32     {*********************************************************}
34     {$include StDefine.inc}
36     unit StTxtDat;
38     interface
39     uses
40     SysUtils, Classes, TypInfo, StConst, StBase, StStrms, StStrL;
42     const
43     StDefaultDelim = ',';
44     StDefaultQuote = '"';
45     StDefaultComment = ';';
46     StDefaultFixedSep = ' '; {!!.01}
47     StDefaultLineTerm = #13#10;
48     St_WhiteSpace = #8#9#10#13' '; {page feed, tab, LF, CR, space} {!!.01}
50     type
51     TStSchemaLayoutType = (ltUnknown, ltFixed, ltVarying);
52     TStSchemaFieldType = (sftUnknown, sftChar, sftFloat, sftNumber, sftBool, sftLongInt, sftDate, sftTime, sftTimeStamp);
53     TStOnQuoteFieldEvent = procedure (Sender : TObject; var Field : String) of object;
55     { Text Data Layout descriptors (Schemas)}
56     TStDataField = class
57     protected {private}
58     FFieldDecimals: Integer;
59     FFieldLen: Integer;
60     FFieldName: String;
61     FFieldOffset: Integer;
62     FFieldType: TStSchemaFieldType;
63     function GetAsString: String;
64     procedure SetFieldDecimals(const Value: Integer);
65     procedure SetFieldLen(const Value: Integer);
66     procedure SetFieldName(const Value: String);
67     procedure SetFieldOffset(const Value: Integer);
68     procedure SetFieldType(const Value: TStSchemaFieldType);
69     public
70     { properties }
71     property AsString : String read GetAsString;
72     property FieldDecimals: Integer read FFieldDecimals write SetFieldDecimals;
73     property FieldLen: Integer read FFieldLen write SetFieldLen;
74     property FieldName : String read FFieldName write SetFieldName;
75     property FieldOffset: Integer read FFieldOffset write SetFieldOffset;
76     property FieldType: TStSchemaFieldType read FFieldType write SetFieldType;
77     end;
80     TStDataFieldList = class
81     private
82     FList : TStringList;
83     protected {private}
84     function GetCount: Integer;
85     function GetField(Index: Integer): TStDataField;
86     function GetFieldByName(const FieldName: String): TStDataField;
87     procedure SetField(Index: Integer; const Value: TStDataField);
88     procedure SetFieldByName(const FieldName: String;
89     const Value: TStDataField);
90     public
91     constructor Create;
92     destructor Destroy; override;
94     { Access and Update Methods }
95     procedure AddField(const FieldName: String; FieldType: TStSchemaFieldType;
96     FieldLen, FieldDecimals, FieldOffset: Integer);
97     procedure AddFieldStr(const FieldDef : String);
98     procedure Clear;
99     procedure RemoveField(const FieldName: String);
101     { properties }
102     property Count : Integer read GetCount;
103     property Fields[Index : Integer] : TStDataField
104     read GetField write SetField; default;
105     property FieldByName[const FieldName: String] : TStDataField
106     read GetFieldByName write SetFieldByName;
107     end;
109     TStTextDataSchema = class
110     private
111     FCommentDelimiter: Char;
112     FFieldDelimiter: Char;
113     FLayoutType: TStSchemaLayoutType;
114     FLineTermChar : Char;
115     FLineTerminator : TStLineTerminator;
116     FQuoteDelimiter: Char;
117     FFixedSeparator : Char; {!!.01}
118     FSchema: TStrings;
119     FSchemaName: String;
120     dsFieldList : TStDataFieldList;
121     protected {private}
122     function GetCaptions: TStrings;
123     function GetField(Index: Integer): TStDataField;
124     function GetFieldByName(const FieldName: String): TStDataField;
125     function GetFieldCount: Integer;
126     function GetSchema: TStrings;
127     procedure SetCommentDelimiter(const Value: Char);
128     procedure SetField(Index: Integer; const Value: TStDataField);
129     procedure SetFieldByName(const FieldName: String; const Value: TStDataField);
130     procedure SetFieldDelimiter(const Value: Char);
131     procedure SetLayoutType(const Value: TStSchemaLayoutType);
132     procedure SetQuoteDelimiter(const Value: Char);
133     procedure SetFixedSeparator(const Value: Char); {!!.01}
134     procedure SetSchema(const Value: TStrings);
135     procedure SetSchemaName(const Value: String);
136     public
137     constructor Create;
138     destructor Destroy; override;
139     procedure Assign(ASchema : TStTextDataSchema);
141     { Access and Update Methods }
142     procedure AddField(const FieldName : String; FieldType : TStSchemaFieldType;
143     FieldLen, FieldDecimals : Integer);
144     function IndexOf(const FieldName : String) : Integer;
145     procedure RemoveField(const FieldName: String);
146     procedure Update(AList : TStrings); {!!.01}
147     procedure ClearFields; {!!.01}
148     procedure BuildSchema(AList: TStrings); {!!.01}
150     { Persistence and streaming methods }
151     procedure LoadFromFile(const AFileName : TFileName);
152     procedure LoadFromStream(AStream : TStream);
153     procedure SaveToFile(const AFileName : TFileName);
154     procedure SaveToStream(AStream : TStream);
156     { properties }
157     property Captions : TStrings
158     read GetCaptions;
159     property CommentDelimiter : Char
160     read FCommentDelimiter write SetCommentDelimiter default StDefaultComment;
161     property FieldByName[const FieldName: String] : TStDataField
162     read GetFieldByName write SetFieldByName;
163     property FieldCount : Integer
164     read GetFieldCount;
165     property FieldDelimiter : Char
166     read FFieldDelimiter write SetFieldDelimiter default StDefaultDelim;
167     property Fields[Index : Integer] : TStDataField
168     read GetField write SetField; default;
169     property LayoutType : TStSchemaLayoutType
170     read FLayoutType write SetLayoutType;
171     property LineTermChar : Char
172     read FLineTermChar write FLineTermChar default #0;
173     property LineTerminator : TStLineTerminator
174     read FLineTerminator write FLineTerminator default ltCRLF;
175     property QuoteDelimiter : Char
176     read FQuoteDelimiter write SetQuoteDelimiter default StDefaultQuote;
177     property FixedSeparator : Char {!!.01}
178     read FFixedSeparator write SetFixedSeparator default StDefaultFixedSep; {!!.01}
179     property Schema : TStrings
180     read GetSchema write SetSchema;
181     property SchemaName : String
182     read FSchemaName write SetSchemaName;
183     end;
185     { Text Data Records and Data Sets }
186     TStTextDataRecord = class
187     private
188     FFieldList: TStrings;
189     FQuoteAlways: Boolean;
190     FQuoteIfSpaces: Boolean;
191     FSchema: TStTextDataSchema;
192     FValue : String;
193     FOnQuoteField : TStOnQuoteFieldEvent;
194     protected {private}
195     function GetField(Index: Integer): String;
196     function GetFieldCount: Integer;
197     function GetFieldByName(const FieldName: String): String;
198     function GetFieldList: TStrings;
199     function GetValues: TStrings;
200     procedure SetField(Index: Integer; const NewValue: String);
201     procedure SetFieldByName(const FieldName: String; const NewValue: String);
202     procedure SetQuoteAlways(const Value: Boolean);
203     procedure SetQuoteIfSpaces(const Value: Boolean);
204     procedure SetSchema(const Value: TStTextDataSchema);
205     public
206     constructor Create;
207     destructor Destroy; override;
209     { Access and Update Methods }
210     procedure BuildRecord(Values: TStrings; var NewRecord: String); virtual;
211     function GetRecord : String; {!!.02}
212     procedure DoQuote(var Value: String); virtual;
213     procedure FillRecordFromArray(Values: array of const);
214     procedure FillRecordFromList(Items: TStrings);
215     procedure FillRecordFromValues(Values: TStrings);
216     procedure MakeEmpty; virtual;
218     { properties }
219     property AsString : String {!!.02}
220     // read FValue {write SetValue}; {!!.02}
221     read GetRecord;
222     property FieldByName[const FieldName : String] : String
223     read GetFieldByName write SetFieldByName;
224     property FieldCount : Integer
225     read GetFieldCount;
226     property FieldList : TStrings
227     read GetFieldList;
228     property Fields[Index : Integer] : String
229     read GetField write SetField;
230     property QuoteAlways : Boolean
231     read FQuoteAlways write SetQuoteAlways default False;
232     property QuoteIfSpaces : Boolean
233     read FQuoteIfSpaces write SetQuoteIfSpaces default False;
234     property Schema : TStTextDataSchema
235     read FSchema write SetSchema;
236     property Values : TStrings
237     read GetValues;
239     { events }
240     property OnQuoteField : TStOnQuoteFieldEvent
241     read FOnQuoteField write FOnQuoteField;
242     end;
244     TStTextDataRecordSet = class
245     private
246     FActive: Boolean;
247     FCurrentIndex : Integer;
248     FIsDirty: Boolean;
249     FRecords: TList;
250     FSchema: TStTextDataSchema;
251     FAtEndOfFile : Boolean; {!!.01}
252     FIgnoreStartingLines : Integer; {!!.02}
253     protected {private}
254     function GetCount: Integer;
255     function GetCurrentRecord: TStTextDataRecord;
256     function GetRecord(Index: Integer): TStTextDataRecord;
257     function GetSchema: TStTextDataSchema;
258     procedure SetActive(const Value: Boolean);
259     procedure SetCurrentRecord(const Value: TStTextDataRecord);
260     procedure SetRecord(Index: Integer; const Value: TStTextDataRecord);
261     procedure SetSchema(const Value: TStTextDataSchema);
263     public
264     constructor Create;
265     destructor Destroy; override;
267     { Access and Update Methods }
268     procedure Append;
269     procedure AppendArray(Values : array of const);
270     procedure AppendList(Items : TStrings);
271     procedure AppendValues(Values : TStrings);
272     procedure Clear;
273     procedure Delete;
274     procedure Insert(Index : Integer);
275     procedure InsertArray(Index: Integer; Values : array of const);
276     procedure InsertList(Index : Integer; Items : TStrings);
277     procedure InsertValues(Index : Integer; Values : TStrings);
279     { navigation methods }
280     function BOF : Boolean;
281     function EOF : Boolean;
282     procedure First;
283     procedure Last;
284     function Next : Boolean;
285     function Prior : Boolean;
287     { Persistence and streaming methods }
288     procedure LoadFromFile(const AFile : TFileName);
289     procedure LoadFromStream(AStream : TStream);
290     procedure SaveToFile(const AFile : TFileName);
291     procedure SaveToStream(AStream : TStream);
293     { properties }
294     property Active : Boolean
295     read FActive write SetActive;
296     property Count : Integer
297     read GetCount;
298     property CurrentRecord : TStTextDataRecord
299     read GetCurrentRecord write SetCurrentRecord;
300     property IsDirty : Boolean
301     read FIsDirty;
302     property Records[Index : Integer] : TStTextDataRecord
303     read GetRecord write SetRecord;
304     property Schema : TStTextDataSchema
305     read GetSchema write SetSchema;
306     property IgnoreStartingLines : Integer {!!.02}
307     read FIgnoreStartingLines write FIgnoreStartingLines default 0; {!!.02}
308     end;
310     procedure StParseLine(const Data : String; Schema : TStTextDataSchema; Result : TStrings);
311     function StFieldTypeToStr(FieldType : TStSchemaFieldType) : String;
312     function StStrToFieldType(const S : String) : TStSchemaFieldType;
313     function StDeEscape(const EscStr : String): Char;
314     function StDoEscape(Delim : Char): String;
315     function StTrimTrailingChars(const S : String; Trailer : Char) : String; {!!.01}
317     implementation
319     procedure StParseLine(const Data : String; Schema : TStTextDataSchema;
320     Result : TStrings);
321     { split a line of delimited data according to provided schema into
322     <name>=<value> pairs into Result }
323     var
324     DataLine : TStTextDataRecord;
325     ownSchema : Boolean;
326     begin
327     { need a valid TStrings to work with }
328     if not Assigned(Result) then Exit;
331     ownSchema := False;
332     { if no Schema to use passed in, create a default schema }
333     if not Assigned(Schema) then begin
334     Schema := TStTextDataSchema.Create;
335     ownSchema := True; { we made it we, s have to free it }
336     end;
338     DataLine := TStTextDataRecord.Create;
339     try
340     DataLine.Schema := Schema;
341     DataLine.FValue := Data;
342     Result.Assign(DataLine.FieldList);
343     finally
344     DataLine.Free;
345     { free the Schema if needed }
346     if ownSchema then
347     Schema.Free;
348     end;
349     end;
351     { TStDataField }
353     function StFieldTypeToStr(FieldType : TStSchemaFieldType) : String;
354     { convert TStSchemaFieldType enum into matching string for BDE schema }
355     begin
356     Result := '';
357     case FieldType of
358     sftChar : Result := 'CHAR';
359     sftFloat : Result := 'FLOAT';
360     sftNumber : Result := 'NUMBER';
361     sftBool : Result := 'BOOL';
362     sftLongInt : Result := 'LONGINT';
363     sftDate : Result := 'DATE';
364     sftTime : Result := 'TIME';
365     sftTimeStamp : Result := 'TIMESTAMP';
367     else
368     Result := '';
369     end;
370     end;
372     function StStrToFieldType(const S : String) : TStSchemaFieldType;
373     { convert string to TStSchemaFieldType constant }
374     var
375     Value : Integer;
376     begin
377     Value := GetEnumValue(TypeInfo(TStSchemaFieldType), S);
378     if Value > -1 then
379     Result := TStSchemaFieldType(Value)
380     else
381     Result := sftUnknown;
382     end;
384     {!!.01 - Added}
385     function StTrimTrailingChars(const S : String; Trailer : Char) : String;
386     {
387     Return a string with specified trailing character removed,
388     useful for cleanup of fixed data records
389     }
390     var
391     Len : LongInt;
392     begin
393     Result := S;
394     Len := Length(S);
395     while (Len > 0) and (Result[Len] = Trailer) do
396     Dec(Len);
397     SetLength(Result, Len);
398     end;
399     {!!.01 - End Added}
401     function TStDataField.GetAsString: String;
402     { build string representation of field to match BDE style }
403     {
404     Format :
405     <name>,<type>,<width>,<decimals>,<offset>
406     }
407     begin
408     Result := FFieldName + ',' + StFieldTypeToStr(FFieldType) + ',' +
409     { zero pad width, decimals, and offset to at least two places
410     to match BDE Schema formatting }
411     Format('%.2d,%.2d,%.2d', [FFieldLen, FFieldDecimals, FFieldOffset]);
412     end;
414     procedure TStDataField.SetFieldDecimals(const Value: Integer);
415     begin
416     FFieldDecimals := Value;
417     end;
419     procedure TStDataField.SetFieldLen(const Value: Integer);
420     begin
421     FFieldLen := Value;
422     end;
424     procedure TStDataField.SetFieldName(const Value: String);
425     begin
426     FFieldName := Value;
427     end;
429     procedure TStDataField.SetFieldOffset(const Value: Integer);
430     begin
431     FFieldOffset := Value;
432     end;
434     procedure TStDataField.SetFieldType(const Value: TStSchemaFieldType);
435     begin
436     FFieldType := Value;
437     end;
440     { TStDataFieldList }
442     function CharPosIdx(C: Char; const S : String; Idx: Integer): Integer;
443     { Find leftmost occurrence of character C in string S past location Idx }
444     {
445     If C not found returns 0
446     }
447     var
448     Len : Integer;
449     begin
450     Len := Length(S);
451     if (Idx > Len) or (Idx < 1) then begin
452     Result := 0;
453     Exit;
454     end;
456     Result := Idx;
457     while (Result <= Len) and (S[Result] <> C) do
458     Inc(Result);
459     if Result > Len then
460     Result := 0;
461     end;
463     procedure SplitFieldStr(const Source: String; var Name: String;
464     var FieldType: TStSchemaFieldType; var ValLen, Decimals, Offset: Integer);
465     { split field description string according to BDE Schema layout }
466     {
467     Format :
468     <name>,<type>,<width>,<decimals>,<offset>
469     }
470     var
471     CommaPos, LastPos : Cardinal;
472     TempS : String;
473     begin
474     CommaPos := 1;
475     LastPos := CommaPos;
476     CommaPos := CharPosIdx(',', Source, CommaPos);
477     if CommaPos = 0 then CommaPos := Length(Source) + 1;
478     Name := Copy(Source, LastPos, CommaPos - LastPos);
480     Inc(CommaPos);
481     LastPos := CommaPos;
482     CommaPos := CharPosIdx(',', Source, CommaPos);
483     if CommaPos = 0 then CommaPos := Length(Source) + 1;
484     TempS := Copy(Source, LastPos, CommaPos - LastPos);
485     FieldType := StStrToFieldType('sft' + TempS);
487     Inc(CommaPos);
488     LastPos := CommaPos;
489     CommaPos := CharPosIdx(',', Source, CommaPos);
490     if CommaPos = 0 then CommaPos := Length(Source) + 1;
491     ValLen := StrToInt(Copy(Source, LastPos, CommaPos - LastPos));
493     Inc(CommaPos);
494     LastPos := CommaPos;
495     CommaPos := CharPosIdx(',', Source, CommaPos);
496     if CommaPos = 0 then CommaPos := Length(Source) + 1;
497     Decimals := StrToInt(Copy(Source, LastPos, CommaPos - LastPos));
499     Inc(CommaPos);
500     LastPos := CommaPos;
501     CommaPos := CharPosIdx(',', Source, CommaPos);
502     if CommaPos = 0 then CommaPos := Length(Source) + 1;
503     Offset := StrToInt(Copy(Source, LastPos, CommaPos - LastPos));
504     end;
506     constructor TStDataFieldList.Create;
507     begin
508     inherited Create;
509     FList := TStringList.Create;
510     end;
512     destructor TStDataFieldList.Destroy;
513     begin
514     FList.Free;
515     inherited Destroy;
516     end;
518     procedure TStDataFieldList.AddField(const FieldName: String;
519     FieldType: TStSchemaFieldType; FieldLen, FieldDecimals, FieldOffset: Integer);
520     var
521     Item : TStDataField;
522     Idx : Integer;
523     begin
524     { see if another field with the name exists }
525     Idx := FList.IndexOf(FieldName);
526     if (Idx > -1) then
527     raise EStException.CreateResTP(stscTxtDatUniqueNameRequired, 0);
529     { build new item }
530     Item := TStDataField.Create;
531     try
532     Item.FieldName := FieldName;
533     Item.FieldType := FieldType;
534     Item.FieldLen := FieldLen;
535     Item.FieldDecimals := FieldDecimals;
536     Item.FieldOffset := FieldOffset;
538     { add to list }
539     FList.AddObject(FieldName, Item);
540     except
541     Item.Free;
542     end;
543     end;
545     procedure TStDataFieldList.AddFieldStr(const FieldDef: String);
546     var
547     Name: String;
548     FieldType: TStSchemaFieldType;
549     ValLen, Decimals, Offset: Integer;
550     begin
551     SplitFieldStr(FieldDef, Name, FieldType, ValLen, Decimals, Offset);
552     AddField(Name, FieldType, ValLen, Decimals, Offset);
553     end;
555     procedure TStDataFieldList.Clear;
556     var
557     Idx : Integer;
558     begin
559     for Idx := Pred(FList.Count) downto 0 do begin
560     { Free associated object and then delete the StringList entry }
561     FList.Objects[Idx].Free;
562     FList.Delete(Idx);
563     end;
564     end;
566     procedure TStDataFieldList.RemoveField(const FieldName: String);
567     var
568     Idx : Integer;
569     begin
570     { locate field }
571     Idx := FList.IndexOf(FieldName);
573     { if it exists }
574     if Idx > -1 then begin
575     { Free associated object and then delete the StringList entry }
576     FList.Objects[Idx].Free;
577     FList.Delete(Idx);
578     end
579     else
580     { no such field, complain... }
581     raise EStException.CreateResTP(stscTxtDatNoSuchField, 0);
582     end;
584     function TStDataFieldList.GetFieldByName(
585     const FieldName: String): TStDataField;
586     var
587     Idx : Integer;
588     begin
589     { locate field }
590     Idx := FList.IndexOf(FieldName);
592     { if it exists }
593     if Idx > -1 then begin
594     { return associated object }
595     Result := TStDataField(FList.Objects[Idx]);
596     end
597     else
598     { no such field, complain... }
599     raise EStException.CreateResTP(stscTxtDatNoSuchField, 0);
600     end;
602     function TStDataFieldList.GetField(Index: Integer): TStDataField;
603     { return requested field if in range }
604     begin
605     if (Index > -1) and (Index < FList.Count) then
606     Result := TStDataField(FList.Objects[Index])
607     else
608     { no such field, complain... }
609     raise EStException.CreateResTP(stscBadIndex, 0);
610     end;
612     procedure TStDataFieldList.SetFieldByName(const FieldName: String;
613     const Value: TStDataField);
614     var
615     Idx : Integer;
616     begin
617     { see if another field with the name exists }
618     Idx := FList.IndexOf(FieldName);
620     { delete field at that index replace with new field }
621     if (Idx > -1) then begin
622     FList.Objects[Idx].Free;
623     FList.Objects[Idx] := Value;
624     end
625     else
626     { no such field, complain... }
627     raise EStException.CreateResTP(stscTxtDatNoSuchField, 0);
628     end;
630     procedure TStDataFieldList.SetField(Index: Integer;
631     const Value: TStDataField);
632     var
633     Idx : Integer;
634     begin
635     { see if another field with the name exists }
636     Idx := FList.IndexOf(Value.FieldName);
637     if (Idx > -1) and (Idx <> Index) then
638     raise EStException.CreateResTP(stscTxtDatUniqueNameRequired, 0);
640     { delete field at that index replace with new field }
641     if (Index > -1) and (Index < FList.Count) then begin
642     RemoveField(FList[Index]);
643     FList.InsertObject(Index, Value.FieldName, Value);
644     end else
645     { no such field, complain... }
646     raise EStException.CreateResTP(stscBadIndex, 0);
647     end;
650     function TStDataFieldList.GetCount: Integer;
651     { return count of maintained Field Items }
652     begin
653     Result := FList.Count;
654     end;
657     { TStTextDataSchema }
659     constructor TStTextDataSchema.Create;
660     begin
661     inherited Create;
663     { set default values }
664     FFieldDelimiter := StDefaultDelim;
665     FQuoteDelimiter := StDefaultQuote;
666     FCommentDelimiter := StDefaultComment;
667     FFixedSeparator := StDefaultFixedSep; {!!.01}
668     FLineTermChar := #0;
669     FLineTerminator := ltCRLF;
670     FLayoutType := ltUnknown;
672     { create internal instances }
673     dsFieldList := TStDataFieldList.Create;
674     FSchema := TStringList.Create;
675     end;
677     destructor TStTextDataSchema.Destroy;
678     begin
679     { clean up the fields list }
680     dsFieldList.Clear;
682     { free internal instances }
683     dsFieldList.Free;
684     FSchema.Free;
686     inherited Destroy;
687     end;
689     procedure TStTextDataSchema.AddField(const FieldName : String;
690     FieldType : TStSchemaFieldType; FieldLen, FieldDecimals : Integer);
691     { add new field with requested characteristics }
692     var
693     Offset : Integer;
694     LastField : TStDataField;
695     begin
696     { calculate the offset based on the length and offset of previous fields }
697     if dsFieldList.Count > 0 then begin
698     LastField := dsFieldList.Fields[Pred(dsFieldList.Count)];
699     Offset := LastField.FieldOffset + LastField.FieldLen;
700     end
701     else
702     Offset := 0;
704     dsFieldList.AddField(FieldName, FieldType, FieldLen, FieldDecimals, Offset);
705     end;
707     procedure TStTextDataSchema.Assign(ASchema: TStTextDataSchema);
708     { deep copy another schema }
709     var
710     i : Integer;
711     begin
712     if not Assigned(ASchema) then Exit;
714     { copy properties }
715     FLayoutType := ASchema.LayoutType;
716     FFieldDelimiter := ASchema.FieldDelimiter;
717     FCommentDelimiter := ASchema.CommentDelimiter;
718     FQuoteDelimiter := ASchema.QuoteDelimiter;
719     FSchemaName := ASchema.SchemaName;
720     FLineTermChar := ASchema.LineTermChar;
721     FLineTerminator := ASchema.LineTerminator;
723     { copy fields }
724     dsFieldList.Clear;
725     for i := 0 to Pred(ASchema.FieldCount) do
726     dsFieldList.AddFieldStr(ASchema.Fields[i].AsString);
727     end;
729     {!!.01 -- Added }
730     procedure TStTextDataSchema.BuildSchema(AList : TStrings);
731     var
732     i : Integer;
733     Field : TStDataField;
734     begin
735     { put schema name in brackets }
736     AList.Add('[' + FSchemaName + ']');
738     { layout type }
739     if FLayoutType = ltVarying then begin
740     AList.Add('FileType=VARYING');
741     AList.Add('Separator=' + StDoEscape(FFieldDelimiter));
742     end
743     else begin
744     AList.Add('FileType=FIXED');
745     AList.Add('Separator=' + StDoEscape(FFixedSeparator));
746     end;
748     { other parameters }
749     AList.Add('Delimiter=' + StDoEscape(FQuoteDelimiter));
750     AList.Add('Comment=' + StDoEscape(FCommentDelimiter));
751     AList.Add('CharSet=ASCII');
753     { write fields }
754     for i := 0 to Pred(dsFieldList.Count) do begin
755     Field := dsFieldList.Fields[i];
756     AList.Add('Field' + IntToStr(i + 1) + '=' + Field.AsString);
757     end;
758     end;
759     {!!.01 -- End Added }
761     {!!.01 -- Added }
762     procedure TStTextDataSchema.ClearFields;
763     { remove field definitions from schema }
764     var
765     i : Integer;
766     begin
767     dsFieldList.Clear;
768     for i := Pred(FSchema.Count) downto 0 do
769     if Pos('Field', Trim(FSchema[i])) = 1 then
770     FSchema.Delete(i);
771     end;
772     {!!.01 -- End Added }
774     function TStTextDataSchema.GetCaptions: TStrings;
775     begin
776     Result := dsFieldList.FList;
777     end;
779     function TStTextDataSchema.GetFieldByName(const FieldName: String): TStDataField;
780     begin
781     Result := dsFieldList.FieldByName[FieldName];
782     end;
784     function TStTextDataSchema.GetFieldCount: Integer;
785     begin
786     Result := dsFieldList.Count;
787     end;
789     function TStTextDataSchema.GetField(Index: Integer): TStDataField;
790     begin
791     Result := dsFieldList.Fields[Index];
792     end;
794     {!!.01 -- Added }
795     function TStTextDataSchema.GetSchema: TStrings;
796     begin
797     FSchema.Clear;
798     BuildSchema(FSchema);
799     Result := FSchema;
800     end;
801     {!!.01 -- End Added }
803     function TStTextDataSchema.IndexOf(const FieldName : String): Integer;
804     { return index of field with provided name, returns -1 if no such field is found }
805     begin
806     Result := 0;
807     while (Result < dsFieldList.Count) and
808     // (dsFieldList.Fields[Result].FieldName <> FieldName) do {!!.01}
809     (AnsiCompareText(dsFieldList.Fields[Result].FieldName, {!!.01}
810     FieldName) <> 0) {!!.01}
811     do {!!.01}
812     Inc(Result);
813     if Result >= dsFieldList.Count then
814     Result := -1; { not found }
815     end;
817     procedure TStTextDataSchema.LoadFromFile(const AFileName: TFileName);
818     var
819     FS : TFileStream;
820     begin
821     FS := TFileStream.Create(AFileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone);
822     try
823     LoadFromStream(FS);
824     finally
825     FS.Free;
826     end;
827     end;
829     function StDoEscape(Delim : Char): String;
830     {
831     Escapes non-printable characters to Borlandish Pascal "#nnn" constants
832     }
833     begin
834     if Delim in [#33..#126, #128..#255] then
835     Result := Delim
836     else
837     Result := '#' + IntToStr(Ord(Delim));
838     end;
841     function StDeEscape(const EscStr : String): Char;
842     {
843     converts "escaped" strings of the forms:
844     "#nn" Borlandish Pascal numeric character constants
845     ^l Borlandish Pascal control character constants
846     into equivalent characters, "##" is treated as the '#' character alone
848     if the string doesn't constitute such an escape sequence, the first
849     character is returned
850     }
851     var
852     S : String;
853     C : Char;
854     ChrVal : Byte;
855     begin
856     S := Trim(EscStr);
858     { if string doesn't start with escape or it's only one character long
859     just return first character }
860     if (Length(S) = 1) or ((S[1] <> '#') and (S[1] <> '^')) then begin
861     Result := S[1];
862     Exit;
863     end;
865     { treat '##' as escape for '#' and '^^' as escape for '^' }
866     if ((S[1] = '#') and (S[2] = '#')) or
867     ((S[1] = '^') and (S[2] = '^')) then
868     begin
869     Result := '#';
870     Exit;
871     end;
873     { otherwise try to handle escaped character }
874     case S[1] of
875     '#':begin
876     ChrVal := StrToIntDef(Copy(S, 2,Length(S)-1), Ord(StDefaultDelim));
877     if Chr(ChrVal) in [#1..#126] then
878     Result := Chr(ChrVal)
879     else
880     Result := StDefaultDelim;
881     end;
883     '^': begin { control character format }
884     C := Chr(Ord(S[2]) - $40);
885     if C in [^A..^_] then
886     Result := C
887     else
888     Result := StDefaultDelim;
889     end;
891     else
892     Result := S[1];
893     end; {case}
894     end;
896     procedure TStTextDataSchema.LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream);
897     var
898     TS : TStAnsiTextStream;
899     begin
900     TS := TStAnsiTextStream.Create(AStream);
901     try
902     FSchema.Clear; {!!.01}
903     while not TS.AtEndOfStream do
904     FSchema.Add(TS.ReadLine);
905     { code to extract Schema properties moved to Update routine } {!!.01}
906     Update(FSchema); {!!.01}
908     finally
909     TS.Free;
910     end;
911     end;
913     procedure TStTextDataSchema.RemoveField(const FieldName: String);
914     begin
915     dsFieldList.RemoveField(FieldName);
916     end;
918     procedure TStTextDataSchema.SaveToFile(const AFileName: TFileName);
919     var
920     FS : TFileStream;
921     begin
922     if not FileExists(AFileName) then begin
923     FS := TFileStream.Create(AFileName, fmCreate);
924     FS.Free;
925     end;
927     if FSchemaName = '' then
928     FSchemaName := JustNameL(AFileName);
930     FS := TFileStream.Create(AFileName, fmOpenWrite or fmShareDenyNone);
932     try
933     SaveToStream(FS);
934     finally
935     FS.Free;
936     end;
937     end;
940     {
941     General format of a Schema file, based on BDE ASCII driver schema files:
943     ; this is a comment
944     [NAME]
945     Filetype=<VARYING>|<FIXED>
946     Separator=char (default = ',' comma)
947     Delimiter=char (default = '"' double quote)
948     FieldN=<FieldName>,<FieldType>,<FieldWidth>,<FieldDecimals>,<FieldOffset>
949     ; example fields:
950     Field1=Name,CHAR,20,00,00
951     Field2=Rating,CHAR,2,00,20
952     Field3=Date,DATE,10,00,22
953     Field4=Weight,Float,7,2,32
954     }
956     {!!.01 -- Rewritten}
957     procedure TStTextDataSchema.SaveToStream(AStream: TStream);
958     var
959     TS : TStAnsiTextStream;
960     i : Integer;
961     SL : TStringList;
962     begin
963     SL := nil;
964     TS := nil;
966     try
967     SL := TStringList.Create;
968     BuildSchema(SL);
970     TS := TStAnsiTextStream.Create(AStream);
971     for i := 0 to Pred(SL.Count) do
972     TS.WriteLine(SL[i]);
974     finally
975     TS.Free;
976     SL.Free;
977     end;
978     end;
979     {!!.01 -- End Rewritten}
981     procedure TStTextDataSchema.SetCommentDelimiter(const Value: Char);
982     begin
983     FCommentDelimiter := Value;
984     end;
986     procedure TStTextDataSchema.SetFieldByName(const FieldName: String;
987     const Value: TStDataField);
988     begin
989     dsFieldList.FieldByName[FieldName] := Value;
990     end;
992     procedure TStTextDataSchema.SetFieldDelimiter(const Value: Char);
993     begin
994     FFieldDelimiter := Value;
995     end;
997     procedure TStTextDataSchema.SetField(Index: Integer;
998     const Value: TStDataField);
999     begin
1000     dsFieldList.Fields[Index] := Value;
1001     end;
1003     {!!.01 -- Added }
1004     procedure TStTextDataSchema.SetFixedSeparator(const Value: Char);
1005     begin
1006     FFixedSeparator := Value;
1007     end;
1008     {!!.01 -- End Added }
1010     procedure TStTextDataSchema.SetLayoutType(const Value: TStSchemaLayoutType);
1011     begin
1012     FLayoutType := Value;
1013     end;
1015     procedure TStTextDataSchema.SetQuoteDelimiter(const Value: Char);
1016     begin
1017     FQuoteDelimiter := Value;
1018     end;
1020     procedure TStTextDataSchema.SetSchema(const Value: TStrings);
1021     begin
1022     FSchema.Assign(Value); {!!.01}
1023     Update(FSchema); {!!.01}
1024     end;
1026     procedure TStTextDataSchema.SetSchemaName(const Value: String);
1027     begin
1028     FSchemaName := Value;
1029     end;
1031     {!!.01 -- Added }
1032     procedure TStTextDataSchema.Update(AList : TStrings);
1033     var
1034     ValStr : String;
1035     Idx : Integer;
1036     begin
1037     for Idx := 0 to Pred(AList.Count) do begin
1038     ValStr := AList[Idx];
1040     { if line isn't blank }
1041     if ValStr <> '' then begin
1043     { assume it's the schema name }
1044     if (ValStr[1] = '[') and (ValStr[Length(ValStr)] = ']') then
1045     SchemaName := Copy(ValStr, 2, Length(ValStr) - 2)
1046     else
1047     { assume the line is a comment }
1048     if ValStr[1] = FCommentDelimiter {';'} then
1049     { ignore it };
1050     { else, it's blank, so skip it }
1051     end;
1053     end;
1055     { extract other Schema Info }
1056     { get layout type }
1057     ValStr := AList.Values['Filetype'];
1058     if UpperCase(ValStr) = 'VARYING' then
1059     FLayoutType := ltVarying
1060     else
1061     if UpperCase(ValStr) = 'FIXED' then
1062     FLayoutType := ltFixed
1063     else
1064     FLayoutType := ltUnknown;
1066     { get field separator for schema }
1067     ValStr := AList.Values['Separator'];
1068     if Length(ValStr) > 0 then
1069     FFieldDelimiter := StDeEscape(ValStr)
1070     else
1071     case FLayoutType of {!!.01}
1072     ltFixed : FFieldDelimiter := StDefaultFixedSep; {!!.01}
1073     ltVarying: FFieldDelimiter := StDefaultDelim; {!!.01}
1074     end; {!!.01}
1076     { get quote delimiter for schema }
1077     ValStr := AList.Values['Delimiter'];
1078     if Length(ValStr) > 0 then
1079     FQuoteDelimiter := StDeEscape(ValStr)
1080     else
1081     FQuoteDelimiter := StDefaultQuote;
1083     { get quote delimiter for schema }
1084     ValStr := AList.Values['Comment'];
1085     if Length(ValStr) > 0 then
1086     FCommentDelimiter := StDeEscape(ValStr)
1087     else
1088     FCommentDelimiter := StDefaultQuote;
1090     { build fields list }
1091     Idx := 1;
1092     dsFieldList.Clear;
1093     ValStr := AList.Values['Field' + IntToStr(Idx)];
1094     while ValStr <> '' do begin
1095     dsFieldList.AddFieldStr(ValStr);
1096     Inc(Idx);
1097     ValStr := AList.Values['Field' + IntToStr(Idx)];
1098     end;
1099     end;
1100     {!!.01 -- End Added }
1103     { TStTextDataRecord }
1105     constructor TStTextDataRecord.Create;
1106     begin
1107     inherited Create;
1109     { set default values }
1110     FValue := '';
1111     FQuoteAlways := False;
1112     FQuoteIfSpaces := False;
1114     { create internal instances }
1115     FFieldList := TStringList.Create;
1116     end;
1118     destructor TStTextDataRecord.Destroy;
1119     begin
1120     { free internal instances }
1121     FFieldList.Free;
1123     inherited Destroy;
1124     end;
1126     procedure TStTextDataRecord.BuildRecord(Values : TStrings; var NewRecord : String);
1127     { re-construct record structure from list of field values }
1128     var
1129     i : Integer;
1130     Temp : String;
1131     begin
1132     NewRecord := '';
1134     for i := 0 to Pred(Values.Count) do begin
1135     Temp := Values[i];
1137     { re-quote value if needed }
1138     DoQuote(Temp);
1140     { add value onto record }
1141     if i = 0 then
1142     NewRecord := Temp
1143     else
1144     NewRecord := NewRecord + FSchema.FieldDelimiter + Temp;
1145     end;
1146     end;
1148     procedure TStTextDataRecord.DoQuote(var Value : String);
1149     { quote field string if needed or desired }
1150     var
1151     QuoteIt : Boolean;
1152     begin
1153     { fire event if available }
1154     if Assigned(FOnQuoteField) then begin
1155     FOnQuoteField(self, Value);
1156     end
1157     else begin { use default quoting policy }
1158     QuoteIt := False;
1159     if FQuoteAlways then
1160     QuoteIt := True
1161     else
1162     if ((Pos(' ', Value) > 0) and FQuoteIfSpaces)
1163     or (Pos(FSchema.FieldDelimiter, Value) > 0)
1164     then
1165     QuoteIt := True;
1167     if QuoteIt then
1168     Value := FSchema.QuoteDelimiter + Value + FSchema.QuoteDelimiter;
1169     end;
1170     end;
1172     function ConvertValue(Value : TVarRec) : String;
1173     { convert variant record to equivalent string }
1174     const
1175     BoolChars: array[Boolean] of Char = ('F', 'T');
1176     begin
1177     case Value.VType of
1178     vtAnsiString: Result := AnsiString(Value.VAnsiString);
1179     {$IFDEF UNICODE}
1180     vtUnicodeString: Result := UnicodeString(Value.VUnicodeString);
1181     vtWideString: Result := WideString(Value.VWideString);
1182     {$ENDIF}
1183     vtBoolean: Result := BoolChars[Value.VBoolean];
1184     vtChar: Result := Value.VChar;
1185     vtCurrency: Result := CurrToStr(Value.VCurrency^);
1186     vtExtended: Result := FloatToStr(Value.VExtended^);
1187     vtInteger: Result := IntToStr(Value.VInteger);
1188     vtPChar: Result := Value.VPChar;
1189     vtString: Result := Value.VString^;
1190     {$IFDEF VERSION4}
1191     vtInt64: Result := IntToStr(Value.VInt64^);
1192     {$ENDIF VERSION4}
1193     else
1194     raise EStException.CreateResTP(stscTxtDatUnhandledVariant, 0);
1195     end;
1196     end;
1198     procedure TStTextDataRecord.FillRecordFromArray(Values : array of const);
1199     { supply field values from a variant open array }
1200     var
1201     i, j : Integer;
1202     begin
1203     {$IFDEF Version4}
1204     if Length(Values) > 0 then begin
1205     {$ENDIF}
1206     i := 0;
1207     j := Low(Values);
1208     while (j <= High(Values)) and (i < Schema.FieldCount) do begin
1209     SetField(i, ConvertValue(Values[j]));
1210     Inc(i);
1211     Inc(j);
1212     end;
1213     {$IFDEF Version4}
1214     end;
1215     {$ENDIF}
1216     end;
1218     procedure TStTextDataRecord.FillRecordFromList(Items : TStrings);
1219     { supply field values from <name>=<value> pairs }
1220     {
1221     Fields filled from pairs provided in TStrings
1222     <NAME> entries in Items that don't match Field Names are ignored
1223     Fields with Names having no corresponding entry in Items are left empty
1224     }
1225     var
1226     i : Integer;
1227     FN : String;
1228     begin
1229     if Assigned(Items) then begin
1230     for i := 0 to Pred(Schema.FieldCount) do begin
1231     FN := Schema.Fields[i].FieldName;
1232     FieldByName[FN] := Items.Values[FN];
1233     end;
1234     end;
1235     end;
1237     procedure TStTextDataRecord.FillRecordFromValues(Values : TStrings);
1238     { supply field values from a list of values }
1239     {
1240     Fields filled from Values provided in TStrings
1241     if more Values than Fields, extras are ignored
1242     if fewer Values than Fields, remaining Fields are left empty
1243     }
1244     var
1245     i : Integer;
1246     begin
1247     if Assigned(Values) then begin
1248     i := 0;
1249     while (i < Values.Count) and (i < Schema.FieldCount) do begin
1250     SetField(i, Values[i]);
1251     Inc(i);
1252     end;
1253     end;
1254     end;
1257     function TStTextDataRecord.GetFieldByName(const FieldName: String): String;
1258     { retrieve value of field in current record with given name }
1259     var
1260     Idx : Integer;
1261     begin
1262     Result := '';
1263     Idx := FSchema.IndexOf(FieldName);
1264     if Idx > -1 then
1265     Result := GetField(Idx)
1266     else
1267     raise EStException.CreateResTP(stscTxtDatNoSuchField, 0);
1268     end;
1270     function TStTextDataRecord.GetField(Index: Integer): String;
1271     { retrieve value of field in current record at given index }
1272     var
1273     Len, Offset: Integer;
1274     DataField : TStDataField;
1275     Fields : TStringList;
1276     begin
1277     if (Index < -1) or (Index > Pred(FSchema.FieldCount)) then
1278     raise EStException.CreateResTP(stscBadIndex, 0);
1280     { get characteristics of the field of interest }
1281     DataField := FSchema.Fields[Index];
1282     Len := DataField.FieldLen;
1283     { Decimals := DataField.FieldDecimals; }
1284     Offset := DataField.FFieldOffset;
1287     { extract field data from record }
1288     case FSchema.LayoutType of
1289     ltFixed : begin
1290     { note: Offset is zero based, strings are 1 based } {!!.01}
1291     Result := Copy(FValue, Offset + 1, Len); {!!.01}
1292     end;
1294     ltVarying : begin
1295     Fields := TStringList.Create;
1296     try
1297     ExtractTokensL(FValue, FSchema.FieldDelimiter, FSchema.QuoteDelimiter,
1298     True, Fields);
1299     Result := Fields[Index];
1300     finally
1301     Fields.Free;
1302     end;
1303     end;
1305     ltUnknown : begin
1306     raise EStException.CreateResTP(stscTxtDatInvalidSchema, 0);
1307     end;
1308     end; {case}
1309     end;
1311     function TStTextDataRecord.GetFieldCount: Integer;
1312     begin
1313     GetFieldList; {!!.02}
1314     Result := FFieldList.Count;
1315     end;
1317     function TStTextDataRecord.GetFieldList: TStrings;
1318     { convert fields of current record into TStrings collection
1319     of <name>=<value> pairs }
1320     var
1321     i : Integer;
1322     FN : String;
1323     begin
1324     FFieldList.Clear;
1326     for i := 0 to Pred(FSchema.FieldCount) do begin
1327     FN := FSchema.Fields[i].FieldName;
1328     FFieldList.Add(FN + '=' + FieldByName[FN]);
1329     end;
1331     Result := FFieldList;
1332     end;
1334     function TStTextDataRecord.GetValues: TStrings;
1335     var
1336     i : Integer;
1337     FN : String;
1338     begin
1339     FFieldList.Clear;
1341     for i := 0 to Pred(FSchema.FieldCount) do begin
1342     FN := FSchema.Fields[i].FieldName;
1343     FFieldList.Add(FieldByName[FN]);
1344     end;
1346     Result := FFieldList;
1347     end;
1349     procedure TStTextDataRecord.MakeEmpty;
1350     { create an empty record according to schema layout }
1351     var
1352     i, Width, FieldPos : Integer;
1353     begin
1354     case FSchema.LayoutType of
1355     { string of spaces, length equal to total record width }
1356     ltFixed: begin
1357     Width := 0;
1358     for i := 0 to Pred(FSchema.FieldCount) do begin {!!.01}
1359     FieldPos := FSchema.Fields[i].FieldLen + {!!.01}
1360     FSchema.Fields[i].FieldOffset + 1; {!!.01}
1361     if Width < FieldPos then {!!.01}
1362     Width := FieldPos; {!!.01}
1363     end; {!!.01}
1364     FValue := StringOfChar(FSchema.FixedSeparator, Width); {!!.01}
1365     end;
1367     { string of field separators, length equal to one less than no. of fields }
1368     ltVarying: begin
1369     FValue := StringOfChar(FSchema.FieldDelimiter, Pred(FSchema.FieldCount));
1370     end;
1372     ltUnknown : begin
1373     raise EStException.CreateResTP(stscTxtDatInvalidSchema, 0);
1374     end;
1375     end;
1376     end;
1378     procedure TStTextDataRecord.SetFieldByName(const FieldName: String;
1379     const NewValue: String);
1380     { set value of field in current record with given name }
1381     var
1382     Idx : Integer;
1383     begin
1384     Idx := FSchema.IndexOf(FieldName);
1385     if Idx > -1 then
1386     SetField(Idx, NewValue)
1387     else
1388     raise EStException.CreateResTP(stscTxtDatNoSuchField, 0);
1389     end;
1391     procedure TStTextDataRecord.SetField(Index: Integer;
1392     const NewValue: String);
1393     { set value of field in current record at given index }
1394     var
1395     Len, Offset: Integer;
1396     Temp, FieldVal : String;
1397     Fields : TStringList;
1398     Idx : Integer;
1399     DataField : TStDataField;
1400     begin
1401     if (Index < -1) or (Index > Pred(FSchema.FieldCount)) then
1402     raise EStException.CreateResTP(stscBadIndex, 0);
1404     { get characteristics of the field of interest }
1405     DataField := FSchema.Fields[Index];
1406     Len := DataField.FieldLen;
1407     Offset := DataField.FFieldOffset;
1409     Temp := '';
1411     case FSchema.LayoutType of
1412     ltFixed : begin
1413     for Idx := 0 to Pred(FSchema.FieldCount) do begin
1414     if Idx = Index then begin
1415     { replace field with Value right buffered or trimmed to to fit field length }
1416     if Length(NewValue) < Len then
1417     FieldVal := PadChL(NewValue, FSchema.FFixedSeparator, Len) {!!.01}
1418     else
1419     FieldVal := Copy(NewValue, 1, Len);
1421     { note: Offset is zero based, strings are 1 based }
1422     Move(FieldVal[1], FValue[Offset + 1], Len * SizeOf(Char));
1423     end;
1424     end;
1425     end;
1427     ltVarying : begin
1428     Fields := TStringList.Create;
1429     try
1430     { parse out the field values }
1431     ExtractTokensL(FValue, FSchema.FFieldDelimiter, {!!.01}
1432     FSchema.QuoteDelimiter, True, Fields); {!!.01}
1435     {!!.02 - rewritten }
1436     // { find field of interest }
1437     // for Idx := 0 to Pred(FSchema.FieldCount) do begin
1438     // if Idx = Index then
1439     // { set the new value }
1440     // Fields[Idx] := NewValue;
1442     { set field of interest }
1443     Fields[Index] := NewValue;
1445     { reconstruct the record }
1446     BuildRecord(Fields, FValue);
1447     // end;
1448     {!!.02 - rewritten end }
1450     finally
1451     Fields.Free;
1452     end;
1453     end;
1455     ltUnknown : begin
1456     raise EStException.CreateResTP(stscTxtDatInvalidSchema, 0);
1457     end;
1458     end; {case}
1459     end;
1461     procedure TStTextDataRecord.SetQuoteAlways(const Value: Boolean);
1462     begin
1463     FQuoteAlways := Value;
1464     end;
1466     procedure TStTextDataRecord.SetQuoteIfSpaces(const Value: Boolean);
1467     begin
1468     FQuoteIfSpaces := Value;
1469     end;
1471     procedure TStTextDataRecord.SetSchema(const Value: TStTextDataSchema);
1472     begin
1473     FSchema := Value;
1474     end;
1476     {!!.02 - Added }
1477     function TStTextDataRecord.GetRecord: String;
1478     var
1479     Idx : Integer;
1480     Field : String;
1481     begin
1482     Result := '';
1483     for Idx := 0 to (FSchema.FieldCount - 2) do begin
1484     Field := self.Fields[Idx];
1485     DoQuote(Field);
1486     Result := Result + Field + FSchema.FFieldDelimiter;
1487     end;
1488     Field := self.Fields[FSchema.FieldCount-1];
1489     DoQuote(Field);
1490     Result := Result + Field;
1491     end;
1492     {!!.02 - End Added }
1494     { TStTextDataRecordSet }
1496     (*
1497     TStLineTerminator = ( {possible line terminators...}
1498     ltNone, {..no terminator, ie fixed length lines}
1499     ltCR, {..carriage return (#13)}
1500     ltLF, {..line feed (#10)}
1501     ltCRLF, {..carriage return/line feed (#13/#10)}
1502     ltOther); {..another character}
1503     *)
1505     constructor TStTextDataRecordSet.Create;
1506     begin
1507     inherited Create;
1508     FCurrentIndex := 0;
1509     FRecords := TList.Create;
1510     FIsDirty := False;
1511     FAtEndOfFile := False; {!!.01}
1512     FIgnoreStartingLines := 0; {!!.02}
1513     end;
1515     destructor TStTextDataRecordSet.Destroy;
1516     begin
1517     FRecords.Free;
1518     inherited Destroy;
1519     end;
1521     procedure TStTextDataRecordSet.Append;
1522     { append new empty record to dataset }
1523     var
1524     Rec : TStTextDataRecord;
1525     begin
1526     Rec := TStTextDataRecord.Create;
1527     Rec.Schema := Schema;
1528     Rec.MakeEmpty;
1529     FRecords.Add(Rec);
1530     FIsDirty := True;
1531     Last;
1532     end;
1534     procedure TStTextDataRecordSet.AppendArray(Values : array of const);
1535     { append new record to dataset, set field values from a variant open array }
1536     begin
1537     Append;
1538     CurrentRecord.FillRecordFromArray(Values);
1539     end;
1541     procedure TStTextDataRecordSet.AppendList(Items: TStrings);
1542     { append new record to dataset, set field values from <NAME>=<VALUE> pairs}
1543     begin
1544     Append;
1545     CurrentRecord.FillRecordFromList(Items);
1546     end;
1548     procedure TStTextDataRecordSet.AppendValues(Values: TStrings);
1549     { append new record to dataset, set field values from TStrings}
1550     begin
1551     Append;
1552     CurrentRecord.FillRecordFromValues(Values);
1553     end;
1555     function TStTextDataRecordSet.BOF: Boolean;
1556     { test if at beginning of record set }
1557     begin
1558     Result := (FCurrentIndex = 0);
1559     end;
1561     procedure TStTextDataRecordSet.Clear;
1562     { empty record set }
1563     var
1564     i : Integer;
1565     begin
1566     for i := 0 to Pred(FRecords.Count) do
1567     TStTextDataRecord(FRecords[i]).Free;
1568     FRecords.Clear;
1569     FIsDirty := False;
1570     end;
1572     procedure TStTextDataRecordSet.Delete;
1573     { delete record at current position }
1574     begin
1575     TStTextDataRecord(FRecords[FCurrentIndex]).Free;
1576     FRecords.Delete(FCurrentIndex);
1577     FIsDirty := True;
1578     Next;
1579     end;
1581     function TStTextDataRecordSet.EOF: Boolean;
1582     { test if at end of record set }
1583     begin
1584     if FAtEndOfFile then {!!.01}
1585     FAtEndOfFile := FCurrentIndex = Pred(FRecords.Count); {!!.01}
1586     Result := FAtEndOfFile {!!.01}
1587     end;
1589     procedure TStTextDataRecordSet.First;
1590     { make first record in set current }
1591     begin
1592     FCurrentIndex := 0;
1593     end;
1595     function TStTextDataRecordSet.GetCount: Integer;
1596     { return count of records in set }
1597     begin
1598     Result := FRecords.Count;
1599     end;
1601     function TStTextDataRecordSet.GetRecord(Index: Integer): TStTextDataRecord;
1602     { return particular record by index }
1603     begin
1604     if (Index > -1) and (Index < FRecords.Count) then
1605     Result := FRecords[Index]
1606     else
1607     raise EStException.CreateResTP(stscBadIndex, 0);
1608     end;
1610     function TStTextDataRecordSet.GetCurrentRecord: TStTextDataRecord;
1611     { return current record }
1612     begin
1613     Result := FRecords[FCurrentIndex];
1614     end;
1616     function TStTextDataRecordSet.GetSchema: TStTextDataSchema;
1617     { return reference to associated schema, create default one if needed }
1618     begin
1619     if not Assigned(FSchema) then
1620     FSchema := TStTextDataSchema.Create;
1621     Result := FSchema;
1622     end;
1624     procedure TStTextDataRecordSet.Insert(Index: Integer);
1625     { insert new empty record into dataset at specified location,
1626     shifts the record set down one }
1627     var
1628     Rec : TStTextDataRecord;
1629     begin
1630     Rec := TStTextDataRecord.Create;
1631     Rec.Schema := Schema;
1632     Rec.MakeEmpty;
1633     FRecords.Insert(Index, Rec);
1634     FIsDirty := True;
1635     FCurrentIndex := Index;
1636     end;
1638     procedure TStTextDataRecordSet.InsertArray(Index: Integer; Values : array of const);
1639     { insert new record into dataset dataset at specified location,
1640     shifts the record set down one,
1641     set field values from a variant open array }
1642     begin
1643     Insert(Index);
1644     CurrentRecord.FillRecordFromArray(Values);
1645     end;
1647     procedure TStTextDataRecordSet.InsertList(Index: Integer;
1648     Items: TStrings);
1649     { insert new record into dataset dataset at specified location,
1650     shifts the record set down one,
1651     set field values from <NAME>=<VALUE> pairs}
1652     begin
1653     Insert(Index);
1654     CurrentRecord.FillRecordFromList(Items);
1655     end;
1657     procedure TStTextDataRecordSet.InsertValues(Index: Integer;
1658     Values: TStrings);
1659     { insert new record into dataset dataset at specified location,
1660     shifts the record set down one,
1661     set field values from TStrings}
1662     begin
1663     Insert(Index);
1664     CurrentRecord.FillRecordFromValues(Values);
1665     end;
1667     procedure TStTextDataRecordSet.Last;
1668     { make final record in set current }
1669     begin
1670     FCurrentIndex := Pred(FRecords.Count);
1671     end;
1673     procedure TStTextDataRecordSet.LoadFromFile(const AFile: TFileName);
1674     var
1675     FS : TFileStream;
1676     begin
1677     FS := TFileStream.Create(AFile, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone);
1678     try
1679     LoadFromStream(FS);
1680     finally
1681     FS.Free;
1682     end;
1683     end;
1685     procedure TStTextDataRecordSet.LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream);
1686     var
1687     TS : TStAnsiTextStream;
1688     NewRec : TStTextDataRecord;
1689     i, Len : Integer; {!!.02}
1690     begin
1691     if FActive then
1692     raise EStException.CreateResTP(stscTxtDatRecordSetOpen, 0);
1694     Clear;
1696     TS := TStAnsiTextStream.Create(AStream);
1698     { match Ansi Stream terminator to schema's }
1699     TS.LineTermChar := AnsiChar(Schema.LineTermChar);
1700     TS.LineTerminator := Schema.LineTerminator;
1702     {!!.02 - added }
1703     { calculate length of fixed record }
1704     if Schema.LayoutType = ltFixed then begin
1705     Len := 0;
1706     for i := 0 to Pred(Schema.FieldCount) do
1707     Len := Len + Schema.Fields[i].FieldLen;
1708     TS.FixedLineLength := Len;
1709     end;
1710     {!!.02 - added end }
1712     try
1713     {!!.02 - added }
1714     { ignore starting lines }
1715     for i := 1 to FIgnoreStartingLines do
1716     TS.ReadLine;
1717     {!!.02 - added end }
1719     while not TS.AtEndOfStream do begin
1720     { new record }
1721     NewRec := TStTextDataRecord.Create;
1723     { set record data }
1724     NewRec.FValue := TS.ReadLine;
1726     {!!.01 - Rewritten }
1727     if TrimCharsL(NewRec.FValue, St_WhiteSpace) <> '' then begin
1728     { set the schema to match }
1729     NewRec.Schema := Schema;
1731     { append new record }
1732     FRecords.Add(NewRec);
1734     end
1735     else {ignore blank lines}
1736     NewRec.Free;
1737     {!!.01 - End Rewritten }
1738     end;
1741     FActive := True;
1742     FIsDirty := False;
1743     finally
1744     TS.Free;
1745     end;
1746     end;
1748     function TStTextDataRecordSet.Next : Boolean;
1749     { make next record in set current }
1750     begin
1751     Result := True;
1753     { if already on last record, stay there }
1754     if FCurrentIndex = Pred(FRecords.Count) then begin {!!.01}
1755     FAtEndOfFile := True; { yep, we're at the end } {!!.01}
1756     Result := False; {!!.01}
1757     end {!!.01}
1758     else {!!.01}
1759     Inc(FCurrentIndex); {!!.01}
1760     end;
1762     function TStTextDataRecordSet.Prior : Boolean;
1763     { make previous record in set current }
1764     begin
1765     Result := True;
1766     Dec(FCurrentIndex);
1768     { if already on first record, stay there }
1769     if FCurrentIndex < 0 then begin
1770     FCurrentIndex := 0;
1771     Result := False;
1772     end;
1773     end;
1775     procedure TStTextDataRecordSet.SaveToFile(const AFile: TFileName);
1776     var
1777     FS : TFileStream;
1778     begin
1779     if not FileExists(AFile) then begin
1780     FS := TFileStream.Create(AFile, fmCreate);
1781     FS.Free;
1782     end;
1784     FS := TFileStream.Create(AFile, fmOpenWrite or fmShareDenyNone);
1786     try
1787     SaveToStream(FS);
1788     finally
1789     FS.Free;
1790     end;
1791     end;
1793     procedure TStTextDataRecordSet.SaveToStream(AStream: TStream);
1794     var
1795     TS : TStAnsiTextStream;
1796     i : Integer;
1797     begin
1798     TS := TStAnsiTextStream.Create(AStream);
1800     { match Ansi Stream terminator to schema's }
1801     TS.LineTermChar := AnsiChar(Schema.LineTermChar);
1802     TS.LineTerminator := Schema.LineTerminator;
1804     { write the records }
1805     try
1806     for i := 0 to Pred(FRecords.Count) do
1807     TS.WriteLine(TStTextDataRecord(FRecords[i]).AsString);
1809     FIsDirty := False;
1810     finally
1811     TS.Free;
1812     end;
1813     end;
1815     procedure TStTextDataRecordSet.SetActive(const Value: Boolean);
1816     { activate or close record set }
1817     begin
1818     FActive := Value;
1819     if not FActive then begin
1820     Clear;
1821     FSchema := nil;
1822     end;
1823     end;
1825     procedure TStTextDataRecordSet.SetCurrentRecord(
1826     const Value: TStTextDataRecord);
1827     begin
1828     TStTextDataRecord(FRecords[FCurrentIndex]).Free;
1829     FRecords.Insert(FCurrentIndex, Value);
1830     FIsDirty := True;
1831     end;
1833     procedure TStTextDataRecordSet.SetRecord(Index: Integer;
1834     const Value: TStTextDataRecord);
1835     begin
1836     TStTextDataRecord(FRecords[Index]).Free;
1837     FRecords.Insert(Index, Value);
1838     FIsDirty := True;
1839     end;
1841     procedure TStTextDataRecordSet.SetSchema(const Value: TStTextDataSchema);
1842     { assign new schema, only works on inactive record set }
1843     begin
1844     if not FActive then begin
1845     if Assigned(FSchema) then
1846     FSchema.Free;
1847     FSchema := Value;
1848     end
1849     else
1850     raise EStException.CreateResTP(stscTxtDatRecordSetOpen, 0);
1851     end;
1855     end.

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