// Upgraded to Delphi 2009: Sebastian Zierer (* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is TurboPower SysTools * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * TurboPower Software * * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1996-2002 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *) {*********************************************************} {* SysTools: StToHTML.pas 4.04 *} {*********************************************************} {* SysTools: HTML Text Formatter *} {*********************************************************} {$I StDefine.inc} unit StToHTML; interface uses SysUtils, Windows, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StStrms, StBase; type TStOnProgressEvent = procedure(Sender : TObject; Percent : Word) of object; TStStreamToHTML = class(TObject) protected {private} { Private declarations } FCaseSensitive : Boolean; FCommentMarkers : TStringList; FEmbeddedHTML : TStringList; FInFileSize : Cardinal; FInFixedLineLen : integer; FInLineTermChar : Char; FInLineTerminator: TStLineTerminator; FInputStream : TStream; FInSize : Cardinal; FInTextStream : TStAnsiTextStream; FIsCaseSensitive : Boolean; FKeywords : TStringList; FOnProgress : TStOnProgressEvent; FOutputStream : TStream; FOutTextStream : TStAnsiTextStream; FPageFooter : TStringList; FPageHeader : TStringList; FStringMarkers : TStringList; FWordDelims : String; protected { Protected declarations } {internal methods} function ParseBuffer : Boolean; procedure SetCommentMarkers(Value : TStringList); procedure SetEmbeddedHTML(Value : TStringList); procedure SetKeywords(Value : TStringList); procedure SetPageFooter(Value : TStringList); procedure SetPageHeader(Value : TStringList); procedure SetStringMarkers(Value : TStringList); public { Public declarations } property CaseSensitive : Boolean read FCaseSensitive write FCaseSensitive; property CommentMarkers : TStringList read FCommentMarkers write SetCommentMarkers; property EmbeddedHTML : TStringList read FEmbeddedHTML write SetEmbeddedHTML; property InFixedLineLength : integer read FInFixedLineLen write FInFixedLineLen; property InLineTermChar : Char read FInLineTermChar write FInLineTermChar; property InLineTerminator : TStLineTerminator read FInLineTerminator write FInLineTerminator; property InputStream : TStream read FInputStream write FInputStream; property Keywords : TStringList read FKeywords write SetKeywords; property OnProgress : TStOnProgressEvent read FOnProgress write FOnProgress; property OutputStream : TStream read FOutputStream write FOutputStream; property PageFooter : TStringList read FPageFooter write SetPageFooter; property PageHeader : TStringList read FPageHeader write SetPageHeader; property StringMarkers : TStringList read FStringMarkers write SetStringMarkers; property WordDelimiters : String read FWordDelims write FWordDelims; constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure GenerateHTML; end; TStFileToHTML = class(TStComponent) protected {private} { Private declarations } FCaseSensitive : Boolean; FCommentMarkers : TStringList; FEmbeddedHTML : TStringList; FInFile : TFileStream; FInFileName : String; FInLineLength : integer; FInLineTermChar : Char; FInLineTerminator : TStLineTerminator; FKeywords : TStringList; FOnProgress : TStOnProgressEvent; FOutFile : TFileStream; FOutFileName : String; FPageFooter : TStringList; FPageHeader : TStringList; FStream : TStStreamToHTML; FStringMarkers : TStringList; FWordDelims : String; protected procedure SetCommentMarkers(Value : TStringList); procedure SetEmbeddedHTML(Value : TStringList); procedure SetKeywords(Value : TStringList); procedure SetPageFooter(Value : TStringList); procedure SetPageHeader(Value : TStringList); procedure SetStringMarkers(Value : TStringList); public constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Execute; published property CaseSensitive : Boolean read FCaseSensitive write FCaseSensitive default False; property CommentMarkers : TStringList read FCommentMarkers write SetCommentMarkers; property EmbeddedHTML : TStringList read FEmbeddedHTML write SetEmbeddedHTML; property InFileName : String read FInFileName write FInFileName; property InFixedLineLength : integer read FInLineLength write FInLineLength default 80; property InLineTermChar : Char read FInLineTermChar write FInLineTermChar default #10; property InLineTerminator : TStLineTerminator read FInLineTerminator write FInLineTerminator default ltCRLF; property Keywords : TStringList read FKeywords write SetKeywords; property OnProgress : TStOnProgressEvent read FOnProgress write FOnProgress; property OutFileName : String read FOutFileName write FOutFileName; property PageFooter : TStringList read FPageFooter write SetPageFooter; property PageHeader : TStringList read FPageHeader write SetPageHeader; property StringMarkers : TStringList read FStringMarkers write SetStringMarkers; property WordDelimiters : String read FWordDelims write FWordDelims; end; implementation uses StConst, StDict; (*****************************************************************************) (* TStStreamToHTML Implementation *) (*****************************************************************************) constructor TStStreamToHTML.Create; begin inherited Create; FCommentMarkers := TStringList.Create; FEmbeddedHTML := TStringList.Create; FKeywords := TStringList.Create; FPageFooter := TStringList.Create; FPageHeader := TStringList.Create; FStringMarkers := TStringList.Create; FInputStream := nil; FOutputStream := nil; FInFileSize := 0; FWordDelims := ',; .()'; FInLineTerminator := ltCRLF; {normal Windows text file terminator} FInLineTermChar := #10; FInFixedLineLen := 80; with FEmbeddedHTML do begin Add('"="'); Add('&=&'); Add('<=<'); Add('>=>'); Add('¡=¡'); Add('¢=¢'); Add('£=£'); Add('©=©'); Add('®=®'); Add('±=±'); Add('¼=¼'); Add('½=½'); Add('¾=¾'); Add('÷=÷'); end; end; destructor TStStreamToHTML.Destroy; begin FCommentMarkers.Free; FCommentMarkers := nil; FEmbeddedHTML.Free; FEmbeddedHTML := nil; FKeywords.Free; FKeywords := nil; FPageFooter.Free; FPageFooter := nil; FPageHeader.Free; FPageHeader := nil; FStringMarkers.Free; FStringMarkers := nil; FInTextStream.Free; FInTextStream := nil; FOutTextStream.Free; FOutTextStream := nil; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TStStreamToHTML.GenerateHTML; begin if not ((Assigned(FInputStream) and (Assigned(FOutputStream)))) then RaiseStError(EStToHTMLError, stscBadStream) else ParseBuffer; end; procedure DisposeString(Data : Pointer); far; begin Dispose(PString(Data)); end; function TStStreamToHTML.ParseBuffer : Boolean; var I, J, P1, P2, BRead, PC : Longint; CloseStr, SStr, EStr, S, VS, AStr, TmpStr : String; P : Pointer; PS : PString; CommentDict : TStDictionary; HTMLDict : TStDictionary; KeywordsDict : TStDictionary; StringDict : TStDictionary; CommentPend : Boolean; function ConvertEmbeddedHTML(const Str2 : String) : String; var L, J : Longint; PH : Pointer; begin Result := ''; {avoid memory reallocations} SetLength(Result, 1024); J := 1; for L := 1 to Length(Str2) do begin if (not HTMLDict.Exists(Str2[L], PH)) then begin Result[J] := Str2[L]; Inc(J); end else begin Move(String(PH^)[1], Result[J], Length(String(PH^)) * SizeOf(Char)); Inc(J, Length(String(PH^))); end; end; Dec(J); SetLength(Result, J); end; procedure CheckSubString(const Str1 : String); var S2 : String; begin if (KeywordsDict.Exists(Str1, P)) then begin VS := String(P^); S2 := Copy(VS, 1, pos(';', VS)-1) + ConvertEmbeddedHTML(Str1) + Copy(VS, pos(';', VS)+1, Length(VS)); if (P1 >= Length(Str1)) and (P1 <= Length(TmpStr)) then S2 := S2 + ConvertEmbeddedHTML(TmpStr[P1]); end else begin S2 := ConvertEmbeddedHTML(Str1); if (P1 >= Length(Str1)) and (P1 <= Length(TmpStr)) then S2 := S2 + ConvertEmbeddedHTML(TmpStr[P1]); end; S := S + S2; end; begin if (Length(FWordDelims) = 0) then RaiseStError(EStToHTMLError, stscWordDelimiters); {create Dictionaries for lookups} CommentDict := TStDictionary.Create(FCommentMarkers.Count+1); KeywordsDict := TStDictionary.Create(FKeywords.Count+1); HTMLDict := TStDictionary.Create(FEmbeddedHTML.Count+1); StringDict := TStDictionary.Create(FStringMarkers.Count+1); CommentDict.DisposeData := DisposeString; KeywordsDict.DisposeData := DisposeString; HTMLDict.DisposeData := DisposeString; StringDict.DisposeData := DisposeString; FInTextStream := TStAnsiTextStream.Create(FInputStream); FInTextStream.LineTermChar := AnsiChar(FInLineTermChar); FInTextStream.LineTerminator := FInLineTerminator; FInTextStream.FixedLineLength := FInFixedLineLen; FInFileSize := FInTextStream.Size; FOutTextStream := TStAnsiTextStream.Create(FOutputStream); FOutTextStream.LineTermChar := #10; FOutTextStream.LineTerminator := ltCRLF; FOutTextStream.FixedLineLength := 80; FInLineTerminator := ltCRLF; {normal Windows text file terminator} FInLineTermChar := #10; FInFixedLineLen := 80; try if (FCaseSensitive) then begin CommentDict.Hash := AnsiHashStr; CommentDict.Equal := AnsiCompareStr; HTMLDict.Hash := AnsiHashStr; HTMLDict.Equal := AnsiCompareStr; KeywordsDict.Hash := AnsiHashStr; KeywordsDict.Equal:= AnsiCompareStr; StringDict.Hash := AnsiHashStr; StringDict.Equal := AnsiCompareStr; end else begin CommentDict.Hash := AnsiHashText; CommentDict.Equal := AnsiCompareText; HTMLDict.Hash := AnsiHashText; HTMLDict.Equal := AnsiCompareText; KeywordsDict.Hash := AnsiHashText; KeywordsDict.Equal:= AnsiCompareText; StringDict.Hash := AnsiHashText; StringDict.Equal := AnsiCompareText; end; {Add items from string lists to dictionaries} for I := 0 to pred(FKeywords.Count) do begin if (Length(FKeywords[I]) = 0) then continue; if (pos('=', FKeywords[I]) > 0) then begin New(PS); S := FKeywords.Names[I]; PS^ := FKeywords.Values[S]; if (not KeywordsDict.Exists(S, P)) then KeywordsDict.Add(S, PS) else Dispose(PS); end else RaiseStError(EStToHTMLError, stscInvalidSLEntry); end; for I := 0 to pred(FStringMarkers.Count) do begin if (Length(FStringMarkers[I]) = 0) then continue; if (pos('=', FStringMarkers[I]) > 0) then begin New(PS); S := FStringMarkers.Names[I]; PS^ := FStringMarkers.Values[S]; if (not StringDict.Exists(S, P)) then StringDict.Add(S, PS) else Dispose(PS); end else RaiseStError(EStToHTMLError, stscInvalidSLEntry); end; for I := 0 to pred(FCommentMarkers.Count) do begin if (Length(FCommentMarkers[I]) = 0) then continue; if (pos('=', FCommentMarkers[I]) > 0) then begin New(PS); S := FCommentMarkers.Names[I]; if (Length(S) = 1) then PS^ := FCommentMarkers.Values[S] else begin PS^ := ':1' + S[2] + ';' + FCommentMarkers.Values[S]; S := S[1]; end; if (not CommentDict.Exists(S, P)) then CommentDict.Add(S, PS) else begin AStr := String(P^); AStr := AStr + PS^; String(P^) := AStr; CommentDict.Update(S, P); Dispose(PS); end; end else RaiseStError(EStToHTMLError, stscInvalidSLEntry); end; for I := 0 to pred(FEmbeddedHTML.Count) do begin if (pos('=', FEmbeddedHTML[I]) > 0) then begin New(PS); S := FEmbeddedHTML.Names[I]; PS^ := FEmbeddedHTML.Values[S]; if (not HTMLDict.Exists(S, P)) then HTMLDict.Add(S, PS) else Dispose(PS); end else RaiseStError(EStToHTMLError, stscInvalidSLEntry); end; BRead := 0; if (FPageHeader.Count > 0) then begin for I := 0 to pred(FPageHeader.Count) do FOutTextStream.WriteLine(FPageHeader[I]); end; FOutTextStream.WriteLine('
    CommentPend := False;
    AStr := '';
    SStr := '';
    EStr := '';

    {make sure buffer is at the start}
    FInTextStream.Position := 0;
    while not FInTextStream.AtEndOfStream do begin
      TmpStr := FInTextStream.ReadLine;
      Inc(BRead, Length(TmpStr) + Length(FInTextStream.LineTermChar));
      if (FInFileSize > 0) then begin
        PC := Round((BRead / FInFileSize * 100));
        if (Assigned(FOnProgress)) then
          FOnProgress(Self, PC);

      if (TmpStr = '') then begin
        if (CommentPend) then
          FOutTextStream.WriteLine(' ');

      if (CommentPend) then
        S := SStr
        S := '';

      P1 := 1;
        if (not CommentPend) and (CommentDict.Exists(TmpStr[P1], P)) then begin
          VS := String(P^);
          if (Copy(VS, 1 , 2) = ':1') then begin
            while (Copy(VS, 1 , 2) = ':1') do begin
              System.Delete(VS, 1, 2);
              if (TmpStr[P1+1] = VS[1]) then begin
                System.Delete(VS, 1, 2);
                CloseStr := Copy(VS, 1, pos(';', VS)-1);
                System.Delete(VS, 1, pos(';', VS));
                SStr := Copy(VS, 1, pos(';', VS)-1);
                System.Delete(VS, 1, pos(';', VS));
                J := pos(':1', VS);
                if (J = 0) then
                  EStr := Copy(VS, pos(';', VS)+1, Length(VS))
                else begin
                  EStr := Copy(VS, 1, J-1);
                  System.Delete(VS, 1, J+2);

                if (CloseStr = '') then begin
                  S := S + SStr;
                  AStr := Copy(TmpStr, P1, Length(TmpStr));
                  S := S + EStr;
                  CloseStr := '';
                  SStr := '';
                  EStr := '';
                  TmpStr := '';
                end else begin
                  I := pos(CloseStr, TmpStr);
                  if (I = 0) then begin
                    CommentPend := True;
                    S := SStr + S;
                  end else begin
                    S := S + SStr;
                    AStr := Copy(TmpStr, P1, I-P1+Length(CloseStr));
                    S := S + EStr;
                    System.Delete(TmpStr, P1, I-P1+Length(CloseStr));
              end else begin
                J := pos(':1', VS);
                if (J > 0) then
                  System.Delete(VS, 1, J-1);
          end else begin
            {is it really the beginning of a comment?}
            CloseStr := Copy(VS, 1, pos(';', VS)-1);
            System.Delete(VS, 1, pos(';', VS));
            SStr := Copy(VS, 1, pos(';', VS)-1);
            EStr := Copy(VS, pos(';', VS)+1, Length(VS));
            I := pos(CloseStr, TmpStr);
            if (I > 0) and (I > P1) then begin
              {ending marker found}
              CommentPend := False;
              S := S + SStr;
              AStr := Copy(TmpStr, P1, I-P1+Length(CloseStr));
              S := S + EStr;
              System.Delete(TmpStr, P1, I-P1+Length(CloseStr));
              P1 := 1;
              CloseStr := '';
              SStr := '';
              EStr := '';
              if (TmpStr = '') then
            end else begin  {1}
              CommentPend := True;
              S := S + SStr;
              if (Length(TmpStr) > 1) then begin
                AStr := Copy(TmpStr, P1, Length(TmpStr));
              end else
                S := S + TmpStr;
              S := S + EStr;
              TmpStr := '';

        if (CommentPend) then begin
          I := pos(CloseStr, TmpStr);
          if (I < 1) then begin
            AStr := Copy(TmpStr, P1, Length(TmpStr));
            S := S + EStr;
            TmpStr := '';
          end else begin {2}
            CommentPend := False;
            if (Length(TmpStr) > 1) then begin
              AStr := Copy(TmpStr, P1, I-P1+Length(CloseStr));
            end else
              S := S + TmpStr;
            S := S + EStr;
            System.Delete(TmpStr, P1, I-P1+Length(CloseStr));
            CloseStr := '';
            SStr := '';
            EStr := '';
            if (TmpStr = '') then
              P1 := 1;
        end else begin
          CloseStr := '';
          SStr := '';
          EStr := '';

        if (TmpStr = '') then

        P := nil;
        while (P1 <= Length(TmpStr)) and (pos(TmpStr[P1], FWordDelims) = 0) and
              (not StringDict.Exists(TmpStr[P1], P)) do
        if (Assigned(P)) then begin
          P2 := P1+1;
          VS := String(P^);
          CloseStr := Copy(VS, 1, pos(';', VS)-1);
          System.Delete(VS, 1, pos(';', VS));
          SStr := Copy(VS, 1, pos(';', VS)-1);
          System.Delete(VS, 1, pos(';', VS));
          EStr := Copy(VS, pos(';', VS)+1, Length(VS));

          while (TmpStr[P2] <> CloseStr) and (P2 <= Length(TmpStr)) do
          S := S + SStr;
          AStr := Copy(TmpStr, P1, P2-P1+1);
          S := S + EStr;

          System.Delete(TmpStr, P1, P2);
          if (TmpStr = '') then
            P1 := 1;
          P := nil;
        end else if (P1 <= Length(TmpStr)) and (pos(TmpStr[P1],  FWordDelims) > 0) then begin
          if (P1 = 1) then begin
            S := S + ConvertEmbeddedHTML(TmpStr[1]);
            System.Delete(TmpStr, 1, 1);
            P1 := 1;
          end else begin
            AStr := Copy(TmpStr, 1, P1-1);
            if (Length(AStr) > 0) then
            System.Delete(TmpStr, 1, P1);
            P1 := 1;
        end else begin
          AStr := TmpStr;
          TmpStr := '';
      until (Length(TmpStr) = 0);
    if (Assigned(FOnProgress)) then
      FOnProgress(Self, 0);

    Result := True;
'); if (FPageFooter.Count > 0) then begin for I := 0 to pred(FPageFooter.Count) do FOutTextStream.WriteLine(FPageFooter[I]); end; finally CommentDict.Free; HTMLDict.Free; KeywordsDict.Free; StringDict.Free; FInTextStream.Free; FInTextStream := nil; FOutTextStream.Free; FOutTextStream := nil; end; end; procedure TStStreamToHTML.SetCommentMarkers(Value : TStringList); begin FCommentMarkers.Assign(Value); end; procedure TStStreamToHTML.SetEmbeddedHTML(Value : TStringList); begin FEmbeddedHTML.Assign(Value); end; procedure TStStreamToHTML.SetKeywords(Value : TStringList); begin FKeywords.Assign(Value); end; procedure TStStreamToHTML.SetPageFooter(Value : TStringList); begin FPageFooter.Assign(Value); end; procedure TStStreamToHTML.SetPageHeader(Value : TStringList); begin FPageHeader.Assign(Value); end; procedure TStStreamToHTML.SetStringMarkers(Value : TStringList); begin FStringMarkers.Assign(Value); end; (*****************************************************************************) (* TStFileToHTML Implementation *) (*****************************************************************************) constructor TStFileToHTML.Create(AOwner : TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FCommentMarkers := TStringList.Create; FEmbeddedHTML := TStringList.Create; FKeywords := TStringList.Create; FPageFooter := TStringList.Create; FPageHeader := TStringList.Create; FStringMarkers := TStringList.Create; FWordDelims := ',; .()'; FInLineTerminator := ltCRLF; FInLineTermChar := #10; FInLineLength := 80; with FEmbeddedHTML do begin Add('"="'); Add('&=&'); Add('<=<'); Add('>=>'); Add('¡=¡'); Add('¢=¢'); Add('£=£'); Add('©=©'); Add('®=®'); Add('±=±'); Add('¼=¼'); Add('½=½'); Add('¾=¾'); Add('÷=÷'); end; end; destructor TStFileToHTML.Destroy; begin FCommentMarkers.Free; FCommentMarkers := nil; FEmbeddedHTML.Free; FEmbeddedHTML := nil; FKeywords.Free; FKeywords := nil; FPageFooter.Free; FPageFooter := nil; FPageHeader.Free; FPageHeader := nil; FStringMarkers.Free; FStringMarkers := nil; FInFile.Free; FInFile := nil; FOutFile.Free; FOutFile := nil; FStream.Free; FStream := nil; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TStFileToHTML.Execute; begin FStream := TStStreamToHTML.Create; try if (FInFileName = '') then RaiseStError(EStToHTMLError, stscNoInputFile) else if (FOutFileName = '') then RaiseStError(EStToHTMLError, stscNoOutputFile) else begin if (Assigned(FInFile)) then FInFile.Free; try FInFile := TFileStream.Create(FInFileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite); except RaiseStError(EStToHTMLError, stscInFileError); Exit; end; if (Assigned(FOutFile)) then FOutFile.Free; try FOutFile := TFileStream.Create(FOutFileName, fmCreate); except RaiseStError(EStToHTMLError, stscOutFileError); Exit; end; try FStream.InputStream := FInFile; FStream.OutputStream := FOutFile; FStream.CaseSensitive := CaseSensitive; FStream.CommentMarkers := CommentMarkers; FStream.EmbeddedHTML := EmbeddedHTML; FStream.InFixedLineLength := InFixedLineLength; FStream.InLineTermChar := InLineTermChar; FStream.InLineTerminator := InLineTerminator; FStream.Keywords := Keywords; FStream.OnProgress := OnProgress; FStream.PageFooter := PageFooter; FStream.PageHeader := PageHeader; FStream.StringMarkers := StringMarkers; FStream.WordDelimiters := WordDelimiters; FStream.GenerateHTML; finally FInFile.Free; FInFile := nil; FOutFile.Free; FOutFile := nil; end; end; finally FStream.Free; FStream := nil; end; end; procedure TStFileToHTML.SetCommentMarkers(Value : TStringList); begin FCommentMarkers.Assign(Value); end; procedure TStFileToHTML.SetEmbeddedHTML(Value : TStringList); begin FEmbeddedHTML.Assign(Value); end; procedure TStFileToHTML.SetKeywords(Value : TStringList); begin FKeywords.Assign(Value); end; procedure TStFileToHTML.SetPageFooter(Value : TStringList); begin FPageFooter.Assign(Value); end; procedure TStFileToHTML.SetPageHeader(Value : TStringList); begin FPageHeader.Assign(Value); end; procedure TStFileToHTML.SetStringMarkers(Value : TStringList); begin FStringMarkers.Assign(Value); end; end.