// Upgraded to Delphi 2009: Sebastian Zierer (* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is TurboPower SysTools * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * TurboPower Software * * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1996-2002 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *) {*********************************************************} {* SysTools: StStrms.pas 4.04 *} {*********************************************************} {* SysTools: Specialized Stream Classes for SysTools *} {*********************************************************} {$I StDefine.inc} unit StStrms; interface uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes, StBase, StConst; type TStMemSize = Integer; TStBufferedStream = class(TStream) private FBufCount: TStMemSize; {count of valid bytes in buffer} FBuffer : PAnsiChar; {buffer into underlying stream} FBufOfs : longint; {offset of buffer in underlying stream} FBufPos : TStMemSize; {current position in buffer} FBufSize : TStMemSize; {size of buffer} FDirty : boolean; {has data in buffer been changed?} FSize : Int64; {size of underlying stream} FStream : TStream; {underlying stream} {$IFNDEF VERSION3} FOnSetStreamSize : TStSetStreamSize; {event to set underlying stream's size} {$ENDIF} protected procedure bsSetStream(aValue : TStream); procedure bsInitForNewStream; virtual; function bsReadChar(var aCh : AnsiChar) : boolean; procedure bsReadFromStream; procedure bsWriteToStream; {$IFDEF VERSION3} procedure SetSize(NewSize : longint); override; {$ENDIF} public constructor Create(aStream : TStream); constructor CreateEmpty; destructor Destroy; override; function Read(var Buffer; Count : longint) : longint; override; function Seek(Offset : longint; Origin : word) : longint; override; function Write(const Buffer; Count : longint) : longint; override; {$IFNDEF VERSION3} procedure SetSize(NewSize : longint); {$ENDIF} property FastSize : Int64 read FSize; property Stream : TStream read FStream write bsSetStream; {$IFNDEF VERSION3} property OnSetStreamSize : TStSetStreamSize read FOnSetStreamSize write FOnSetStreamSize; {$ENDIF} end; type {!!.01 - moved to StBase.pas } (* TStLineTerminator = ( {possible line terminators...} ltNone, {..no terminator, ie fixed length lines} ltCR, {..carriage return (#13)} ltLF, {..line feed (#10)} ltCRLF, {..carriage return/line feed (#13/#10)} ltOther); {..another character} *) {!!.01 - end moved } // TODO-UNICODE: add TStUnicodeTextStream TStAnsiTextStream = class(TStBufferedStream) private FLineEndCh : AnsiChar; FLineLen : integer; FLineTerm : TStLineTerminator; FFixedLine : PAnsiChar; FLineCount : longint; FLineCurrent : longint; FLineCurOfs : longint; FLineIndex : TList; FLineInxStep : longint; FLineInxTop : integer; protected function atsGetLineCount : longint; procedure atsSetLineTerm(aValue : TStLineTerminator); procedure atsSetLineEndCh(aValue : AnsiChar); procedure atsSetLineLen(aValue : integer); procedure atsGetLine(var aStartPos : longint; var aEndPos : longint; var aLen : longint); procedure atsResetLineIndex; procedure bsInitForNewStream; override; public constructor Create(aStream : TStream); destructor Destroy; override; function AtEndOfStream : boolean; function ReadLine : AnsiString; function ReadLineArray(aCharArray : PAnsiChar; aLen : TStMemSize) : TStMemSize; function ReadLineZ(aSt : PAnsiChar; aMaxLen : TStMemSize) : PAnsiChar; function SeekNearestLine(aOffset : longint) : longint; function SeekLine(aLineNum : longint) : longint; procedure WriteLine(const aSt : AnsiString); procedure WriteLineArray(aCharArray : PAnsiChar; aLen : TStMemSize); procedure WriteLineZ(aSt : PAnsiChar); property FixedLineLength : integer read FLineLen write atsSetLineLen; property LineCount : longint read atsGetLineCount; property LineTermChar : AnsiChar read FLineEndCh write atsSetLineEndCh; property LineTerminator : TStLineTerminator read FLineTerm write atsSetLineTerm; end; TStMemoryMappedFile = class(TStream) protected {private} FBuffer : Pointer; FHeaderSize : Word; FDataSize : Cardinal; FHandle : THandle; FMapObj : THandle; FMaxHi : Cardinal; FMaxLo : Cardinal; FMutex : THandle; FPos : Cardinal; FReadOnly : Boolean; FSharedData : Boolean; protected function GetDataSize : Cardinal; public constructor Create(const FileName : string; {!!.02} MaxSize : Cardinal; ReadOnly : Boolean; SharedData : Boolean); destructor Destroy; override; function Read(var Buffer; Count : Longint) : Longint; override; function Seek(Offset : Longint; Origin : Word) : Longint; override; function Write(const Buffer; Count : Longint) : Longint; override; property DataSize : Cardinal read GetDataSize; property MaxSize : Cardinal read FMaxLo; property Position : Cardinal read FPos; property ReadOnly : Boolean read FReadOnly; property SharedData : Boolean read FSharedData; end; implementation const LineTerm : array [TStLineTerminator] of array [0..1] of AnsiChar = ('', #13, #10, #13#10, ''); const LineIndexCount = 1024; LineIndexMax = pred(LineIndexCount); {--- Helper routines ---------------------------------------------------------} function MinLong(A, B : longint) : longint; begin if A < B then Result := A else Result := B; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} { TStBufferedStream } {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} constructor TStBufferedStream.Create(aStream : TStream); begin inherited Create; {allocate the buffer} FBufSize := 4096; GetMem(FBuffer, FBufSize); {save the stream} if (aStream = nil) then RaiseStError(EStBufStreamError, stscNilStream); FStream := aStream; bsInitForNewStream; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} constructor TStBufferedStream.CreateEmpty; begin inherited Create; {allocate the buffer} FBufSize := 4096; GetMem(FBuffer, FBufSize); bsInitForNewStream end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} destructor TStBufferedStream.Destroy; begin if (FBuffer <> nil) then begin if FDirty and (FStream <> nil) then bsWriteToStream; FreeMem(FBuffer, FBufSize); end; inherited Destroy; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TStBufferedStream.bsInitForNewStream; begin if (FStream <> nil) then FSize := FStream.Size else FSize := 0; FBufCount := 0; FBufOfs := 0; FBufPos := 0; FDirty := false; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TStBufferedStream.bsReadChar(var aCh : AnsiChar) : boolean; begin {is there anything to read?} if (FSize = (FBufOfs + FBufPos)) then begin Result := false; Exit; end; {if we get here, we'll definitely read a character} Result := true; {make sure that the buffer has some data in it} if (FBufCount = 0) then bsReadFromStream else if (FBufPos = FBufCount) then begin if FDirty then bsWriteToStream; FBufPos := 0; inc(FBufOfs, FBufSize); bsReadFromStream; end; {get the next character} aCh := AnsiChar(FBuffer[FBufPos]); inc(FBufPos); end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TStBufferedStream.bsReadFromStream; var NewPos : longint; begin {assumptions: FBufOfs is where to read the buffer FBufSize is the number of bytes to read FBufCount will be the number of bytes read} NewPos := FStream.Seek(FBufOfs, soFromBeginning); if (NewPos <> FBufOfs) then RaiseStError(EStBufStreamError, stscNoSeekForRead); FBufCount := FStream.Read(FBuffer^, FBufSize); end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TStBufferedStream.bsSetStream(aValue : TStream); begin if (aValue <> FStream) then begin {if the buffer is dirty, flush it to the current stream} if FDirty and (FStream <> nil) then bsWriteToStream; {remember the stream and initialize all fields} FStream := aValue; bsInitForNewStream; end; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TStBufferedStream.bsWriteToStream; var NewPos : longint; BytesWritten : longint; begin {assumptions: FDirty is true FBufOfs is where to write the buffer FBufCount is the number of bytes to write FDirty will be set false afterwards} NewPos := FStream.Seek(FBufOfs, soFromBeginning); if (NewPos <> FBufOfs) then RaiseStError(EStBufStreamError, stscNoSeekForWrite); BytesWritten := FStream.Write(FBuffer^, FBufCount); if (BytesWritten <> FBufCount) then RaiseStError(EStBufStreamError, stscCannotWrite); FDirty := false; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TStBufferedStream.Read(var Buffer; Count : longint) : longint; var BytesToGo : longint; BytesToRead : longint; // BufAsBytes : TByteArray absolute Buffer; {!!.02} // DestPos : longint; {!!.02} BufAsBytes : PByte; {!!.02} begin BufAsBytes := @Buffer; {!!.02} if (FStream = nil) then RaiseStError(EStBufStreamError, stscNilStream); {calculate the number of bytes we could read if possible} BytesToGo := MinLong(Count, FSize - (FBufOfs + FBufPos)); {we will return this number of bytes or raise an exception} Result := BytesToGo; {are we going to read some data after all?} if (BytesToGo > 0) then begin {make sure that the buffer has some data in it} if (FBufCount = 0) then bsReadFromStream; {read as much as we can from the current buffer} BytesToRead := MinLong(BytesToGo, FBufCount - FBufPos); {transfer that number of bytes} // Move(FBuffer[FBufPos], BufAsBytes[0], BytesToRead); {!!.02} Move(FBuffer[FBufPos], BufAsBytes^, BytesToRead); {!!.02} {update our counters} inc(FBufPos, BytesToRead); dec(BytesToGo, BytesToRead); {if we have more bytes to read then we've reached the end of the buffer and so we need to read another, and another, etc} // DestPos := 0; {!!.02} while BytesToGo > 0 do begin {if the current buffer is dirty, write it out} if FDirty then bsWriteToStream; {position and read the next buffer} FBufPos := 0; inc(FBufOfs, FBufSize); bsReadFromStream; {calculate the new destination position, and the number of bytes to read from this buffer} // inc(DestPos, BytesToRead); {!!.02} Inc(BufAsBytes, BytesToRead); {!!.02} BytesToRead := MinLong(BytesToGo, FBufCount - FBufPos); {transfer that number of bytes} // Move(FBuffer[FBufPos], BufAsBytes[DestPos], BytesToRead); {!!.02} Move(FBuffer[FBufPos], BufAsBytes^, BytesToRead); {!!.02} {update our counters} inc(FBufPos, BytesToRead); dec(BytesToGo, BytesToRead); end; end; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TStBufferedStream.Seek(Offset : longint; Origin : word) : longint; var NewPos : longint; NewOfs : longint; begin if (FStream = nil) then RaiseStError(EStBufStreamError, stscNilStream); {optimization: to help code that just wants the current stream position (ie, reading the Position property), check for this as a special case} if (Offset = 0) and (Origin = soFromCurrent) then begin Result := FBufOfs + FBufPos; Exit; end; {calculate the desired position} case Origin of soFromBeginning : NewPos := Offset; soFromCurrent : NewPos := (FBufOfs + FBufPos) + Offset; soFromEnd : NewPos := FSize + Offset; else RaiseStError(EStBufStreamError, stscBadOrigin); NewPos := 0; {to fool the compiler's warning--we never get here} end; {force the new position to be valid} if (NewPos < 0) then NewPos := 0 else if (NewPos > FSize) then NewPos := FSize; {calculate the offset for the buffer} NewOfs := (NewPos div FBufSize) * FBufSize; {if the offset differs, we have to move the buffer window} if (NewOfs <> FBufOfs) then begin {check to see whether we have to write the current buffer to the original stream first} if FDirty then bsWriteToStream; {mark the buffer as empty} FBufOfs := NewOfs; FBufCount := 0; end; {set the position within the buffer} FBufPos := NewPos - FBufOfs; Result := NewPos; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TStBufferedStream.SetSize(NewSize : longint); var NewPos : longint; begin {get rid of the simple case first where the new size and the old size are the same} if (NewSize = FSize) then Exit; {if the buffer is dirty, write it out} if FDirty then bsWriteToStream; {now set the size of the underlying stream} FStream.Size := NewSize; {patch up the buffer fields so that the buffered stream points to somewhere in the newly resized stream} NewPos := FBufOfs + FBufPos; if (NewPos > NewSize) then NewPos := NewSize; bsInitForNewStream; Seek(NewPos, soFromBeginning); end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TStBufferedStream.Write(const Buffer; Count : longint) : longint; var BytesToGo : longint; BytesToWrite: longint; // BufAsBytes : TByteArray absolute Buffer; {!!.02} // DestPos : longint; {!!.02} BufAsBytes : PByte; {!!.02} begin BufAsBytes := @Buffer; {!!.02} if (FStream = nil) then RaiseStError(EStBufStreamError, stscNilStream); {calculate the number of bytes we should be able to write} BytesToGo := Count; {we will return this number of bytes or raise an exception} Result := BytesToGo; {are we going to write some data?} if (BytesToGo > 0) then begin {try and make sure that the buffer has some data in it} if (FBufCount = 0) then bsReadFromStream; {write as much as we can to the current buffer} BytesToWrite := MinLong(BytesToGo, FBufSize - FBufPos); {transfer that number of bytes} // Move(BufAsBytes[0], FBuffer[FBufPos], BytesToWrite); {!!.02} Move(BufAsBytes^, FBuffer[FBufPos], BytesToWrite); {!!.02} FDirty := true; {update our counters} inc(FBufPos, BytesToWrite); if (FBufCount < FBufPos) then begin FBufCount := FBufPos; FSize := FBufOfs + FBufPos; end; dec(BytesToGo, BytesToWrite); {if we have more bytes to write then we've reached the end of the buffer and so we need to write another, and another, etc} // DestPos := 0; {!!.02} while BytesToGo > 0 do begin {as the current buffer is dirty, write it out} bsWriteToStream; {position and read the next buffer, if required} FBufPos := 0; inc(FBufOfs, FBufSize); if (FBufOfs < FSize) then bsReadFromStream else FBufCount := 0; {calculate the new destination position, and the number of bytes to write to this buffer} // inc(DestPos, BytesToWrite); {!!.02} Inc(BufAsBytes, BytesToWrite); {!!.02} BytesToWrite := MinLong(BytesToGo, FBufSize - FBufPos); {transfer that number of bytes} // Move(BufAsBytes[DestPos], FBuffer[0], BytesToWrite); {!!.02} Move(BufAsBytes^, FBuffer[0], BytesToWrite); {!!.02} FDirty := true; {update our counters} inc(FBufPos, BytesToWrite); if (FBufCount < FBufPos) then begin FBufCount := FBufPos; FSize := FBufOfs + FBufPos; end; dec(BytesToGo, BytesToWrite); end; end; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} { TStAnsiTextStream } {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} constructor TStAnsiTextStream.Create(aStream : TStream); begin inherited Create(aStream); {set up the line index variables} atsResetLineIndex; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} destructor TStAnsiTextStream.Destroy; begin {if needed, free the fixed line buffer} if (FFixedLine <> nil) then FreeMem(FFixedLine, FixedLineLength); {free the line index} FLineIndex.Free; inherited Destroy; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TStAnsiTextStream.AtEndOfStream : boolean; begin Result := FSize = (FBufOfs + FBufPos); end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TStAnsiTextStream.atsGetLine(var aStartPos : longint; var aEndPos : longint; var aLen : longint); var Done : boolean; Ch : AnsiChar; PrevCh : AnsiChar; begin if (LineTerminator = ltNone) then begin aStartPos := FBufOfs + FBufPos; aEndPos := Seek(aStartPos + FixedLineLength, soFromBeginning); aLen := aEndPos - aStartPos; end else begin aStartPos := FBufOfs + FBufPos; Ch := #0; Done := false; while not Done do begin PrevCh := Ch; if not bsReadChar(Ch) then begin Done := true; aEndPos := FBufOfs + FBufPos; aLen := aEndPos - aStartPos; end else begin case LineTerminator of ltNone : {this'll never get hit}; ltCR : if (Ch = #13) then begin Done := true; aEndPos := FBufOfs + FBufPos; aLen := aEndPos - aStartPos - 1; end; ltLF : if (Ch = #10) then begin Done := true; aEndPos := FBufOfs + FBufPos; aLen := aEndPos - aStartPos - 1; end; ltCRLF : if (Ch = #10) then begin Done := true; aEndPos := FBufOfs + FBufPos; if PrevCh = #13 then aLen := aEndPos - aStartPos - 2 else aLen := aEndPos - aStartPos - 1; end; ltOther: if (Ch = LineTermChar) then begin Done := true; aEndPos := FBufOfs + FBufPos; aLen := aEndPos - aStartPos - 1; end; else RaiseStError(EStBufStreamError, stscBadTerminator); end; end; end; end; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TStAnsiTextStream.atsGetLineCount : longint; begin if FLineCount < 0 then Result := MaxLongInt else Result := FLineCount; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TStAnsiTextStream.atsResetLineIndex; begin {make sure we have a line index} if (FLineIndex = nil) then begin FLineIndex := TList.Create; {create the index: even elements are} FLineIndex.Count := LineIndexCount * 2; {linenums, odd are offsets} {if we didn't have a line index, set up some reasonable defaults} FLineTerm := ltCRLF; {normal Windows text file terminator} FLineEndCh := #10; {not used straight away} FLineLen := 80; {not used straight away} end; FLineIndex[0] := pointer(0); {the first line is line 0 and...} FLineIndex[1] := pointer(0); {...it starts at position 0} FLineInxTop := 0; {the top valid index} FLineInxStep := 1; {step count before add a line to index} FLineCount := -1; {number of lines (-1 = don't know)} FLineCurrent := 0; {current line} FLineCurOfs := 0; {current line offset} end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TStAnsiTextStream.atsSetLineTerm(aValue : TStLineTerminator); begin if (aValue <> LineTerminator) and ((FBufOfs + FBufPos) = 0) then begin {if there was no terminator, free the line buffer} if (LineTerminator = ltNone) then begin FreeMem(FFixedLine, FixedLineLength); FFixedLine := nil; end; {set the new value} FLineTerm := aValue; {if there is no terminator now, allocate the line buffer} if (LineTerminator = ltNone) then begin GetMem(FFixedLine, FixedLineLength); end; atsResetLineIndex; end; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TStAnsiTextStream.atsSetLineEndCh(aValue : AnsiChar); begin if ((FBufOfs + FBufPos) = 0) then begin FLineEndCh := aValue; atsResetLineIndex; end; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TStAnsiTextStream.atsSetLineLen(aValue : integer); begin if (aValue <> FixedLineLength) and ((FBufOfs + FBufPos) = 0) then begin {validate the new length first} if (aValue < 1) or (aValue > 1024) then RaiseStError(EStBufStreamError, stscBadLineLength); {set the new value; note that if there is no terminator we need to free the old line buffer, and then allocate a new one} if (LineTerminator = ltNone) then FreeMem(FFixedLine, FixedLineLength); FLineLen := aValue; if (LineTerminator = ltNone) then GetMem(FFixedLine, FixedLineLength); atsResetLineIndex; end; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TStAnsiTextStream.bsInitForNewStream; begin inherited bsInitForNewStream; atsResetLineIndex; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TStAnsiTextStream.ReadLine : AnsiString; var CurPos : longint; EndPos : longint; Len : longint; StLen : longint; begin atsGetLine(CurPos, EndPos, Len); if (LineTerminator = ltNone) then begin {at this point, Len will either equal FixedLineLength, or it will be less than it because we read the last line of all and it was short} StLen := FixedLineLength; SetLength(Result, StLen); if (Len < StLen) then FillChar(Result[Len+1], StLen-Len, ' '); end else {LineTerminator is not ltNone} begin SetLength(Result, Len); end; {read the line} if Len > 0 then begin Seek(CurPos, soFromBeginning); Read(Result[1], Len); end else {it's a blank line } Result := ''; Seek(EndPos, soFromBeginning); end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TStAnsiTextStream.ReadLineArray(aCharArray : PAnsiChar; aLen : TStMemSize) : TStMemSize; var CurPos : longint; EndPos : longint; Len : longint; StLen : longint; begin atsGetLine(CurPos, EndPos, Len); if (LineTerminator = ltNone) then begin {at this point, Len will either equal FixedLineLength, or it will be less than it because we read the last line of all and it was short} StLen := FixedLineLength; if (StLen > aLen) then StLen := aLen; if (Len < StLen) then FillChar(aCharArray[Len], StLen-Len, ' '); Result := StLen; end else {LineTerminator is not ltNone} begin if (Len > aLen) then Len := aLen; Result := Len; end; Seek(CurPos, soFromBeginning); Read(aCharArray[0], Len); Seek(EndPos, soFromBeginning); end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TStAnsiTextStream.ReadLineZ(aSt : PAnsiChar; aMaxLen : TStMemSize) : PAnsiChar; var CurPos : longint; EndPos : longint; Len : longint; StLen : longint; begin Result := aSt; atsGetLine(CurPos, EndPos, Len); if (LineTerminator = ltNone) then begin {at this point, Len will either equal FixedLineLength, or it will be less than it because we read the last line of all and it was short} StLen := FixedLineLength; if (StLen > aMaxLen) then StLen := aMaxLen; if (Len < StLen) then FillChar(Result[Len], StLen-Len, ' '); Result[StLen] := #0; end else {LineTerminator is not ltNone} begin if (Len > aMaxLen) then Len := aMaxLen; Result[Len] := #0; end; Seek(CurPos, soFromBeginning); Read(Result[0], Len); Seek(EndPos, soFromBeginning); end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TStAnsiTextStream.SeekNearestLine(aOffset : longint) : longint; var CurLine : longint; CurOfs : longint; CurPos : longint; EndPos : longint; Len : longint; i : longint; Done : boolean; L, R, M : integer; begin {if the offset we want is for the current line, reposition at the current line offset, return the current line number and exit} if (aOffset = FLineCurOfs) then begin Seek(FLineCurOfs, soFromBeginning); Result := FLineCurrent; Exit; end; {if the offset requested is less than or equal to zero, just position at line zero (ie, the start of the stream)} if (aOffset <= 0) then begin Seek(0, soFromBeginning); FLineCurrent := 0; FLineCurOfs := 0; Result := 0; Exit; end; {if the offset requested is greater than or equal to the size of the stream, position at the end of the stream (note that if we don't know the number of lines in the stream yet, FLineCount is set to -1 and we can't take this shortcut because we need to return the true value)} if (FLineCount >= 0) and (aOffset >= FSize) then begin Seek(0, soFromEnd); FLineCurrent := FLineCount; FLineCurOfs := FSize; Result := FLineCount; Exit; end; {if the offset requested is greater than the top item in the line index, we shall have to build up the index until we get to the line we require, or just beyond} if (aOffset > longint(FLineIndex[FLineInxTop+1])) then begin {position at the last known line offset} CurLine := longint(FLineIndex[FLineInxTop]); CurOfs := longint(FLineIndex[FLineInxTop+1]); Seek(CurOfs, soFromBeginning); Done := false; {continue reading lines in chunks of FLineInxStep and add an index entry for each chunk} while not Done do begin for i := 0 to pred(FLineInxStep) do begin atsGetLine(CurPos, EndPos, Len); inc(CurLine); CurOfs := EndPos; if (EndPos = FSize) then begin Done := true; Break; end; end; if Done then FLineCount := CurLine else begin inc(FLineInxTop, 2); if (FLineInxTop = (LineIndexCount * 2)) then begin {we've exhausted the space in the index: rescale} FLineInxTop := FLineInxTop div 2; for i := 0 to pred(FLineInxTop) do begin if Odd(i) then FLineIndex.Exchange((i*2)-1, i) else FLineIndex.Exchange(i*2, i); end; FLineInxStep := FLineInxStep * 2; end; FLineIndex[FLineInxTop] := pointer(CurLine); FLineIndex[FLineInxTop+1] := pointer(CurOfs); if (aOffset <= CurOfs) then Done := true; end; end; end; {we can now work out where the nearest item in the index is to the line we require} L := 1; R := FLineInxTop+1; while (L <= R) do begin M := (L + R) div 2; if not Odd(M) then inc(M); if (aOffset < longint(FLineIndex[M])) then R := M - 2 else if (aOffset > longint(FLineIndex[M])) then L := M + 2 else begin FLineCurrent := longint(FLineIndex[M-1]); FLineCurOfs := longint(FLineIndex[M]); Seek(FLineCurOfs, soFromBeginning); Result := FLineCurrent; Exit; end; end; {the item at L-2 will have the nearest smaller offset than the one we want, hence the nearest smaller line is at L-3; start here and read through the stream forwards} CurLine := longint(FLineIndex[L-3]); Seek(longint(FLineIndex[L-2]), soFromBeginning); while true do begin atsGetLine(CurPos, EndPos, Len); inc(CurLine); if (EndPos > aOffset) then begin FLineCurrent := CurLine - 1; FLineCurOfs := CurPos; Seek(CurPos, soFromBeginning); Result := CurLine - 1; Exit; end else if (CurLine = FLineCount) or (EndPos = aOffset) then begin FLineCurrent := CurLine; FLineCurOfs := EndPos; Seek(EndPos, soFromBeginning); Result := CurLine; Exit; end; end; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TStAnsiTextStream.SeekLine(aLineNum : longint) : longint; var CurLine : longint; CurOfs : longint; CurPos : longint; EndPos : longint; Len : longint; i : longint; Done : boolean; L, R, M : integer; begin {if the line number we want is the current line, reposition at the current line offset, return the current line number and exit} if (aLineNum = FLineCurrent) then begin Seek(FLineCurOfs, soFromBeginning); Result := FLineCurrent; Exit; end; {if the line number requested is less than or equal to zero, just position at line zero (ie, the start of the stream)} if (aLineNum <= 0) then begin Seek(0, soFromBeginning); FLineCurrent := 0; FLineCurOfs := 0; Result := 0; Exit; end; {if the line number requested is greater than or equal to the line count, position at the end of the stream (note that if we don't know the number of lines in the stream yet, FLineCount is set to -1)} if (FLineCount >= 0) and (aLineNum > FLineCount) then begin Seek(0, soFromEnd); FLineCurrent := FLineCount; FLineCurOfs := FSize; Result := FLineCount; Exit; end; {if the line number requested is greater than the top item in the line index, we shall have to build up the index until we get to the line we require, or just beyond} if (aLineNum > longint(FLineIndex[FLineInxTop])) then begin {position at the last known line offset} CurLine := longint(FLineIndex[FLineInxTop]); CurOfs := longint(FLineIndex[FLineInxTop+1]); Seek(CurOfs, soFromBeginning); Done := false; {continue reading lines in chunks of FLineInxStep and add an index entry for each chunk} while not Done do begin for i := 0 to pred(FLineInxStep) do begin atsGetLine(CurPos, EndPos, Len); inc(CurLine); CurOfs := EndPos; if (EndPos = FSize) then begin Done := true; Break; end; end; if Done then FLineCount := CurLine else begin inc(FLineInxTop, 2); if (FLineInxTop = (LineIndexCount * 2)) then begin {we've exhausted the space in the index: rescale} FLineInxTop := FLineInxTop div 2; for i := 0 to pred(FLineInxTop) do begin if Odd(i) then FLineIndex.Exchange((i*2)-1, i) else FLineIndex.Exchange(i*2, i); end; FLineInxStep := FLineInxStep * 2; end; FLineIndex[FLineInxTop] := pointer(CurLine); FLineIndex[FLineInxTop+1] := pointer(CurOfs); if (aLineNum <= CurLine) then Done := true; end; end; end; {we can now work out where the nearest item in the index is to the line we require} L := 0; R := FLineInxTop; while (L <= R) do begin M := (L + R) div 2; if Odd(M) then dec(M); if (aLineNum < longint(FLineIndex[M])) then R := M - 2 else if (aLineNum > longint(FLineIndex[M])) then L := M + 2 else begin FLineCurrent := longint(FLineIndex[M]); FLineCurOfs := longint(FLineIndex[M+1]); Seek(FLineCurOfs, soFromBeginning); Result := FLineCurrent; Exit; end; end; {the item at L-2 will have the nearest smaller line number than the one we want; start here and read through the stream forwards} CurLine := longint(FLineIndex[L-2]); Seek(longint(FLineIndex[L-1]), soFromBeginning); while true do begin atsGetLine(CurPos, EndPos, Len); inc(CurLine); if (CurLine = FLineCount) or (CurLine = aLineNum) then begin FLineCurrent := CurLine; FLineCurOfs := EndPos; Seek(EndPos, soFromBeginning); Result := CurLine; Exit; end; end; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TStAnsiTextStream.WriteLine(const aSt : AnsiString); var Len : Integer; begin Len := Length(aSt); if Len > 0 then WriteLineArray(PAnsiChar(aSt), Len) else WriteLineArray('', 0); end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TStAnsiTextStream.WriteLineArray(aCharArray : PAnsiChar; aLen : TStMemSize); var C : AnsiChar; begin if (aCharArray = nil) then aLen := 0; if (LineTerminator = ltNone) then begin if (aLen >= FixedLineLength) then Write(aCharArray[0], FixedLineLength) else begin FillChar(FFixedLine[aLen], FixedLineLength-aLen, ' '); if (aLen > 0) then Move(aCharArray[0], FFixedLine[0], aLen); Write(FFixedLine[0], FixedLineLength); end; end else begin if (aLen > 0) then Write(aCharArray[0], aLen); case LineTerminator of ltNone : {this'll never get hit}; ltCR : Write(LineTerm[ltCR], 1); ltLF : Write(LineTerm[ltLF], 1); ltCRLF : Write(LineTerm[ltCRLF], 2); ltOther: begin C := LineTermChar; Write(C, 1); end; else RaiseStError(EStBufStreamError, stscBadTerminator); end; end; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TStAnsiTextStream.WriteLineZ(aSt : PAnsiChar); var LenSt : TStMemSize; begin if (aSt = nil) then LenSt := 0 else LenSt := StrLen(aSt); WriteLineArray(aSt, LenSt); end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} { TStMemoryMappedFile } {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} constructor TStMemoryMappedFile.Create(const FileName : string; {!!.02} MaxSize : Cardinal; ReadOnly : Boolean; SharedData : Boolean); var RO1, RO2, RO3, RO4, FHi : DWORD; SetSize: Boolean; begin inherited Create; FMutex := CreateMutex(nil, False, nil); FSharedData := SharedData; if (FSharedData) then FHeaderSize := SizeOf(Word) + SizeOf(Cardinal) else FHeaderSize := 0; FReadOnly := ReadOnly; if (SharedData) then FReadOnly := False; if (FReadOnly) then begin RO1 := GENERIC_READ; RO2 := FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY; RO3 := PAGE_READONLY; RO4 := FILE_MAP_READ; FMaxHi := 0; FMaxLo := 0; end else begin RO1 := GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE; RO2 := FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; RO3 := PAGE_READWRITE; RO4 := FILE_MAP_WRITE; FMaxHi := 0; FMaxLo := MaxSize; end; if (not SharedData) then begin FHandle := CreateFile(PChar(FileName), RO1, FILE_SHARE_READ or FILE_SHARE_WRITE, nil, OPEN_ALWAYS, RO2, 0); if (FHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then RaiseStError(EStMMFileError, stscCreateFileFailed); {reset FMaxLo if file is read/write and less < FileSize} {the result is that the file size cannot be changed but the contents can} {still be modified} FDataSize := GetFileSize(FHandle, @FHi); if (FDataSize <> $FFFFFFFF) then begin if (not ReadOnly) and (FDataSize > FMaxLo) then FMaxLo := FDataSize; end else begin CloseHandle(FHandle); RaiseStError(EStMMFileError, stscGetSizeFailed); end; end else FDataSize := 0; if (not SharedData) then begin FMapObj := CreateFileMapping(FHandle, nil, RO3, FMaxHi, FMaxLo, nil); SetSize := False; end else begin if (FMaxLo > (High(Cardinal) - FHeaderSize)) then FMaxLo := High(Cardinal) - FHeaderSize else FMaxLo := FMaxLo + FHeaderSize; FMapObj := CreateFileMapping(THandle($FFFFFFFF), nil, RO3, FMaxHi, FMaxLo, 'STMMFILE1'); SetSize := (GetLastError = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS); end; if (FMapObj = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then RaiseStError(EStMMFileError, stscFileMappingFailed); FBuffer := MapViewOfFile(FMapObj, RO4, 0, 0, FMaxLo); if (not Assigned(FBuffer)) then RaiseStError(EStMMFileError, stscCreateViewFailed); if (SharedData) then begin if (SetSize) then Move(PByteArray(FBuffer)[SizeOf(Word)-1], FDataSize, SizeOf(Cardinal)) else begin Move(FHeaderSize, PByteArray(FBuffer)[0], SizeOf(Word)); FDataSize := 0; Move(FDataSize, PByteArray(FBuffer)[SizeOf(Word)-1], SizeOf(Cardinal)); end; end; {set position to beginning} FPos := FHeaderSize; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} destructor TStMemoryMappedFile.Destroy; begin {Close the View and Mapping object} UnmapViewOfFile(FBuffer); FBuffer := nil; CloseHandle(FMapObj); if (not SharedData) then begin {set the file pointer to the end of the actual data} SetFilePointer(FHandle, FDataSize, nil, FILE_BEGIN); {set the EOF marker to the end of actual data} SetEndOfFile(FHandle); CloseHandle(FHandle); end; {now the Mutex can be cleared} CloseHandle(FMutex); FMutex := 0; inherited Destroy; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TStMemoryMappedFile.GetDataSize : Cardinal; begin Move(PByteArray(FBuffer)[SizeOf(Word)-1], FDataSize, SizeOf(Cardinal)); Result := FDataSize; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TStMemoryMappedFile.Read(var Buffer; Count : Longint) : Longint; var // ByteArray : TByteArray absolute Buffer; {!!.02} ByteArray : PByte; {!!.02} begin ByteArray := @Buffer; {!!.02} {check to make sure that the read does not go beyond the actual data} if (((FPos-FHeaderSize) + DWORD(Count)) > FDataSize) then Count := FDataSize - FPos + FHeaderSize; if (SharedData) then begin WaitForSingleObject(FMutex, INFINITE); try // Move(PByteArray(FBuffer)[FPos], ByteArray[0], Count); {!!.02} Move(PByteArray(FBuffer)[FPos], ByteArray^, Count); {!!.02} Inc(FPos, Count); Result := Count; finally ReleaseMutex(FMutex); end; end else begin // Move(PByteArray(FBuffer)[FPos], ByteArray[0], Count); {!!.02} Move(PByteArray(FBuffer)[FPos], ByteArray^, Count); {!!.02} Inc(FPos, Count); Result := Count; end; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TStMemoryMappedFile.Write(const Buffer; Count : Longint) : Longint; var // ByteArray : TByteArray absolute Buffer; {!!.02} ByteArray : PByte; {!!.02} begin ByteArray := @Buffer; {!!.02} if (ReadOnly) then begin Result := 0; Exit; end; {check that the write does not go beyond the maximum file size} if ((FPos + DWORD(Count)) > pred(FMaxLo)) then Count := pred(FMaxLo - FPos); if (SharedData) then begin WaitForSingleObject(FMutex, INFINITE); try // Move(ByteArray[0], PByteArray(FBuffer)[FPos], Count); {!!.02} Move(ByteArray^, PByteArray(FBuffer)[FPos], Count); {!!.02} Inc(FPos, Count); {if the write went beyond the previous end of data, update FDataSize} if ((FPos-FHeaderSize) > FDataSize) then FDataSize := FPos-FHeaderSize; Move(FDataSize, PByteArray(FBuffer)[SizeOf(Word)-1], SizeOf(Cardinal)); Result := Count; finally ReleaseMutex(FMutex); end; end else begin // Move(ByteArray[0], PByteArray(FBuffer)[FPos], Count); {!!.02} Move(ByteArray^, PByteArray(FBuffer)[FPos], Count); {!!.02} Inc(FPos, Count); {if the write went beyond the previous end of data, update FDataSize} if ((FPos-FHeaderSize) > FDataSize) then FDataSize := FPos-FHeaderSize; Move(FDataSize, PByteArray(FBuffer)[SizeOf(Word)-1], SizeOf(Cardinal)); Result := Count; end; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TStMemoryMappedFile.Seek(Offset : Longint; Origin : Word) : Longint; begin if (SharedData) then begin WaitForSingleObject(FMutex, INFINITE); try case Origin of {$WARNINGS OFF} soFromBeginning : FPos := Offset + FHeaderSize; soFromCurrent : FPos := FPos + Offset + FHeaderSize; {the seek should be based on actual data, not the mapped size since} {the "data" between FDataSize and the mapped size is undefined} soFromEnd : FPos := FDataSize + Offset + FHeaderSize; {$WARNINGS ON} else RaiseStError(EStMMFileError, stscBadOrigin); end; {force the new position to be valid} if ((FPos-FHeaderSize) > FDataSize) then FPos := FDataSize + FHeaderSize; Result := FPos; finally ReleaseMutex(FMutex); end; end else begin {$WARNINGS OFF} case Origin of soFromBeginning : FPos := Offset + FHeaderSize; soFromCurrent : FPos := FPos + Offset + FHeaderSize; {the seek should be based on actual data, not the mapped size since} {the "data" between FDataSize and the mapped size is undefined} soFromEnd : FPos := FDataSize + Offset + FHeaderSize; else RaiseStError(EStMMFileError, stscBadOrigin); end; {$WARNINGS ON} {force the new position to be valid} if ((FPos-FHeaderSize) > FDataSize) then FPos := FDataSize + FHeaderSize; Result := FPos; end; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} end.