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Contents of /dao/DelphiScanner/Components/tpsystools_4.04/source/StSort.pas

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Revision 2671 - (show annotations) (download)
Tue Aug 25 18:15:15 2015 UTC (8 years, 11 months ago) by torben
File size: 33571 byte(s)
Added tpsystools component
1 // Upgraded to Delphi 2009: Sebastian Zierer
3 (* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
4 * Version: MPL 1.1
5 *
6 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
7 * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
8 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
9 * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
10 *
11 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
13 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
14 * License.
15 *
16 * The Original Code is TurboPower SysTools
17 *
18 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
19 * TurboPower Software
20 *
21 * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1996-2002
22 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
23 *
24 * Contributor(s):
25 *
26 * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
28 {*********************************************************}
29 {* SysTools: StSort.pas 4.04 *}
30 {*********************************************************}
31 {* SysTools: General purpose sorting class using *}
32 {* merge sort algorithm *}
33 {*********************************************************}
35 {$I StDefine.inc}
37 {Notes:
38 The sequence to sort data is this:
40 Sorter := TStSorter.Create(MaxHeap, RecLen);
41 Sorter.Compare := ACompareFunction;
42 repeat
43 ... obtain ADataRecord from somewhere ...
44 Sorter.Put(ADataRecord);
45 until NoMoreData;
46 while Sorter.Get(ADataRecord) do
47 ... do something with ADataRecord ...
48 Sorter.Free;
50 While Put is called, the sorter buffers as many records as it can fit in
51 MaxHeap. When that space is filled, it sorts the buffer and stores that
52 buffer to a temporary merge file. When Get is called, the sorter sorts the
53 last remaining buffer and starts either returning the records from the
54 buffer (if all records fit into memory) or merging the files and returning
55 the records from there.
57 The Compare function can be used as a place to display status and to abort
58 the sort. It is not possible to accurately predict the total number of
59 times Compare will be called, but it is called very frequently throughout
60 the sort. To abort a sort from the Compare function, just raise an
61 exception there.
63 The Reset method can be called to sort another set of data of the same
64 record length. Once Get has been called, Put cannot be called again unless
65 Reset is called first.
67 There is no default Compare function. One must be assigned after creating
68 a TStSorter and before calling Put. Otherwise an exception is raised the
69 first time a Compare function is needed.
71 If Create cannot allocate MaxHeap bytes for a work buffer, it
72 repeatedly divides MaxHeap by two until it can successfully allocate that
73 much space. After finding a block it can allocate, it does not attempt to
74 allocate larger blocks that might still fit.
76 Unlike MSORTP, STSORT always swaps full records. It does not use pointer
77 swapping for large records. If this is desirable, the application should
78 pass pointers to previously allocated records into the TStSorter class.
80 The OptimumHeapToUse, MinimumHeapToUse, and MergeInfo functions can be used
81 to optimize the buffer size before starting a sort.
83 By default, temporary merge files are saved in the current directory with
84 names of the form SORnnnnn.TMP, where nnnnn is a sequential file number.
85 You can supply a different merge name function via the MergeName property
86 to put the files in a different location or use a different form for the
87 names.
89 The sorter is thread-aware and uses critical sections to protect the Put,
90 Get, and Reset methods. Be sure that one thread does not call Put after
91 another thread has already called Get.
92 }
94 unit StSort;
96 interface
98 uses
99 Windows,
100 SysUtils, STConst, STBase;
102 const
103 {.Z+}
104 MinRecsPerRun = 4; {Minimum number of records in run buffer}
105 MergeOrder = 5; {Input files used at a time during merge, >=2, <=10}
106 MedianThreshold = 16; {Threshold for using median-of-three quicksort}
107 {.Z-}
109 type
110 TMergeNameFunc = function (MergeNum : Integer) : string;
112 TMergeInfo = record {Record returned by MergeInfo}
113 SortStatus : Integer; {Predicted status of sort, assuming disk ok}
114 MergeFiles : Integer; {Total number of merge files created}
115 MergeHandles : Integer; {Maximum file handles used}
116 MergePhases : Integer; {Number of merge phases}
117 MaxDiskSpace : LongInt; {Maximum peak disk space used}
118 HeapUsed : LongInt; {Heap space actually used}
119 end;
121 {.Z+}
122 TMergeIntArray = array[1..MergeOrder] of Integer;
123 TMergeLongArray = array[1..MergeOrder] of LongInt;
124 TMergePtrArray = array[1..MergeOrder] of Pointer;
125 {.Z-}
127 TStSorter = class(TObject)
128 {.Z+}
129 protected
130 {property instance variables}
131 FCount : LongInt; {Number of records put to sort}
132 FRecLen : Cardinal; {Size of each record}
133 FCompare : TUntypedCompareFunc; {Compare function}
134 FMergeName : TMergeNameFunc; {Merge file naming function}
136 {private instance variables}
137 sorRunCapacity : LongInt; {Capacity (in records) of run buffer}
138 sorRunCount : LongInt; {Current number of records in run buffer}
139 sorGetIndex : LongInt; {Last run element passed back to user}
140 sorPivotPtr : Pointer; {Pointer to pivot record}
141 sorSwapPtr : Pointer; {Pointer to swap record}
142 sorState : Integer; {0 = empty, 1 = adding, 2 = getting}
143 sorMergeFileCount : Integer; {Number of merge files created}
144 sorMergeFileMerged : Integer; {Index of last merge file merged}
145 sorMergeOpenCount : Integer; {Count of open merge files}
146 sorMergeBufSize : LongInt; {Usable bytes in merge buffer}
147 sorMergeFileNumber : TMergeIntArray; {File number of each open merge file}
148 sorMergeFiles : TMergeIntArray; {File handles for merge files}
149 sorMergeBytesLoaded: TMergeLongArray;{Count of bytes in each merge buffer}
150 sorMergeBytesUsed : TMergeLongArray; {Bytes used in each merge buffer}
151 sorMergeBases : TMergePtrArray; {Base index for each merge buffer}
152 sorMergePtrs : TMergePtrArray; {Current head elements in each merge buffer}
153 sorOutFile : Integer; {Output file handle}
154 sorOutPtr : Pointer; {Pointer for output buffer}
155 sorOutBytesUsed : LongInt; {Number of bytes in output buffer}
156 {$IFDEF ThreadSafe}
157 sorThreadSafe : TRTLCriticalSection;{Windows critical section record}
158 {$ENDIF}
159 sorBuffer : Pointer; {Pointer to global buffer}
161 {protected undocumented methods}
162 procedure sorAllocBuffer(MaxHeap : LongInt);
163 procedure sorCreateNewMergeFile(var Handle : Integer);
164 procedure sorDeleteMergeFiles;
165 function sorElementPtr(Index : LongInt) : Pointer;
166 procedure sorFlushOutBuffer;
167 procedure sorFreeBuffer;
168 procedure sorGetMergeElementPtr(M : Integer);
169 function sorGetNextElementIndex : Integer;
170 procedure sorMergeFileGroup;
171 procedure sorMoveElement(Src, Dest : Pointer);
172 procedure sorOpenMergeFiles;
173 procedure sorPrimaryMerge;
174 procedure sorRunSort(L, R : LongInt);
175 procedure sorStoreElement(Src : Pointer);
176 procedure sorStoreNewMergeFile;
177 procedure sorSwapElements(L, R : LongInt);
178 procedure sorSetCompare(Comp : TUntypedCompareFunc);
180 {protected documented methods}
181 procedure EnterCS;
182 {-Enter critical section for this instance}
183 procedure LeaveCS;
184 {-Leave critical section}
185 {.Z-}
187 public
188 constructor Create(MaxHeap : LongInt; RecLen : Cardinal); virtual;
189 {-Initialize a sorter}
190 destructor Destroy; override;
191 {-Destroy a sorter}
193 procedure Put(const X);
194 {-Add an element to the sort system}
195 function Get(var X) : Boolean;
196 {-Return next sorted element from the sort system}
198 procedure Reset;
199 {-Reset sorter before starting another sort}
201 property Count : LongInt
202 {-Return the number of elements in the sorter}
203 read FCount;
205 property Compare : TUntypedCompareFunc
206 {-Set or read the element comparison function}
207 read FCompare
208 write sorSetCompare;
210 property MergeName : TMergeNameFunc
211 {-Set or read the merge filename function}
212 read FMergeName
213 write FMergeName;
215 property RecLen : Cardinal
216 {-Return the size of each record}
217 read FRecLen;
218 end;
220 function OptimumHeapToUse(RecLen : Cardinal; NumRecs : LongInt) : LongInt;
221 {-Returns the optimum amount of heap space to sort NumRecs records
222 of RecLen bytes each. Less heap space causes merging; more heap
223 space is partially unused.}
225 function MinimumHeapToUse(RecLen : Cardinal) : LongInt;
226 {-Returns the absolute minimum heap that allows MergeSort to succeed}
228 function MergeInfo(MaxHeap : LongInt; RecLen : Cardinal;
229 NumRecs : LongInt) : TMergeInfo;
230 {-Predicts status and resource usage of a merge sort}
232 function DefaultMergeName(MergeNum : Integer) : string;
233 {-Default function used for returning merge file names}
235 procedure ArraySort(var A; RecLen, NumRecs : Cardinal;
236 Compare : TUntypedCompareFunc);
237 {-Sort a normal Delphi array (A) in place}
239 {======================================================================}
241 implementation
243 const
244 ecOutOfMemory = 8;
246 procedure RaiseError(Code : longint);
247 var
248 E : ESTSortError;
249 begin
250 if Code = ecOutOfMemory then
251 OutOfMemoryError
252 else begin
253 E := ESTSortError.CreateResTP(Code, 0);
254 E.ErrorCode := Code;
255 raise E;
256 end;
257 end;
259 function DefaultMergeName(MergeNum : Integer) : string;
260 begin
261 Result := 'SOR'+IntToStr(MergeNum)+'.TMP';
262 end;
264 function MergeInfo(MaxHeap : LongInt; RecLen : Cardinal;
265 NumRecs : LongInt) : TMergeInfo;
266 type
267 MergeFileSizeArray = array[1..(StMaxBlockSize div SizeOf(LongInt))] of LongInt;
268 var
269 MFileMerged, MOpenCount, MFileCount : Integer;
270 SizeBufSize, DiskSpace, OutputSpace, PeakDiskSpace : LongInt;
271 AllocRecs, RunCapacity, RecordsLeft, RecordsInFile : LongInt;
272 MFileSizeP : ^MergeFileSizeArray;
273 begin
274 {Set defaults for the result}
275 FillChar(Result, SizeOf(TMergeInfo), 0);
277 {Validate input parameters}
278 if (RecLen = 0) or (MaxHeap <= 0) or (NumRecs <= 0) then begin
279 Result.SortStatus := stscBadSize;
280 Exit;
281 end;
283 AllocRecs := MaxHeap div LongInt(RecLen);
284 if AllocRecs < MergeOrder+1 then begin
285 Result.SortStatus := stscBadSize;
286 Exit;
287 end;
289 RunCapacity := AllocRecs-2;
290 if RunCapacity < MinRecsPerRun then begin
291 Result.SortStatus := stscBadSize;
292 Exit;
293 end;
295 {Compute amount of memory used}
296 Result.HeapUsed := AllocRecs*LongInt(RecLen);
298 if RunCapacity >= NumRecs then
299 {All the records fit into memory}
300 Exit;
302 {Compute initial number of merge files and disk space}
303 MFileCount := NumRecs div (AllocRecs-2);
304 if NumRecs mod (AllocRecs-2) <> 0 then
305 inc(MFileCount);
306 {if MFileCount > MaxInt then begin }
307 { Result.SortStatus := stscTooManyFiles;}
308 { Exit; }
309 {end; }
310 DiskSpace := NumRecs*LongInt(RecLen);
312 {At least one merge phase required}
313 Result.MergePhases := 1;
315 if MFileCount <= MergeOrder then begin
316 {Only one merge phase, direct to user}
317 Result.MergeFiles := MFileCount;
318 Result.MergeHandles := MFileCount;
319 Result.MaxDiskSpace := DiskSpace;
320 Exit;
321 end;
323 {Compute total number of merge files and merge phases}
324 MFileMerged := 0;
325 while MFileCount-MFileMerged > MergeOrder do begin
326 inc(Result.MergePhases);
327 MOpenCount := 0;
328 while (MOpenCount < MergeOrder) and (MFileMerged < MFileCount) do begin
329 inc(MOpenCount);
330 inc(MFileMerged);
331 end;
332 inc(MFileCount);
333 end;
335 {Store the information we already know}
336 Result.MergeFiles := MFileCount;
337 Result.MergeHandles := MergeOrder+1; {MergeOrder input files, 1 output file}
339 {Determine whether the disk space analysis can proceed}
340 Result.MaxDiskSpace := -1;
341 if MFileCount > (StMaxBlockSize div SizeOf(LongInt)) then
342 Exit;
343 SizeBufSize := MFileCount*SizeOf(LongInt);
344 try
345 GetMem(MFileSizeP, SizeBufSize);
346 except
347 Exit;
348 end;
350 {Compute size of initial merge files}
351 RecordsLeft := NumRecs;
352 MFileCount := 0;
353 while RecordsLeft > 0 do begin
354 inc(MFileCount);
355 if RecordsLeft >= RunCapacity then
356 RecordsInFile := RunCapacity
357 else
358 RecordsInFile := RecordsLeft;
359 MFileSizeP^[MFileCount] := RecordsInFile*LongInt(RecLen);
360 dec(RecordsLeft, RecordsInFile);
361 end;
363 {Carry sizes forward to get disk space used}
364 PeakDiskSpace := DiskSpace;
365 MFileMerged := 0;
366 while MFileCount-MFileMerged > MergeOrder do begin
367 MOpenCount := 0;
368 OutputSpace := 0;
369 while (MOpenCount < MergeOrder) and (MFileMerged < MFileCount) do begin
370 inc(MOpenCount);
371 inc(MFileMerged);
372 inc(OutputSpace, MFileSizeP^[MFileMerged]);
373 end;
374 inc(MFileCount);
375 {Save size of output file}
376 MFileSizeP^[MFileCount] := OutputSpace;
377 {Output file and input files coexist temporarily}
378 inc(DiskSpace, OutputSpace);
379 {Store new peak disk space}
380 if DiskSpace > PeakDiskSpace then
381 PeakDiskSpace := DiskSpace;
382 {Account for deleting input files}
383 dec(DiskSpace, OutputSpace);
384 end;
385 Result.MaxDiskSpace := PeakDiskSpace;
387 FreeMem(MFileSizeP, SizeBufSize);
388 end;
390 function MinimumHeapToUse(RecLen : Cardinal) : LongInt;
391 var
392 HeapToUse : LongInt;
393 begin
394 HeapToUse := (MergeOrder+1)*RecLen;
395 Result := (MinRecsPerRun+2)*RecLen;
396 if Result < HeapToUse then
397 Result := HeapToUse;
398 end;
400 function OptimumHeapToUse(RecLen : Cardinal; NumRecs : LongInt) : LongInt;
401 begin
402 if (NumRecs < MergeOrder+1) then
403 NumRecs := MergeOrder+1;
404 Result := LongInt(RecLen)*(NumRecs+2);
405 end;
407 {----------------------------------------------------------------------}
409 constructor TStSorter.Create(MaxHeap : LongInt; RecLen : Cardinal);
410 begin
411 if (RecLen = 0) or (MaxHeap <= 0) then
412 RaiseError(stscBadSize);
414 FMergeName := DefaultMergeName;
415 FRecLen := RecLen;
417 {Allocate a sort work buffer using at most MaxHeap bytes}
418 sorAllocBuffer(MaxHeap);
420 {$IFDEF ThreadSafe}
421 Windows.InitializeCriticalSection(sorThreadSafe);
422 {$ENDIF}
423 end;
425 destructor TStSorter.Destroy;
426 begin
427 {$IFDEF ThreadSafe}
428 Windows.DeleteCriticalSection(sorThreadSafe);
429 {$ENDIF}
430 sorDeleteMergeFiles;
431 sorFreeBuffer;
432 end;
434 procedure TStSorter.EnterCS;
435 begin
436 {$IFDEF ThreadSafe}
437 EnterCriticalSection(sorThreadSafe);
438 {$ENDIF}
439 end;
441 function TStSorter.Get(var X) : Boolean;
442 var
443 NextIndex : Integer;
444 begin
445 {$IFDEF ThreadSafe}
446 EnterCS;
447 try
448 {$ENDIF}
449 Result := False;
451 if sorState <> 2 then begin
452 {First call to Get}
453 if sorRunCount > 0 then begin
454 {Still have elements to sort}
455 sorRunSort(0, sorRunCount-1);
456 if sorMergeFileCount > 0 then begin
457 {Already have other merge files}
458 sorStoreNewMergeFile;
459 sorPrimaryMerge;
460 sorOpenMergeFiles;
461 end else
462 {No merging necessary}
463 sorGetIndex := 0;
464 end else if FCount = 0 then
465 {No elements were sorted}
466 Exit;
468 sorState := 2;
469 end;
471 if sorMergeFileCount > 0 then begin
472 {Get next record from merge files}
473 NextIndex := sorGetNextElementIndex;
474 if NextIndex <> 0 then begin
475 {Return the element}
476 sorMoveElement(sorMergePtrs[NextIndex], @X);
477 {Get pointer to next element in the stream just used}
478 sorGetMergeElementPtr(NextIndex);
479 Result := True;
480 end;
481 end else if sorGetIndex < sorRunCount then begin
482 {Get next record from run buffer}
483 sorMoveElement(sorElementPtr(sorGetIndex), @X);
484 inc(sorGetIndex);
485 Result := True;
486 end;
487 {$IFDEF ThreadSafe}
488 finally
489 LeaveCS;
490 end;
491 {$ENDIF}
492 end;
494 procedure TStSorter.LeaveCS;
495 begin
496 {$IFDEF ThreadSafe}
497 LeaveCriticalSection(sorThreadSafe);
498 {$ENDIF}
499 end;
501 procedure TStSorter.Reset;
502 begin
503 {$IFDEF ThreadSafe}
504 EnterCS;
505 try
506 {$ENDIF}
507 sorDeleteMergeFiles;
508 FCount := 0;
509 sorState := 0;
510 sorRunCount := 0;
511 sorMergeFileCount := 0;
512 sorMergeFileMerged := 0;
513 sorMergeOpenCount := 0;
514 {$IFDEF ThreadSafe}
515 finally
516 LeaveCS;
517 end;
518 {$ENDIF}
519 end;
521 procedure TStSorter.Put(const X);
522 begin
523 {$IFDEF ThreadSafe}
524 EnterCS;
525 try
526 {$ENDIF}
527 if sorState = 2 then
528 {Can't Put after calling Get}
529 RaiseError(stscBadState);
531 sorState := 1;
533 if sorRunCount >= sorRunCapacity then begin
534 {Run buffer full; sort buffer and store to disk}
535 sorRunSort(0, sorRunCount-1);
536 sorStoreNewMergeFile;
537 sorRunCount := 0;
538 end;
540 {Store new element into run buffer}
541 sorMoveElement(@X, sorElementPtr(sorRunCount));
542 inc(sorRunCount);
543 inc(FCount);
544 {$IFDEF ThreadSafe}
545 finally
546 LeaveCS;
547 end;
548 {$ENDIF}
549 end;
551 procedure TStSorter.sorAllocBuffer(MaxHeap : LongInt);
552 {-Allocate a work buffer of records in at most MaxHeap bytes}
553 var
554 Status : Integer;
555 AllocRecs : LongInt;
556 begin
557 Status := stscBadSize;
558 repeat
559 AllocRecs := MaxHeap div LongInt(FRecLen);
560 if AllocRecs < MergeOrder+1 then
561 RaiseError(Status);
563 sorBuffer := GlobalAllocPtr(HeapAllocFlags, AllocRecs*LongInt(FRecLen));
565 if sorBuffer = nil then begin
566 Status := ecOutOfMemory;
567 MaxHeap := MaxHeap div 2;
568 end else
569 break;
570 until False;
572 sorMergeBufSize := LongInt(FRecLen)*(AllocRecs div (MergeOrder+1));
574 sorRunCapacity := AllocRecs-2;
575 if sorRunCapacity < MinRecsPerRun then
576 RaiseError(Status);
578 sorPivotPtr := sorElementPtr(AllocRecs-1);
579 sorSwapPtr := sorElementPtr(AllocRecs-2);
580 end;
582 procedure TStSorter.sorCreateNewMergeFile(var Handle : Integer);
583 {-Create another merge file and return its handle}
584 begin
585 if sorMergeFileCount = MaxInt then
586 {Too many merge files}
587 RaiseError(stscTooManyFiles);
589 {Create new merge file}
590 inc(sorMergeFileCount);
591 Handle := FileCreate(FMergeName(sorMergeFileCount));
592 if Handle < 0 then begin
593 dec(sorMergeFileCount);
594 RaiseError(stscFileCreate);
595 end;
596 end;
598 procedure TStSorter.sorDeleteMergeFiles;
599 {-Delete open and already-closed merge files}
600 var
601 I : Integer;
602 begin
603 for I := 1 to sorMergeOpenCount do begin
604 FileClose(sorMergeFiles[I]);
605 SysUtils.DeleteFile(FMergeName(sorMergeFileNumber[I]));
606 end;
608 for I := sorMergeFileMerged+1 to sorMergeFileCount do
609 SysUtils.DeleteFile(FMergeName(I));
610 end;
612 function TStSorter.sorElementPtr(Index : LongInt) : Pointer;
613 {-Return a pointer to the given element in the sort buffer}
614 begin
615 Result := PAnsiChar(sorBuffer)+Index*LongInt(FRecLen);
616 end;
618 procedure TStSorter.sorFlushOutBuffer;
619 {-Write the merge output buffer to disk}
620 var
621 BytesWritten : LongInt;
622 begin
623 if sorOutBytesUsed <> 0 then begin
624 BytesWritten := FileWrite(sorOutFile, sorOutPtr^, sorOutBytesUsed);
625 if BytesWritten <> sorOutBytesUsed then
626 RaiseError(stscFileWrite);
627 end;
628 end;
630 procedure TStSorter.sorFreeBuffer;
631 begin
632 GlobalFreePtr(sorBuffer);
633 end;
635 procedure TStSorter.sorGetMergeElementPtr(M : Integer);
636 {-Update head pointer in input buffer of specified open merge file}
637 var
638 BytesRead : LongInt;
639 begin
640 if sorMergeBytesUsed[M] >= sorMergeBytesLoaded[M] then begin
641 {Try to load new data into buffer}
642 BytesRead := FileRead(sorMergeFiles[M], sorMergeBases[M]^, sorMergeBufSize);
643 if BytesRead < 0 then
644 {Error reading file}
645 RaiseError(stscFileRead);
646 if BytesRead < LongInt(FRecLen) then begin
647 {End of file. Close and delete it}
648 FileClose(sorMergeFiles[M]);
649 SysUtils.DeleteFile(FMergeName(sorMergeFileNumber[M]));
650 {Remove file from merge list}
651 if M <> sorMergeOpenCount then begin
652 sorMergeFileNumber[M] := sorMergeFileNumber[sorMergeOpenCount];
653 sorMergeFiles[M] := sorMergeFiles[sorMergeOpenCount];
654 sorMergePtrs[M] := sorMergePtrs[sorMergeOpenCount];
655 sorMergeBytesLoaded[M] := sorMergeBytesLoaded[sorMergeOpenCount];
656 sorMergeBytesUsed[M] := sorMergeBytesUsed[sorMergeOpenCount];
657 sorMergeBases[M] := sorMergeBases[sorMergeOpenCount];
658 end;
659 dec(sorMergeOpenCount);
660 Exit;
661 end;
662 sorMergeBytesLoaded[M] := BytesRead;
663 sorMergeBytesUsed[M] := 0;
664 end;
666 sorMergePtrs[M] := PAnsiChar(sorMergeBases[M])+sorMergeBytesUsed[M];
667 inc(sorMergeBytesUsed[M], FRecLen);
668 end;
670 function TStSorter.sorGetNextElementIndex : Integer;
671 {-Return index into open merge file of next smallest element}
672 var
673 M : Integer;
674 MinElPtr : Pointer;
675 begin
676 if sorMergeOpenCount = 0 then begin
677 {All merge streams are empty}
678 Result := 0;
679 Exit;
680 end;
682 {Assume first element is the least}
683 MinElPtr := sorMergePtrs[1];
684 Result := 1;
686 {Scan the other elements}
687 for M := 2 to sorMergeOpenCount do
688 if FCompare(sorMergePtrs[M]^, MinElPtr^) < 0 then begin
689 Result := M;
690 MinElPtr := sorMergePtrs[M];
691 end;
692 end;
694 procedure TStSorter.sorMergeFileGroup;
695 {-Merge a group of input files into one output file}
696 var
697 NextIndex : Integer;
698 begin
699 sorOutBytesUsed := 0;
700 repeat
701 {Find index of minimum element}
702 NextIndex := sorGetNextElementIndex;
703 if NextIndex = 0 then
704 break
705 else begin
706 {Copy element to output}
707 sorStoreElement(sorMergePtrs[NextIndex]);
708 {Get the next element from its merge stream}
709 sorGetMergeElementPtr(NextIndex);
710 end;
711 until False;
713 {Flush and close the output file}
714 sorFlushOutBuffer;
715 FileClose(sorOutFile);
716 end;
718 procedure TStSorter.sorMoveElement(Src, Dest : Pointer); assembler;
719 {-Copy one record to another location, non-overlapping}
720 register;
721 asm
722 {eax = Self, edx = Src, ecx = Dest}
723 push esi
724 mov esi,Src
725 mov edx,edi
726 mov edi,Dest
727 mov ecx,TStSorter([eax]).FRecLen
728 mov eax,ecx
729 shr ecx,2
730 rep movsd
731 mov ecx,eax
732 and ecx,3
733 rep movsb
734 mov edi,edx
735 pop esi
736 end;
738 procedure TStSorter.sorOpenMergeFiles;
739 {-Open a group of up to MergeOrder input files}
740 begin
741 sorMergeOpenCount := 0;
742 while (sorMergeOpenCount < MergeOrder) and
743 (sorMergeFileMerged < sorMergeFileCount) do begin
744 inc(sorMergeOpenCount);
745 {Open associated merge file}
746 inc(sorMergeFileMerged);
747 sorMergeFiles[sorMergeOpenCount] :=
748 FileOpen(FMergeName(sorMergeFileMerged), fmOpenRead);
749 if sorMergeFiles[sorMergeOpenCount] < 0 then begin
750 dec(sorMergeFileMerged);
751 dec(sorMergeOpenCount);
752 RaiseError(stscFileOpen);
753 end;
754 {File number of merge file}
755 sorMergeFileNumber[sorMergeOpenCount] := sorMergeFileMerged;
756 {Selector for merge file}
757 sorMergePtrs[sorMergeOpenCount] := PAnsiChar(sorBuffer)+
758 (sorMergeOpenCount-1)*sorMergeBufSize;
759 {Number of bytes currently in merge buffer}
760 sorMergeBytesLoaded[sorMergeOpenCount] := 0;
761 {Number of bytes used in merge buffer}
762 sorMergeBytesUsed[sorMergeOpenCount] := 0;
763 {Save the merge pointer}
764 sorMergeBases[sorMergeOpenCount] := sorMergePtrs[sorMergeOpenCount];
765 {Get the first element}
766 sorGetMergeElementPtr(sorMergeOpenCount);
767 end;
768 end;
770 procedure TStSorter.sorPrimaryMerge;
771 {-Merge until there are no more than MergeOrder merge files left}
772 begin
773 sorOutPtr := PAnsiChar(sorBuffer)+MergeOrder*sorMergeBufSize;
774 while sorMergeFileCount-sorMergeFileMerged > MergeOrder do begin
775 {Open next group of MergeOrder files}
776 sorOpenMergeFiles;
777 {Create new output file}
778 sorCreateNewMergeFile(sorOutFile);
779 {Merge these files into the output}
780 sorMergeFileGroup;
781 end;
782 end;
784 procedure TStSorter.sorRunSort(L, R : LongInt);
785 {-Sort one run buffer full of records in memory using non-recursive QuickSort}
786 const
787 StackSize = 32;
788 type
789 Stack = array[0..StackSize-1] of LongInt;
790 var
791 Pl : LongInt; {Left edge within partition}
792 Pr : LongInt; {Right edge within partition}
793 Pm : LongInt; {Mid-point of partition}
794 PartitionLen : LongInt; {Size of current partition}
795 StackP : Integer; {Stack pointer}
796 Lstack : Stack; {Pending partitions, left edge}
797 Rstack : Stack; {Pending partitions, right edge}
798 begin
799 {Make sure there's a compare function}
800 if @FCompare = nil then
801 RaiseError(stscNoCompare);
803 {Initialize the stack}
804 StackP := 0;
805 Lstack[0] := L;
806 Rstack[0] := R;
808 {Repeatedly take top partition from stack}
809 repeat
811 {Pop the stack}
812 L := Lstack[StackP];
813 R := Rstack[StackP];
814 Dec(StackP);
816 {Sort current partition}
817 repeat
818 Pl := L;
819 Pr := R;
820 PartitionLen := Pr-Pl+1;
822 {$IFDEF MidPoint}
823 Pm := Pl+(PartitionLen shr 1);
824 {$ENDIF}
826 {$IFDEF Random}
827 Pm := Pl+Random(PartitionLen);
828 {$ENDIF}
830 {$IFDEF Median}
831 Pm := Pl+(PartitionLen shr 1);
832 if PartitionLen >= MedianThreshold then begin
833 {Sort elements Pl, Pm, Pr}
834 if FCompare(sorElementPtr(Pm)^, sorElementPtr(Pl)^) < 0 then
835 sorSwapElements(Pm, Pl);
836 if FCompare(sorElementPtr(Pr)^, sorElementPtr(Pl)^) < 0 then
837 sorSwapElements(Pr, Pl);
838 if FCompare(sorElementPtr(Pr)^, sorElementPtr(Pm)^) < 0 then
839 sorSwapElements(Pr, Pm);
841 {Exchange Pm with Pr-1 but use Pm's value as the pivot}
842 sorSwapElements(Pm, Pr-1);
843 Pm := Pr-1;
845 {Reduce range of swapping}
846 inc(Pl);
847 dec(Pr, 2);
848 end;
849 {$ENDIF}
851 {Save the pivot element}
852 sorMoveElement(sorElementPtr(Pm), sorPivotPtr);
854 {Swap items in sort order around the pivot}
855 repeat
856 while FCompare(sorElementPtr(Pl)^, sorPivotPtr^) < 0 do
857 Inc(Pl);
858 while FCompare(sorPivotPtr^, sorElementPtr(Pr)^) < 0 do
859 Dec(Pr);
861 if Pl = Pr then begin
862 {Reached the pivot}
863 Inc(Pl);
864 Dec(Pr);
865 end else if Pl < Pr then begin
866 {Swap elements around the pivot}
867 sorSwapElements(Pl, Pr);
868 Inc(Pl);
869 Dec(Pr);
870 end;
871 until Pl > Pr;
873 {Decide which partition to sort next}
874 if (Pr-L) < (R-Pl) then begin
875 {Left partition is bigger}
876 if Pl < R then begin
877 {Stack the request for sorting right partition}
878 Inc(StackP);
879 Lstack[StackP] := Pl;
880 Rstack[StackP] := R;
881 end;
882 {Continue sorting left partition}
883 R := Pr;
884 end else begin
885 {Right partition is bigger}
886 if L < Pr then begin
887 {Stack the request for sorting left partition}
888 Inc(StackP);
889 Lstack[StackP] := L;
890 Rstack[StackP] := Pr;
891 end;
892 {Continue sorting right partition}
893 L := Pl;
894 end;
895 until L >= R;
896 until StackP < 0;
897 end;
899 procedure TStSorter.sorSetCompare(Comp : TUntypedCompareFunc);
900 {-Set the compare function, with error checking}
901 begin
902 if ((FCount <> 0) or (@Comp = nil)) and (@Comp <> @FCompare) then
903 RaiseError(stscBadCompare);
904 FCompare := Comp;
905 end;
907 procedure TStSorter.sorStoreElement(Src : Pointer);
908 {-Store element in the merge output buffer}
909 begin
910 if sorOutBytesUsed >= sorMergeBufSize then begin
911 sorFlushOutBuffer;
912 sorOutBytesUsed := 0;
913 end;
914 sorMoveElement(Src, PAnsiChar(sorOutPtr)+sorOutBytesUsed);
915 inc(sorOutBytesUsed, FRecLen);
916 end;
918 procedure TStSorter.sorStoreNewMergeFile;
919 {-Create new merge file, write run buffer to it, close file}
920 var
921 BytesToWrite, BytesWritten : Integer;
922 begin
923 sorCreateNewMergeFile(sorOutFile);
924 try
925 BytesToWrite := sorRunCount*LongInt(FRecLen);
926 BytesWritten := FileWrite(sorOutFile, sorBuffer^, BytesToWrite);
927 if BytesWritten <> BytesToWrite then
928 RaiseError(stscFileWrite);
929 finally
930 {Close merge file}
931 FileClose(sorOutFile);
932 end;
933 end;
935 procedure TStSorter.sorSwapElements(L, R : LongInt);
936 {-Swap elements with indexes L and R}
937 var
938 LPtr : Pointer;
939 RPtr : Pointer;
940 begin
941 LPtr := sorElementPtr(L);
942 RPtr := sorElementPtr(R);
943 sorMoveElement(LPtr, sorSwapPtr);
944 sorMoveElement(RPtr, LPtr);
945 sorMoveElement(sorSwapPtr, RPtr);
946 end;
948 procedure ArraySort(var A; RecLen, NumRecs : Cardinal;
949 Compare : TUntypedCompareFunc);
950 const
951 StackSize = 32;
952 type
953 Stack = array[0..StackSize-1] of LongInt;
954 var
955 Pl, Pr, Pm, L, R : LongInt;
956 ArraySize, PartitionLen : LongInt;
957 PivotPtr : Pointer;
958 SwapPtr : Pointer;
959 StackP : Integer;
960 Lstack, Rstack : Stack;
962 function ElementPtr(Index : Cardinal) : Pointer;
963 begin
964 Result := PAnsiChar(@A)+Index*RecLen;
965 end;
967 procedure SwapElements(L, R : LongInt);
968 var
969 LPtr : Pointer;
970 RPtr : Pointer;
971 begin
972 LPtr := ElementPtr(L);
973 RPtr := ElementPtr(R);
974 Move(LPtr^, SwapPtr^, RecLen);
975 Move(RPtr^, LPtr^, RecLen);
976 Move(SwapPtr^, RPtr^, RecLen);
977 end;
979 begin
980 {Make sure there's a compare function}
981 if @Compare = nil then
982 RaiseError(stscNoCompare);
984 {Make sure the array size is reasonable}
985 ArraySize := LongInt(RecLen)*LongInt(NumRecs);
986 if (ArraySize = 0) {or (ArraySize > MaxBlockSize)} then
987 RaiseError(stscBadSize);
989 {Get pivot and swap elements}
990 GetMem(PivotPtr, RecLen);
991 try
992 GetMem(SwapPtr, RecLen);
993 try
994 {Initialize the stack}
995 StackP := 0;
996 Lstack[0] := 0;
997 Rstack[0] := NumRecs-1;
999 {Repeatedly take top partition from stack}
1000 repeat
1002 {Pop the stack}
1003 L := Lstack[StackP];
1004 R := Rstack[StackP];
1005 Dec(StackP);
1007 {Sort current partition}
1008 repeat
1009 Pl := L;
1010 Pr := R;
1011 PartitionLen := Pr-Pl+1;
1013 {$IFDEF MidPoint}
1014 Pm := Pl+(PartitionLen shr 1);
1015 {$ENDIF}
1017 {$IFDEF Random}
1018 Pm := Pl+Random(PartitionLen);
1019 {$ENDIF}
1021 {$IFDEF Median}
1022 Pm := Pl+(PartitionLen shr 1);
1023 if PartitionLen >= MedianThreshold then begin
1024 {Sort elements Pl, Pm, Pr}
1025 if Compare(ElementPtr(Pm)^, ElementPtr(Pl)^) < 0 then
1026 SwapElements(Pm, Pl);
1027 if Compare(ElementPtr(Pr)^, ElementPtr(Pl)^) < 0 then
1028 SwapElements(Pr, Pl);
1029 if Compare(ElementPtr(Pr)^, ElementPtr(Pm)^) < 0 then
1030 SwapElements(Pr, Pm);
1032 {Exchange Pm with Pr-1 but use Pm's value as the pivot}
1033 SwapElements(Pm, Pr-1);
1034 Pm := Pr-1;
1036 {Reduce range of swapping}
1037 inc(Pl);
1038 dec(Pr, 2);
1039 end;
1040 {$ENDIF}
1042 {Save the pivot element}
1043 Move(ElementPtr(Pm)^, PivotPtr^, RecLen);
1045 {Swap items in sort order around the pivot}
1046 repeat
1047 while Compare(ElementPtr(Pl)^, PivotPtr^) < 0 do
1048 Inc(Pl);
1049 while Compare(PivotPtr^, ElementPtr(Pr)^) < 0 do
1050 Dec(Pr);
1052 if Pl = Pr then begin
1053 {Reached the pivot}
1054 Inc(Pl);
1055 Dec(Pr);
1056 end else if Pl < Pr then begin
1057 {Swap elements around the pivot}
1058 SwapElements(Pl, Pr);
1059 Inc(Pl);
1060 Dec(Pr);
1061 end;
1062 until Pl > Pr;
1064 {Decide which partition to sort next}
1065 if (Pr-L) < (R-Pl) then begin
1066 {Left partition is bigger}
1067 if Pl < R then begin
1068 {Stack the request for sorting right partition}
1069 Inc(StackP);
1070 Lstack[StackP] := Pl;
1071 Rstack[StackP] := R;
1072 end;
1073 {Continue sorting left partition}
1074 R := Pr;
1075 end else begin
1076 {Right partition is bigger}
1077 if L < Pr then begin
1078 {Stack the request for sorting left partition}
1079 Inc(StackP);
1080 Lstack[StackP] := L;
1081 Rstack[StackP] := Pr;
1082 end;
1083 {Continue sorting right partition}
1084 L := Pl;
1085 end;
1086 until L >= R;
1087 until StackP < 0;
1089 finally
1090 FreeMem(SwapPtr, RecLen);
1091 end;
1092 finally
1093 FreeMem(PivotPtr, RecLen);
1094 end;
1095 end;
1098 end.

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