// Upgraded to Delphi 2009: Sebastian Zierer (* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is TurboPower SysTools * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * TurboPower Software * * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1996-2002 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *) {*********************************************************} {* SysTools: StRandom.pas 4.04 *} {*********************************************************} {* SysTools: Classes for random number distributions *} {*********************************************************} {$I StDefine.inc} unit StRandom; interface uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes, StBase; type TStRandomBase = class private protected function rbMarsagliaGamma(aShape : double) : double; function rbMontyPythonNormal : double; public {uniform distributions} function AsFloat : double; virtual; abstract; function AsInt(aUpperLimit : integer) : integer; function AsIntInRange(aLowerLimit : integer; aUpperLimit : integer) : integer; {continuous non-uniform distributions} function AsBeta(aShape1, aShape2 : double) : double; function AsCauchy : double; function AsChiSquared(aFreedom : integer) : double; function AsErlang(aMean : double; aOrder : integer) : double; function AsExponential(aMean : double) : double; function AsF(aFreedom1 : integer; aFreedom2 : integer) : double; function AsGamma(aShape : double; aScale : double) : double; function AsLogNormal(aMean : double; aStdDev : double) : double; function AsNormal(aMean : double; aStdDev : double) : double; function AsT(aFreedom : integer) : double; function AsWeibull(aShape : double; aScale : double) : double; end; TStRandomSystem = class(TStRandomBase) private FSeed : integer; protected procedure rsSetSeed(aValue : integer); public constructor Create(aSeed : integer); function AsFloat : double; override; property Seed : integer read FSeed write rsSetSeed; end; TStRandomCombined = class(TStRandomBase) private FSeed1 : integer; FSeed2 : integer; protected procedure rcSetSeed1(aValue : integer); procedure rcSetSeed2(aValue : integer); public constructor Create(aSeed1, aSeed2 : integer); function AsFloat : double; override; property Seed1 : integer read FSeed1 write rcSetSeed1; property Seed2 : integer read FSeed2 write rcSetSeed2; end; TStRandomMother = class(TStRandomBase) private FNminus4 : integer; FNminus3 : integer; FNminus2 : integer; FNminus1 : integer; FC : integer; protected procedure rsSetSeed(aValue : integer); public constructor Create(aSeed : integer); function AsFloat : double; override; property Seed : integer write rsSetSeed; end; implementation uses StConst; var Root2Pi : double; InvRoot2Pi : double; RootLn4 : double; Ln2 : double; MPN_s : double; Ln2MPN_s : double; MPN_sPlus1 : double; Mum1 : integer; Mum2 : integer; Mum3 : integer; Mum4 : integer; {===Helper routines==================================================} function GetRandomSeed : integer; var Hash : integer; SystemTime: TSystemTime; G : integer; begin {start with the tick count} Hash := integer(GetTickCount); {get the current time} GetLocalTime(SystemTime); {hash in the milliseconds} Hash := (Hash shl 4) + SystemTime.wMilliseconds; G := Hash and longint($F0000000); if (G <> 0) then Hash := (Hash xor (G shr 24)) xor G; {hash in the second} Hash := (Hash shl 4) + SystemTime.wSecond; G := Hash and longint($F0000000); if (G <> 0) then Hash := (Hash xor (G shr 24)) xor G; {hash in the minute} Hash := (Hash shl 4) + SystemTime.wMinute; G := Hash and longint($F0000000); if (G <> 0) then Hash := (Hash xor (G shr 24)) xor G; {hash in the hour} Hash := (Hash shl 3) + SystemTime.wHour; G := Hash and longint($F0000000); if (G <> 0) then Hash := (Hash xor (G shr 24)) xor G; {return the hash} Result := Hash; end; {====================================================================} {===TStRandomBase====================================================} function TStRandomBase.AsBeta(aShape1, aShape2 : double) : double; var R1, R2 : double; begin if not ((aShape1 > 0.0) and (aShape2 > 0.0)) then raise EStPRNGError.Create(stscPRNGBetaShapeS); if (aShape2 = 1.0) then begin repeat R1 := AsFloat; until R1 <> 0.0; Result := exp(ln(R1) / aShape1); end else if (aShape1 = 1.0) then begin repeat R1 := AsFloat; until R1 <> 0.0; Result := 1.0 - exp(ln(R1) / aShape1); end else begin R1 := AsGamma(aShape1, 1.0); R2 := AsGamma(aShape2, 1.0); Result := R1 / (R1 + R2); end; end; {--------} function TStRandomBase.AsCauchy : double; var x : double; y : double; begin repeat repeat x := AsFloat; until (x <> 0.0); y := (AsFloat * 2.0) - 1.0; until sqr(x) + sqr(y) < 1.0; Result := y / x; end; {--------} function TStRandomBase.AsChiSquared(aFreedom : integer) : double; begin if not (aFreedom > 0) then raise EStPRNGError.Create(stscPRNGDegFreedomS); Result := AsGamma(aFreedom * 0.5, 2.0) end; {--------} function TStRandomBase.AsErlang(aMean : double; aOrder : integer) : double; var Product : double; i : integer; begin if not (aMean > 0.0) then raise EStPRNGError.Create(stscPRNGMeanS); if not (aOrder > 0) then raise EStPRNGError.Create(stscPRNGErlangOrderS); if (aOrder < 10) then begin Product := 1.0; for i := 1 to aOrder do Product := Product * AsFloat; Result := -aMean * ln(Product) / aOrder; end else begin Result := AsGamma(aOrder, aMean); end; end; {--------} function TStRandomBase.AsExponential(aMean : double) : double; var R : double; begin if not (aMean > 0.0) then raise EStPRNGError.Create(stscPRNGMeanS); repeat R := AsFloat; until (R <> 0.0); Result := -aMean * ln(R); end; {--------} function TStRandomBase.AsF(aFreedom1 : integer; aFreedom2 : integer) : double; begin Result := (AsChiSquared(aFreedom1) * aFreedom1) / (AsChiSquared(aFreedom2) * aFreedom2); end; {--------} function TStRandomBase.AsGamma(aShape : double; aScale : double) : double; var R : double; begin if not (aShape > 0.0) then raise EStPRNGError.Create(stscPRNGGammaShapeS); if not (aScale > 0.0) then raise EStPRNGError.Create(stscPRNGGammaScaleS); {there are three cases: ..0.0 < shape < 1.0, use Marsaglia's technique of Gamma(shape) = Gamma(shape+1) * uniform^(1/shape)} if (aShape < 1.0) then begin repeat R := AsFloat; until (R <> 0.0); Result := aScale * rbMarsagliaGamma(aShape + 1.0) * exp(ln(R) / aShape); end {..shape = 1.0: this is the same as exponential} else if (aShape = 1.0) then begin repeat R := AsFloat; until (R <> 0.0); Result := aScale * -ln(R); end {..shape > 1.0: use Marsaglia./Tsang algorithm} else begin Result := aScale * rbMarsagliaGamma(aShape); end; end; {--------} function TStRandomBase.AsInt(aUpperLimit : integer) : integer; begin if not (aUpperLimit > 0) then raise EStPRNGError.Create(stscPRNGLimitS); Result := Trunc(AsFloat * aUpperLimit); end; {--------} function TStRandomBase.AsIntInRange(aLowerLimit : integer; aUpperLimit : integer) : integer; begin if not (aLowerLimit < aUpperLimit) then raise EStPRNGError.Create(stscPRNGUpperLimitS); Result := Trunc(AsFloat * (aUpperLimit - aLowerLimit)) + ALowerLimit; end; {--------} function TStRandomBase.AsLogNormal(aMean : double; aStdDev : double) : double; begin Result := exp(AsNormal(aMean, aStdDev)); end; {--------} function TStRandomBase.AsNormal(aMean : double; aStdDev : double) : double; begin if not (aStdDev > 0.0) then raise EStPRNGError.Create(stscPRNGStdDevS); Result := (rbMontyPythonNormal * aStdDev) + aMean; (*** alternative: The Box-Muller transformation var R1, R2 : double; RadiusSqrd : double; begin {get two random numbers that define a point in the unit circle} repeat R1 := (2.0 * aRandGen.AsFloat) - 1.0; R2 := (2.0 * aRandGen.AsFloat) - 1.0; RadiusSqrd := sqr(R1) + sqr(R2); until (RadiusSqrd < 1.0) and (RadiusSqrd > 0.0); {apply Box-Muller transformation} Result := (R1 * sqrt(-2.0 * ln(RadiusSqrd) / RadiusSqrd) * aStdDev) + aMean; ***) end; {--------} function TStRandomBase.AsT(aFreedom : integer) : double; begin if not (aFreedom > 0) then raise EStPRNGError.Create(stscPRNGDegFreedomS); Result := rbMontyPythonNormal / sqrt(AsChiSquared(aFreedom) / aFreedom); end; {--------} function TStRandomBase.AsWeibull(aShape : double; aScale : double) : double; var R : double; begin if not (aShape > 0) then raise EStPRNGError.Create(stscPRNGWeibullShapeS); if not (aScale > 0) then raise EStPRNGError.Create(stscPRNGWeibullScaleS); repeat R := AsFloat; until (R <> 0.0); Result := exp(ln(-ln(R)) / aShape) * aScale; end; {--------} function TStRandomBase.rbMarsagliaGamma(aShape : double) : double; var d : double; c : double; x : double; v : double; u : double; Done : boolean; begin {Notes: implements the Marsaglia/Tsang method of generating random numbers belonging to the gamma distribution: Marsaglia & Tsang, "A Simple Method for Generating Gamma Variables", ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol. 26, No. 3, September 2000, Pages 363-372 It is pointless to try and work out what's going on in this routine without reading this paper :-) } d := aShape - (1.0 / 3.0); c := 1.0 / sqrt(9.0 * d); Done := false; {$IFDEF SuppressWarnings} v := 0.0; {$ENDIF} while not Done do begin repeat x := rbMontyPythonNormal; v := 1.0 + (c * x); until (v > 0.0); v := v * v * v; u := AsFloat; Done := u < (1.0 - 0.0331 * sqr(sqr(x))); if not Done then Done := ln(u) < (0.5 * sqr(x)) + d * (1.0 - v + ln(v)) end; Result := d * v; end; {--------} function TStRandomBase.rbMontyPythonNormal : double; var x : double; y : double; v : double; NonZeroRandom : double; begin {Notes: implements the Monty Python method of generating random numbers belonging to the Normal (Gaussian) distribution: Marsaglia & Tsang, "The Monty Python Method for Generating Random Variables", ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol. 24, No. 3, September 1998, Pages 341-350 It is pointless to try and work out what's going on in this routine without reading this paper :-) Some constants: a = sqrt(ln(4)) b = sqrt(2 * pi) s = a / (b - a) } {step 1: generate a random number x between +/- sqrt(2*Pi) and return it if its absolute value is less than sqrt(ln(4)); note that this exit will happen about 47% of the time} x := ((AsFloat * 2.0) - 1.0) * Root2Pi; if (abs(x) < RootLn4) then begin Result := x; Exit; end; {step 2a: generate another random number y strictly between 0 and 1} repeat y := AsFloat; until (y <> 0.0); {step 2b: the first quadratic pretest avoids ln() calculation calculate v = 2.8658 - |x| * (2.0213 - 0.3605 * |x|) return x if y < v} v := 2.8658 - Abs(x) * (2.0213 - 0.3605 * Abs(x)); if (y < v) then begin Result := x; Exit; end; {step 2c: the second quadratic pretest again avoids ln() calculation return s * (b - x) if y > v + 0.0506} if (y > v + 0.0506) then begin if (x > 0) then Result := MPN_s * (Root2Pi - x) else Result := -MPN_s * (Root2Pi + x); Exit; end; {step 2d: return x if y < f(x) or ln(y) < ln(2) - (0.5 * x * x) } if (ln(y) < (Ln2 - (0.5 * x * x))) then begin Result := x; Exit; end; {step 3: translate x to s * (b - x) and return it if y > g(x) or ln(1 + s - y) < ln(2 * s) - (0.5 * x * x) } if (x > 0) then x := MPN_s * (Root2Pi - x) else x := -MPN_s * (Root2Pi + x); if (ln(MPN_sPlus1 - y) < (Ln2MPN_s - (0.5 * x * x))) then begin Result := x; Exit; end; {step 4: the iterative process} repeat repeat NonZeroRandom := AsFloat; until (NonZeroRandom <> 0.0); x := -ln(NonZeroRandom) * InvRoot2Pi; repeat NonZeroRandom := AsFloat; until (NonZeroRandom <> 0.0); y := -ln(NonZeroRandom); until (y + y) > (x * x); if (NonZeroRandom < 0.5) then Result := -(Root2Pi + x) else Result := Root2Pi + x; end; {====================================================================} {===TStRandomSystem==================================================} constructor TStRandomSystem.Create(aSeed : integer); begin inherited Create; Seed := aSeed; end; {--------} function TStRandomSystem.AsFloat : double; var SaveSeed : integer; begin SaveSeed := RandSeed; RandSeed := FSeed; Result := System.Random; FSeed := RandSeed; RandSeed := SaveSeed; end; {--------} procedure TStRandomSystem.rsSetSeed(aValue : integer); begin if (aValue = 0) then FSeed := GetRandomSeed else FSeed := aValue; end; {====================================================================} {===TStRandomCombined================================================} const m1 = 2147483563; m2 = 2147483399; {--------} constructor TStRandomCombined.Create(aSeed1, aSeed2 : integer); begin inherited Create; Seed1 := aSeed1; if (aSeed1 = 0) and (aSeed2 = 0) then Sleep(10); // a small delay to enable seed to change Seed2 := aSeed2; end; {--------} function TStRandomCombined.AsFloat : double; const a1 = 40014; q1 = 53668; {equals m1 div a1} r1 = 12211; {equals m1 mod a1} a2 = 40692; q2 = 52774; {equals m2 div a2} r2 = 3791; {equals m2 mod a2} OneOverM1 : double = 1.0 / m1; var k : longint; Z : longint; begin {advance first PRNG} k := FSeed1 div q1; FSeed1 := (a1 * (FSeed1 - (k * q1))) - (k * r1); if (FSeed1 < 0) then inc(FSeed1, m1); {advance second PRNG} k := FSeed2 div q2; FSeed2 := (a2 * (FSeed2 - (k * q2))) - (k * r2); if (FSeed2 < 0) then inc(FSeed2, m2); {combine the two seeds} Z := FSeed1 - FSeed2; if (Z <= 0) then Z := Z + m1 - 1; Result := Z * OneOverM1; end; {--------} procedure TStRandomCombined.rcSetSeed1(aValue : integer); begin if (aValue = 0) then FSeed1 := GetRandomSeed else FSeed1 := aValue; end; {--------} procedure TStRandomCombined.rcSetSeed2(aValue : integer); begin if (aValue = 0) then FSeed2 := GetRandomSeed else FSeed2 := aValue; end; {====================================================================} {===TStRandomMother==================================================} constructor TStRandomMother.Create(aSeed : integer); begin inherited Create; Seed := aSeed; end; {--------} function TStRandomMother.AsFloat : double; const TwoM31 : double = 1.0 / $7FFFFFFF; begin asm push esi push edi push ebx {get around a compiler bug where it doesn't notice that edx is being changed in the asm code !!! D5 bug} push edx {set ebx to point to self} mov ebx, eax {multiply X(n-4) by 21111111} mov eax, [ebx].TStRandomMother.FNMinus4 mul [Mum1] mov edi, eax mov esi, edx {multiply X(n-3) by 1492 (save it in X(n-4) before though)} mov eax, [ebx].TStRandomMother.FNMinus3 mov [ebx].TStRandomMother.FNMinus4, eax mul [Mum2] add edi, eax adc esi, edx {multiply X(n-2) by 1776 (save it in X(n-3) before though)} mov eax, [ebx].TStRandomMother.FNMinus2 mov [ebx].TStRandomMother.FNMinus3, eax mul [Mum3] add edi, eax adc esi, edx {multiply X(n-1) by 5115 (save it in X(n-2) before though)} mov eax, [ebx].TStRandomMother.FNMinus1 mov [ebx].TStRandomMother.FNMinus2, eax mul [Mum4] add edi, eax adc esi, edx {add in the remainder} add edi, [ebx].TStRandomMother.FC adc esi, 0; {save the lower 32 bits in X(n-1), the upper into the remainder} mov [ebx].TStRandomMother.FNMinus1, edi mov [ebx].TStRandomMother.FC, esi {get around a compiler bug where it doesn't notice that edx was changed in the asm code !!! D5 bug} pop edx pop ebx pop edi pop esi end; Result := (FNMinus1 shr 1) * TwoM31; end; {--------} {$IFOPT Q+} {note: TStRandomMother.rsSetSeed expressly overflows integers (it's equivalent to calculating mod 2^32), so we have to force overflow checks off} {$DEFINE SaveQPlus} {$Q-} {$ENDIF} procedure TStRandomMother.rsSetSeed(aValue : integer); begin if (aValue = 0) then aValue := GetRandomSeed; FNminus4 := aValue; {note: the following code uses the generator Xn := (69069 * Xn-1) mod 2^32 from D.E.Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 2 (second edition), Addison-Wesley, 1981, pp.102} FNminus3 := 69069 * FNminus4; FNminus2 := 69069 * FNminus3; FNminus1 := 69069 * FNminus2; FC := 69069 * FNminus1; end; {$IFDEF SaveQPlus} {$Q+} {$ENDIF} {====================================================================} {====================================================================} procedure CalcConstants; begin {for the normal variates} Root2Pi := sqrt(2 * Pi); InvRoot2Pi := 1.0 / Root2Pi; RootLn4 := sqrt(ln(4.0)); Ln2 := ln(2.0); MPN_s := RootLn4 / (Root2Pi - RootLn4); Ln2MPN_s := ln(2.0 * MPN_s); MPN_sPlus1 := MPN_s + 1.0; Mum1 := 2111111111; Mum2 := 1492; Mum3 := 1776; Mum4 := 5115; end; {====================================================================} initialization CalcConstants; end.