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Contents of /dao/DelphiScanner/Components/tpsystools_4.04/source/StPtrns.pas

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Revision 2671 - (show annotations) (download)
Tue Aug 25 18:15:15 2015 UTC (8 years, 11 months ago) by torben
File size: 13755 byte(s)
Added tpsystools component
1 // Upgraded to Delphi 2009: Sebastian Zierer
3 (* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
4 * Version: MPL 1.1
5 *
6 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
7 * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
8 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
9 * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
10 *
11 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
13 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
14 * License.
15 *
16 * The Original Code is TurboPower SysTools
17 *
18 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
19 * TurboPower Software
20 *
21 * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1996-2002
22 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
23 *
24 * Contributor(s):
25 *
26 * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
28 {*********************************************************}
29 {* SysTools: StPtrns.pas 4.04 *}
30 {*********************************************************}
31 {* SysTools: Pattern Classes *}
32 {*********************************************************}
34 {$include StDefine.inc}
36 unit StPtrns;
38 interface
40 uses
41 Windows, SysUtils, Classes;
43 {------ S I N G L E T O N ---------------------}
44 type
45 TStSingleton = class(TObject)
46 private
47 FRefCount : integer;
48 protected
49 public
50 class function NewInstance : TObject; override;
51 procedure FreeInstance; override;
53 procedure AllocResources; virtual;
54 procedure FreeResources; virtual;
55 end;
57 {------ M E D I A T O R ------------------------}
58 type
59 TStMediatorAction = procedure(aInputData, aResultData : TObject) of object;
61 TStMediator = class
62 private
63 FEventTable : TStringList;
64 protected
65 function GetCount : Integer;
67 public
68 constructor Create;
69 destructor Destroy; override;
71 procedure Add(const aEventName : string; aHandler : TStMediatorAction);
72 procedure Remove(const aEventName : string);
74 procedure Handle(const aEventName : string; aInputData, aResultData : TObject);
75 function IsHandled(const aEventName : string) : boolean;
77 property Count : Integer read GetCount;
78 end;
80 {-------O B S E R V E R ------------------------}
81 type
82 TStObserverAction = procedure(aInputData : TObject) of object;
84 TStObserver = class
85 private
86 FEventTable : TList;
87 protected
88 function GetObserver(Index : Integer) : TStObserverAction;
89 procedure SetObserver(Index : Integer; InObserver : TStObserverAction);
90 function GetCount : Integer;
92 public
93 constructor Create;
94 destructor Destroy; override;
96 procedure Add(aHandler : TStObserverAction);
97 procedure Remove(aIndex : Integer);
98 procedure Notify(aInputData : TObject);
99 property Handler[aIndex : Integer] : TStObserverAction
100 read GetObserver write SetObserver;
101 property Count : Integer read GetCount;
102 end;
104 {------- C H A I N ---------------------------------}
105 type
106 TStChainAction = procedure(aInputData, aResultData : TObject; var aStopNow : boolean) of object;
108 TStChain = class
109 private
110 FEventTable : TList;
111 protected
112 function GetHandler(Index : Integer) : TStChainAction;
113 procedure SetHandler(Index : Integer; InHandler : TStChainAction);
114 function GetCount : Integer;
116 public
117 constructor Create;
118 destructor Destroy; override;
120 procedure Add(aHandler : TStChainAction);
121 procedure Remove(aIndex : Integer);
122 procedure Handle(aInputData, aResultData : TObject);
123 procedure Insert(aIndex : Integer; aHandler : TStChainAction);
124 property Handler[aIndex : Integer] : TStChainAction
125 read GetHandler write SetHandler;
126 property Count : Integer read GetCount;
127 end;
129 {====================================================================}
130 {====================================================================}
131 implementation
133 {------ S I N G L E T O N ---------------------}
135 var
136 Instances : TStringList;
137 SingletonLock : TRTLCriticalSection;
139 procedure TStSingleton.AllocResources;
140 begin
141 {nothing at this level}
142 end;
143 {--------}
145 procedure TStSingleton.FreeInstance;
146 var
147 Temp : pointer;
148 Inx : integer;
149 begin
150 EnterCriticalSection(SingletonLock);
151 try
152 dec(FRefCount);
153 if (FRefCount = 0) then begin
154 FreeResources;
155 Temp := Self;
156 CleanupInstance;
157 if Instances.Find(ClassName, Inx) then
158 Instances.Delete(Inx);
159 FreeMem(Temp);
160 end;
161 finally
162 LeaveCriticalSection(SingletonLock);
163 end;
164 end;
165 {--------}
166 procedure TStSingleton.FreeResources;
167 begin
168 {nothing at this level}
169 end;
170 {--------}
171 class function TStSingleton.NewInstance : TObject;
172 var
173 Inx : integer;
174 begin
175 EnterCriticalSection(SingletonLock);
176 try
177 if not Instances.Find(ClassName, Inx) then begin
178 GetMem(pointer(Result), InstanceSize);
179 InitInstance(Result);
180 Instances.AddObject(ClassName, Result);
181 TStSingleton(Result).AllocResources;
182 end
183 else
184 Result := Instances.Objects[Inx];
185 inc(TStSingleton(Result).FRefCount);
186 finally
187 LeaveCriticalSection(SingletonLock);
188 end;
189 end;
190 {====================================================================}
192 {------ M E D I A T O R ------------------------}
193 {The action holder is a class that encapsulates the action method}
194 type
195 TStMedActionHolder = class(TObject)
196 private
197 FAction : TStMediatorAction;
198 public
199 property Action : TStMediatorAction read FAction write FAction;
200 end;
201 {--------}
202 constructor TStMediator.Create;
203 begin
204 inherited Create;
205 FEventTable := TStringList.Create;
206 FEventTable.Sorted := true;
207 end;
209 destructor TStMediator.Destroy;
210 var
211 i : integer;
212 begin
213 if (FEventTable <> nil) then begin
214 for i := 0 to pred(FEventTable.Count) do
215 FEventTable.Objects[i].Free;
216 FEventTable.Free;
217 end;
218 inherited Destroy;
219 end;
221 procedure TStMediator.Add(const aEventName : string; aHandler : TStMediatorAction);
222 var
223 MedAction : TStMedActionHolder;
224 begin
225 MedAction := TStMedActionHolder.Create;
226 MedAction.Action := aHandler;
227 if (FEventTable.AddObject(aEventName, MedAction) = -1) then begin
228 MedAction.Free;
229 raise Exception.Create(
230 Format('TStMediator.Add: event name [%s] already exists',
231 [aEventName]));
232 end;
233 end;
235 function TStMediator.GetCount : Integer;
236 begin
237 Result := FEventTable.Count;
238 end;
240 procedure TStMediator.Handle(const aEventName : string; aInputData, aResultData : TObject);
241 var
242 Index : Integer;
243 MediatorActionHolder : TStMedActionHolder;
244 begin
245 Index := FEventTable.IndexOf(aEventName);
246 if (Index < 0) then
247 raise Exception.Create(
248 Format('TStMediator.Handle: event name [%s] not found',
249 [aEventName]));
250 MediatorActionHolder := TStMedActionHolder(FEventTable.Objects[Index]);
251 MediatorActionHolder.Action(aInputData, aResultData);
252 end;
254 function TStMediator.IsHandled(const aEventName : string) : boolean;
255 var
256 Index : Integer;
257 begin
258 Result := FEventTable.Find(aEventName, Index);
259 end;
261 procedure TStMediator.Remove(const aEventName : string);
262 var
263 Index : Integer;
264 begin
265 Index := FEventTable.IndexOf(aEventName);
266 if (Index >= 0) then begin
267 FEventTable.Objects[Index].Free;
268 FEventTable.Delete(Index);
269 end;
270 end;
271 {====================================================================}
273 {-------O B S E R V E R ------------------------}
274 {The action holder is a class that encapsulates the action method}
275 type
276 TStObActionHolder = class(TObject)
277 private
278 FAction : TStObserverAction;
279 public
280 property Action : TStObserverAction read FAction write FAction;
281 end;
282 {--------}
283 constructor TStObserver.Create;
284 begin
285 inherited Create;
286 FEventTable := TList.Create;
287 end;
289 destructor TStObserver.Destroy;
290 var
291 i : integer;
292 begin
293 if (FEventTable <> nil) then begin
294 for i := 0 to pred(FEventTable.Count) do
295 TStObActionHolder(FEventTable[i]).Free;
296 FEventTable.Free;
297 end;
298 inherited Destroy;
299 end;
301 procedure TStObserver.Add(aHandler : TStObserverAction);
302 var
303 ObsAction : TStObActionHolder;
304 begin
305 ObsAction := TStObActionHolder.Create;
306 try
307 ObsAction.Action := aHandler;
308 FEventTable.Add(TObject(ObsAction));
309 except
310 ObsAction.Free;
311 raise;
312 end;
313 end;
315 function TStObserver.GetCount : Integer;
316 begin
317 Result := FEventTable.Count;
318 end;
320 function TStObserver.GetObserver(Index : Integer) : TStObserverAction;
321 var
322 ObserverHolder : TStObActionHolder;
323 begin
324 Assert((Index >= 0) and (Index < FEventTable.Count),
325 Format('TStObserver.GetObserver: Invalid index value: %d', [Index]));
326 ObserverHolder := TStObActionHolder(FEventTable.Items[Index]);
327 Result := ObserverHolder.Action;
328 end;
330 procedure TStObserver.Notify(aInputData : TObject);
331 var
332 Index : integer;
333 ObserverHolder : TStObActionHolder;
334 begin
335 for Index := 0 to FEventTable.Count-1 do begin
336 ObserverHolder := TStObActionHolder(FEventTable.Items[Index]);
337 ObserverHolder.Action(aInputData);
338 end;
339 end;
341 procedure TStObserver.Remove(aIndex : Integer);
342 begin
343 Assert((aIndex >= 0) and (aIndex < FEventTable.Count),
344 Format('TStObserver.Remove: Invalid index value: %d', [aIndex]));
345 TStObActionHolder(FEventTable.Items[aIndex]).Free;
346 FEventTable.Delete(aIndex);
347 end;
349 procedure TStObserver.SetObserver(Index : Integer;
350 InObserver : TStObserverAction);
351 begin
352 Assert((Index >= 0) and (Index < FEventTable.Count),
353 Format('TStObserver.SetObserver: Invalid index value: %d', [Index]));
354 TStObActionHolder(FEventTable.Items[Index]).Action := InObserver;
355 end;
356 {====================================================================}
358 {------- C H A I N ---------------------------------}
359 {The action holder is a class that encapsulates the action method}
360 type
361 TStChActionHolder = class(TObject)
362 private
363 FAction : TStChainAction;
364 public
365 property Action : TStChainAction read FAction write FAction;
366 end;
367 {--------}
368 constructor TStChain.Create;
369 begin
370 inherited Create;
371 FEventTable := TList.create;
372 end;
374 destructor TStChain.Destroy;
375 var
376 i : integer;
377 begin
378 if (FEventTable <> nil) then begin
379 for i := 0 to pred(FEventTable.Count) do
380 TStChActionHolder(FEventTable[i]).Free;
381 FEventTable.Free;
382 end;
383 inherited Destroy;
384 end;
386 procedure TStChain.Add(aHandler : TStChainAction);
387 var
388 ChainAction : TStChActionHolder;
389 begin
390 ChainAction := TStChActionHolder.Create;
391 try
392 ChainAction.Action := aHandler;
393 FEventTable.Add(TObject(ChainAction));
394 except
395 ChainAction.Free;
396 raise;
397 end;
398 end;
400 function TStChain.GetCount : Integer;
401 begin
402 Result := FEventTable.Count;
403 end;
405 function TStChain.GetHandler(Index : Integer) : TStChainAction;
406 var
407 ChainAction : TStChActionHolder;
408 begin
409 Assert((Index >= 0) and (Index < FEventTable.Count),
410 Format('TStChain.GetHandler: Invalid index value: %d', [Index]));
411 ChainAction := TStChActionHolder(FEventTable.Items[Index]);
412 Result := ChainAction.Action;
413 end;
415 procedure TStChain.Handle(aInputData, aResultData : TObject);
416 var
417 Index : integer;
418 Stop : boolean;
419 ChainAction : TStChActionHolder;
420 begin
421 Stop := false;
423 for Index := 0 to (FEventTable.Count - 1) do begin
424 ChainAction := TStChActionHolder(FEventTable.Items[Index]);
425 ChainAction.Action(aInputData, aResultData, Stop);
426 if Stop then
427 Exit;
428 end;
429 end;
431 procedure TStChain.Insert(aIndex : integer; aHandler : TStChainAction);
432 var
433 ChainAction : TStChActionHolder;
434 begin
435 ChainAction := TStChActionHolder.Create;
436 try
437 ChainAction.Action := aHandler;
438 FEventTable.Insert(aIndex, ChainAction);
439 except
440 ChainAction.Free;
441 raise;
442 end;
443 end;
445 procedure TStChain.Remove(aIndex : Integer);
446 begin
447 Assert((aIndex >= 0) and (aIndex < FEventTable.Count),
448 Format('TStChain.Remove: Invalid index value: %d', [aIndex]));
449 TStChActionHolder(FEventTable.Items[aIndex]).Free;
450 FEventTable.Delete(aIndex);
451 end;
453 procedure TStChain.SetHandler(Index : Integer; InHandler : TStChainAction);
454 begin
455 Assert((Index >= 0) and (Index < FEventTable.Count),
456 Format('TStObserver.SetObserver: Invalid index value: %d', [Index]));
457 TStChActionHolder(FEventTable.Items[Index]).Action := InHandler;
458 end;
460 procedure InitUnit;
461 begin
462 InitializeCriticalSection(SingletonLock);
463 Instances := TStringList.Create;
464 Instances.Sorted := true;
465 end;
467 procedure DoneUnit;
468 var
469 i : integer;
470 OldCount : integer;
471 begin
472 EnterCriticalSection(SingletonLock);
474 {continue 'freeing' the last singleton object in the Instances
475 stringlist until its FreeInstance method actually frees the object
476 and removes the class name from the stringlist: we detect this
477 condition by the fact that the number of items in the stringlist
478 decreases.}
479 OldCount := Instances.Count;
480 for i := pred(OldCount) downto 0 do begin
481 repeat
482 Instances.Objects[i].Free;
483 until (Instances.Count <> OldCount);
484 OldCount := Instances.Count;
485 end;
487 {free the global variables}
488 Instances.Free;
489 DeleteCriticalSection(SingletonLock);
490 end;
492 initialization
493 InitUnit;
495 finalization
496 DoneUnit;
498 end.

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