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Revision 2671 - (hide annotations) (download)
Tue Aug 25 18:15:15 2015 UTC (8 years, 10 months ago) by torben
File size: 23583 byte(s)
Added tpsystools component
1 torben 2671 // Upgraded to Delphi 2009: Sebastian Zierer
3     (* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
4     * Version: MPL 1.1
5     *
6     * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
7     * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
8     * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
9     * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
10     *
11     * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
12     * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
13     * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
14     * License.
15     *
16     * The Original Code is TurboPower SysTools
17     *
18     * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
19     * TurboPower Software
20     *
21     * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1996-2002
22     * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
23     *
24     * Contributor(s):
25     *
26     * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
28     {*********************************************************}
29     {* SysTools: StGenLog.pas 4.04 *}
30     {*********************************************************}
31     {* SysTools: General Logging *}
32     {*********************************************************}
34     {$I StDefine.inc}
36     unit StGenLog;
38     interface
40     uses
41     Windows, SysUtils, Classes, StBase;
43     const
45     StDefBufferSize = 65536; { Default buffer size }
46     StDefHighLevel = 0; { Default high level point }
47     StMaxLogSize = 16000000; { Max size of general log buffer }
48     // StCRLF = #10#13; {!!.01}
49     StCRLF = #13#10; {!!.01}
50     StLogFileFooter = '';
51     StLogFileHeader = 'SysTools General Log' + StCRLF +
52     '=============================================================================' +
53     StCRLF + StCRLF;
55     { General log constants }
56     leEnabled = 1;
57     leDisabled = 2;
59     leString = DWORD($80000000);
61     type
63     TStGetLogStringEvent = procedure(Sender : TObject; const D1, D2, D3, D4 : DWORD;
64     var LogString : AnsiString) of object;
66     TStWriteMode = (wmOverwrite, wmAppend);
68     { Record for log entries }
69     PStLogRec = ^TStLogRec;
70     TStLogRec = record
71     lrTime : DWORD;
72     lrData1 : DWORD;
73     lrData2 : DWORD;
74     lrData3 : DWORD;
75     lrData4 : DWORD;
76     end;
78     PStLogBuffer = ^TStLogBuffer;
79     TStLogBuffer = array[0..StMaxLogSize] of Byte;
81     StGenOptions = (goSuppressEnableMsg, goSuppressDisableMsg); {!!.01}
82     StGenOptionSet = set of StGenOptions; {!!.01}
84     TStGeneralLog = class(TStComponent)
85     private
86     { Property variables }
87     FBufferSize : DWORD;
88     FEnabled : Boolean;
89     FFileName : TFileName;
90     FHighLevel : Byte;
91     FLogFileFooter : string;
92     FLogFileHeader : string;
93     FLogOptions : StGenOptionSet; {!!.01}
94     FWriteMode : TStWriteMode;
95     { Event variables }
96     FOnHighLevel : TNotifyEvent;
97     FOnGetLogString : TStGetLogStringEvent;
98     { Private variables }
99     glBuffer : PStLogBuffer;
100     glBufferHead : DWORD;
101     glBufferTail : DWORD;
102     glHighLevelMark : DWORD;
103     glHighLevelTriggered : Boolean;
104     glLogCS : TRTLCriticalSection;
105     glTempBuffer : PByteArray;
106     glTempSize : DWORD;
107     glTimeBase : DWORD;
108     protected
109     { Property access methods }
110     procedure DoGetLogString(const D1, D2, D3, D4 : DWORD; var LogString : AnsiString); virtual;
111     function GetBufferEmpty : Boolean;
112     function GetBufferFree : DWORD;
113     function GetBufferSize : DWORD;
114     function GetEnabled : Boolean;
115     function GetFileName : TFileName;
116     function GetHighLevel : Byte;
117     function GetLogOptions : StGenOptionSet; {!!.01}
118     function GetWriteMode : TStWriteMode;
119     procedure SetBufferSize(const Value : DWORD);
120     procedure SetEnabled(const Value : Boolean); virtual;
121     procedure SetFileName(const Value : TFileName); virtual;
122     procedure SetHighLevel(const Value : Byte);
123     procedure SetLogOptions(const Value : StGenOptionSet); {!!.01}
124     procedure SetWriteMode(const Value : TStWriteMode);
125     { Internal methods }
126     procedure glCalcHighLevel;
127     procedure glCheckTempSize(SizeReq : DWORD);
128     procedure glHighLevelCheck;
129     procedure glLockLog;
130     function glPopLogEntry(var LogRec : TStLogRec) : Boolean;
131     function glTimeStamp(Mark : DWORD) : string;
132     procedure glUnlockLog;
133     public
134     { Public methods }
135     constructor Create(Owner : TComponent); override;
136     destructor Destroy; override;
137     procedure AddLogEntry(const D1, D2, D3, D4 : DWORD);
138     procedure ClearBuffer;
139     procedure DumpLog; virtual;
140     procedure WriteLogString(const LogString : AnsiString);
141     { Public properties }
142     property BufferEmpty : Boolean read GetBufferEmpty;
143     property BufferFree : DWORD read GetBufferFree;
144     published
145     { Published properties }
146     property BufferSize : DWORD
147     read GetBufferSize write SetBufferSize default StDefBufferSize;
148     property Enabled : Boolean read GetEnabled write SetEnabled default True;
149     property FileName : TFileName read GetFileName write SetFileName;
150     property HighLevel : Byte read GetHighLevel write SetHighLevel default StDefHighLevel;
151     property LogFileFooter : string read FLogFileFooter write FLogFileFooter;
152     property LogFileHeader : string read FLogFileHeader write FLogFileHeader;
153     property LogOptions : StGenOptionSet read GetLogOptions {!!.01}
154     write SetLogOptions default []; {!!.01}
155     property WriteMode : TStWriteMode read GetWriteMode write SetWriteMode;
156     { Event properties }
157     property OnHighLevel : TNotifyEvent read FOnHighLevel write FOnHighLevel;
158     property OnGetLogString : TStGetLogStringEvent
159     read FOnGetLogString write FOnGetLogString;
160     end;
162     function HexifyBlock(var Buffer; BufferSize : Integer) : AnsiString;
164     implementation
166     { TStGeneralLog }
168     { Gives text representation of a block of data }
169     function HexifyBlock(var Buffer; BufferSize : Integer) : AnsiString;
170     type
171     TCastCharArray = array[0..Pred(High(LongInt))] of AnsiChar;
172     const
173     { Starting string to work with - this is directly written to by index }
174     { below, so any positional changes here will also have to be made below. }
175     StockString = ' %6.6x: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 : 0000000000000000' + StCRLF;
176     HexDigits : array[0..$F] of AnsiChar = '0123456789ABCDEF';
177     var
178     I, J, K, Lines : Integer;
179     TempStr : AnsiString;
180     Hex1, Hex2 : array[0..23] of AnsiChar;
181     Ascii1, Ascii2 : array[0..7] of AnsiChar;
182     begin
183     K := 0;
184     FillChar(Hex1, SizeOf(Hex1), #32);
185     FillChar(Hex2, SizeOf(Hex2), #32);
187     { Calculate number of lines required }
188     Lines := BufferSize div 16;
189     if (BufferSize mod 16) <> 0 then Inc(Lines);
191     { Process and append lines }
192     for I := 0 to Lines-1 do begin
194     { Load string, add index marker }
195     TempStr := Format(StockString, [I*16]);
197     { Format data for first word }
198     for J := 0 to 7 do begin
199     if J+K >= BufferSize then begin
200     Ascii1[J] := ' ';
201     Hex1[J*3] := ' ';
202     Hex1[J*3+1] := ' ';
203     end else begin
204     Ascii1[J] := TCastCharArray(Buffer)[J+K];
205     Hex1[J*3] := HexDigits[Byte(Ascii1[J]) shr 4];
206     Hex1[J*3+1] := HexDigits[Byte(Ascii1[J]) and $F];
208     { Clamp Ascii to printable range }
209     if (Ascii1[J] < #32) or (Ascii1[J] > #126) then Ascii1[J] := '.';
210     end;
211     end;
212     Inc(K,8);
214     { Format data for second word }
215     for J := 0 to 7 do begin
216     if J+K >= BufferSize then begin
217     Ascii2[J] := ' ';
218     Hex2[J*3] := ' ';
219     Hex2[J*3+1] := ' ';
220     end else begin
221     Ascii2[J] := TCastCharArray(Buffer)[J+K];
222     Hex2[J*3] := HexDigits[Byte(Ascii2[J]) shr 4];
223     Hex2[J*3+1] := HexDigits[Byte(Ascii2[J]) and $F];
224     { Clamp Ascii to printable range }
225     if (Ascii2[J] < #32) or (Ascii2[J] > #126) then Ascii2[J] := '.';
226     end;
227     end;
228     Inc(K,8);
230     { Move data to existing temp string }
231     Move(Hex1[0], TempStr[11], SizeOf(Hex1));
232     Move(Hex2[0], TempStr[36], SizeOf(Hex2));
234     Move(Ascii1[0], TempStr[62], SizeOf(Ascii1));
235     Move(Ascii2[0], TempStr[70], SizeOf(Ascii2));
237     { Append temp string to result }
238     Result := Result + TempStr;
239     end;
240     end;
242     constructor TStGeneralLog.Create(Owner : TComponent);
243     begin
244     inherited Create(Owner);
245     InitializeCriticalSection(glLogCS);
246     BufferSize := StDefBufferSize;
247     FEnabled := True;
248     FFileName := 'debug.log';
249     FLogFileFooter := StLogFileFooter;
250     FLogFileHeader := StLogFileHeader;
251     HighLevel := StDefHighLevel;
252     glHighLevelTriggered := False;
253     glTimeBase := GetTickCount;
254     end;
256     destructor TStGeneralLog.Destroy;
257     begin
258     FreeMem(glBuffer);
259     FreeMem(glTempBuffer);
260     DeleteCriticalSection(glLogCS);
261     inherited Destroy;
262     end;
264     procedure TStGeneralLog.glLockLog;
265     begin
266     if IsMultiThread then
267     EnterCriticalSection(glLogCS);
268     end;
270     procedure TStGeneralLog.glUnlockLog;
271     begin
272     if IsMultiThread then
273     LeaveCriticalSection(glLogCS);
274     end;
276     { AddLogEntry notes: }
277     { }
278     { D1 = $FFFFFFFF is reserved for internal events }
279     { }
280     { D1, D2, D3, D4 are "info" fields to be used in the OnGetLogString }
281     { handler to identify the logged event and what type of data would be }
282     { appropriate for the corresponding log entry. }
283     { }
284     { While you're free to come up with your own logging scheme, it was }
285     { envisioned that D1 would identify the logged event in the broadest }
286     { terms, and the event classification would be narrowed further and }
287     { further with D2 --> D4. }
288     { }
289     { Special case: If the high bit of D2 is set, D3 becomes a pointer }
290     { to data, and D4 is the size of the data. Make *sure* the high bit }
291     { isn't set unless you are using this special situation. }
292     { }
293     { If you just have a simple case for logging that probably won't get }
294     { used that often, consider adding entries with the WriteDebugString }
295     { method. }
296     procedure TStGeneralLog.AddLogEntry(const D1, D2, D3, D4 : DWORD);
297     var
298     LogEntry : TStLogRec;
299     EntryPtr : PStLogRec;
300     SizeReq, TimeMrk, ChunkSize : DWORD;
301     HasData : Boolean;
302     begin
303     glLockLog;
304     try
305     { Bail if we're not logging }
306     if not Enabled then Exit;
308     TimeMrk := GetTickCount;
310     { Determine size needed }
311     SizeReq := SizeOf(TStLogRec);
312     if (D2 and $80000000) = $80000000 then begin
313     HasData := True;
314     Inc(SizeReq, D4);
315     end else begin
316     HasData := False;
317     end;
319     { Bail if SizeReq is bigger than the whole buffer }
320     if SizeReq > FBufferSize then Exit;
322     { Make more room in buffer if necessary }
323     while (SizeReq > BufferFree) and glPopLogEntry(LogEntry) do ;
325     { Do we need to wrap this entry? }
326     if (glBufferTail + SizeReq) <= FBufferSize then begin
328     { Wrap not required, write directly to glBuffer }
329     EntryPtr := @glBuffer[glBufferTail];
330     EntryPtr.lrTime := TimeMrk;
331     EntryPtr.lrData1 := D1;
332     EntryPtr.lrData2 := D2;
333     EntryPtr.lrData3 := D3;
334     EntryPtr.lrData4 := D4;
336     { Write add'l data if necessary }
337     if HasData then begin
338     Move(Pointer(D3)^, glBuffer[glBufferTail + SizeOf(TStLogRec)], D4);
339     end;
340     Inc(glBufferTail, SizeReq);
342     { Fix tail if necessary }
343     if glBufferTail = FBufferSize then
344     glBufferTail := 0;
346     end else begin
348     { Wrap required, use temp buffer }
349     glCheckTempSize(SizeReq);
351     EntryPtr := @glTempBuffer[0];
352     EntryPtr.lrTime := TimeMrk;
353     EntryPtr.lrData1 := D1;
354     EntryPtr.lrData2 := D2;
355     EntryPtr.lrData3 := D3;
356     EntryPtr.lrData4 := D4;
358     { Write add'l data if necessary }
359     if HasData then begin
360     Move(Pointer(D3)^, glTempBuffer[SizeOf(TStLogRec)], D4);
361     end;
363     { Move first half }
364     ChunkSize := FBufferSize - glBufferTail;
365     Move(glTempBuffer[0], glBuffer[glBufferTail], ChunkSize);
367     { Move second half }
368     Move(glTempBuffer[ChunkSize], glBuffer[0], SizeReq - ChunkSize);
370     { Set tail }
371     glBufferTail := SizeReq - ChunkSize;
372     end;
373     glHighLevelCheck;
374     finally
375     glUnlockLog;
376     end;
377     end;
379     { Clears all data from buffer (does not write data to disk) }
380     procedure TStGeneralLog.ClearBuffer;
381     begin
382     glLockLog;
383     try
384     glBufferHead := 0;
385     glBufferTail := 0;
386     finally
387     glUnlockLog;
388     end;
389     end;
391     { Let user fill in the data for the LogString }
392     procedure TStGeneralLog.DoGetLogString(const D1, D2, D3, D4 : DWORD; var LogString : AnsiString);
393     begin
394     if Assigned(FOnGetLogString) then
395     FOnGetLogString(Self, D1, D2, D3, D4, LogString);
396     end;
398     { Calculate the BufferFree level, in bytes, to trip the high level alarm }
399     procedure TStGeneralLog.glCalcHighLevel;
400     begin
401     glLockLog;
402     try
403     glHighLevelMark := FBufferSize - Round(FBufferSize * FHighLevel / 100);
404     glHighLevelCheck;
405     finally
406     glUnlockLog;
407     end;
408     end;
410     { Verifies the size of the temp buffer }
411     procedure TStGeneralLog.glCheckTempSize(SizeReq : DWORD);
412     begin
413     if (SizeReq > glTempSize) then begin
414     ReallocMem(glTempBuffer, SizeReq);
415     glTempSize := SizeReq;
416     end;
417     end;
419     { Test for high level condition, fire event if necessary }
420     procedure TStGeneralLog.glHighLevelCheck;
421     begin
422     glLockLog;
423     try
424     if FHighLevel = 0 then Exit;
425     if BufferFree < glHighLevelMark then begin
426     if Assigned(FOnHighLevel) and not glHighLevelTriggered then begin
427     FOnHighLevel(Self);
428     glHighLevelTriggered := True;
429     end;
430     end else begin
431     glHighLevelTriggered := False;
432     end;
433     finally
434     glUnlockLog;
435     end;
436     end;
438     { Pop log record from log, return False if no record to return }
439     function TStGeneralLog.glPopLogEntry(var LogRec : TStLogRec) : Boolean;
440     type
441     BytesArray = array[0..SizeOf(TStLogRec)-1] of Byte;
442     var
443     Bytes : BytesArray absolute LogRec;
444     ChunkSize : DWORD;
445     begin
446     glLockLog;
447     try
448     { Check for empty buffer }
449     if (glBufferHead = glBufferTail) then begin
450     Result := False;
451     Exit;
452     end else begin
453     Result := True;
454     end;
456     { Check to see if log record wraps }
457     if (glBufferHead + SizeOf(TStLogRec)) <= FBufferSize then begin
459     { No wrap, copy directly over }
460     Move(glBuffer[glBufferHead], LogRec, SizeOf(LogRec));
461     Inc(glBufferHead, SizeOf(LogRec));
463     { Fix head if needed }
464     if (glBufferHead = FBufferSize) then glBufferHead := 0;
465     end else begin
467     { Need to deal with wrap -- copy first half }
468     ChunkSize := (FBufferSize - glBufferHead);
469     Move(glBuffer[glBufferHead], Bytes[0], ChunkSize);
471     { Copy second half }
472     Move(glBuffer[0], Bytes[ChunkSize], (SizeOf(LogRec) - ChunkSize));
473     glBufferHead := SizeOf(LogRec) - ChunkSize;
474     end;
476     { Do we have data? If so, deal with it }
477     if (LogRec.lrData2 and $80000000) = $80000000 then begin
479     { Check to see if log data wraps }
480     if (glBufferHead + LogRec.lrData4) <= FBufferSize then begin
482     { No wrap -- point D2 to buffer }
483     LogRec.lrData3 := DWORD(@glBuffer[glBufferHead]);
484     Inc(glBufferHead, LogRec.lrData4);
485     end else begin
487     { Wrap -- copy first half to temp buffer }
488     glCheckTempSize(LogRec.lrData4);
489     ChunkSize := (FBufferSize - glBufferHead);
490     Move(glBuffer[glBufferHead], glTempBuffer[0], ChunkSize);
492     { Copy second half }
493     Move(glBuffer[0], glTempBuffer[ChunkSize], (LogRec.lrData4 - ChunkSize));
494     LogRec.lrData3 := DWORD(@glTempBuffer[0]);
495     glBufferHead := LogRec.lrData4 - ChunkSize;
496     end;
497     end
499     finally
500     glUnlockLog;
501     end;
502     end;
504     { Return time stamp string }
505     function TStGeneralLog.glTimeStamp(Mark : DWORD) : string;
506     begin
507     Result := Format('%07.7d : ', [Mark - glTimeBase]);
508     Insert('.', Result, 5);
509     end;
511     { Dumps log file to disk }
512     procedure TStGeneralLog.DumpLog;
513     var
514     LR : TStLogRec;
515     FS : TFileStream;
516     S, T : AnsiString;
517     begin
518     glLockLog;
520     try
521     { Open file stream }
522     if FileExists(FileName) and (WriteMode = wmAppend) then begin
523     FS := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenReadWrite or fmShareDenyWrite);
524     FS.Seek(0, soFromEnd);
525     end else begin
526     FS := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate or fmShareDenyWrite);
527     end;
529     try
530     { Do file header if appropriate }
531     if (FS.Size = 0) then begin
532     S := FLogFileHeader;
533     FS.Write(S[1], Length(S));
535     { Write trailing CRLF } {!!.02}
536     FS.Write(StCRLF[1], Length(StCRLF)); {!!.02}
537     end;
539     { Cycle through all data }
540     while glPopLogEntry(LR) do begin
541     if LR.lrData1 <> $FFFFFFFF then begin
543     { It belongs to somone else, let them process it }
544     DoGetLogString(LR.lrData1, LR.lrData2, LR.lrData3, LR.lrData4, S);
545     end else begin
547     { Something we're supposed to know about, deal with it }
548     case LR.lrData2 of
550     { Logging enabled }
551     leEnabled : S := '**** Logging Enabled' + StCRLF;
553     { Logging disabled }
554     leDisabled : S := '**** Logging Disabled' + StCRLF;
556     { WriteLogString entry }
557     leString :
558     begin
559     if LR.lrData4 > 0 then begin {!!.02}
560     SetLength(S, LR.lrData4);
561     Move(PByteArray(LR.lrData3)[0], S[1], LR.lrData4);
562     end else begin {!!.02}
563     S := ''; { empty string } {!!.02}
564     end; {!!.02}
565     end;
567     else
568     S := Format('!! Unknown log entry : [%8.8x][%8.8x][%8.8x][%8.8x]' + StCRLF,
569     [LR.lrData1, LR.lrData2, LR.lrData3, LR.lrData4]);
571     end;
572     end;
574     { Write time stamp }
575     T := glTimeStamp(LR.lrTime);
576     FS.Write(T[1], Length(T));
578     { Write log string }
579     if Length(S) > 0 then {!!.02}
580     FS.Write(S[1], Length(S));
582     { Write trailing CRLF }
583     FS.Write(StCRLF[1], Length(StCRLF));
584     end;
586     { Do file header if appropriate }
587     if (FLogFileFooter <> '') then begin
588     S := FLogFileFooter;
589     FS.Write(S[1], Length(S));
591     { Write trailing CRLF } {!!.02}
592     FS.Write(StCRLF[1], Length(StCRLF)); {!!.02}
593     end;
595     glHighLevelTriggered := False;
597     finally
598     FS.Free;
599     end;
601     finally
602     glUnlockLog;
603     end;
604     end;
606     { Determines whether something is in the buffer }
607     function TStGeneralLog.GetBufferEmpty : Boolean;
608     begin
609     glLockLog;
610     try
611     Result := (glBufferHead = glBufferTail);
612     finally
613     glUnlockLog;
614     end;
615     end;
617     { Calculates free space in the buffer }
618     function TStGeneralLog.GetBufferFree : DWORD;
619     begin
620     glLockLog;
621     try
622     if (glBufferHead <= glBufferTail) then
623     { One less than actual, since we always leave one byte free }
624     Result := Pred(FBufferSize - (glBufferTail - glBufferHead))
625     else
626     Result := Pred(glBufferHead - glBufferTail);
627     finally
628     glUnlockLog;
629     end;
630     end;
632     { Retrieves buffer size }
633     function TStGeneralLog.GetBufferSize : DWORD;
634     begin
635     glLockLog;
636     try
637     Result := FBufferSize;
638     finally
639     glUnlockLog;
640     end;
641     end;
643     { Get Enabled property }
644     function TStGeneralLog.GetEnabled : Boolean;
645     begin
646     glLockLog;
647     try
648     Result := FEnabled;
649     finally
650     glUnlockLog;
651     end;
652     end;
654     { Get FileName property }
655     function TStGeneralLog.GetFileName : TFileName;
656     begin
657     glLockLog;
658     try
659     Result := FFileName;
660     finally
661     glUnlockLog;
662     end;
663     end;
665     { Retrieves high level setpoint }
666     function TStGeneralLog.GetHighLevel : Byte;
667     begin
668     glLockLog;
669     try
670     Result := FHighLevel;
671     finally
672     glUnlockLog;
673     end;
674     end;
676     {!!.01 - added}
677     { Retrieves log options }
678     function TStGeneralLog.GetLogOptions : StGenOptionSet;
679     begin
680     glLockLog;
681     try
682     Result := FLogOptions;
683     finally
684     glUnlockLog;
685     end;
686     end;
688     { Retrieves write mode }
689     function TStGeneralLog.GetWriteMode : TStWriteMode;
690     begin
691     glLockLog;
692     try
693     Result := FWriteMode;
694     finally
695     glUnlockLog;
696     end;
697     end;
699     { Sets the size of the logging buffer }
700     procedure TStGeneralLog.SetBufferSize(const Value : DWORD);
701     begin
702     glLockLog;
703     try
704     if Value <> FBufferSize then begin
705     FBufferSize := Value;
706     ReallocMem(glBuffer, Value);
707     ClearBuffer;
708     glCalcHighLevel;
709     end;
710     finally
711     glUnlockLog;
712     end;
713     end;
715     { Enables (or disables) logging }
716     procedure TStGeneralLog.SetEnabled(const Value : Boolean);
717     begin
718     glLockLog;
719     try
720     if (Value = True) then begin
722     { Allocate buffer if not already done }
723     if (glBuffer = nil) then begin
724     GetMem(glBuffer, FBufferSize);
725     end;
727     { Init temp buffer if not already done }
728     if (glTempBuffer = nil) then begin
729     glTempSize := 1024;
730     GetMem(glTempBuffer, glTempSize);
731     end;
732     end else if not (goSuppressDisableMsg in LogOptions) then begin {!!.01}
733     AddLogEntry($FFFFFFFF, leDisabled, 0, 0);
734     end;
736     FEnabled := Value;
738     finally
739     glUnlockLog;
740     end;
742     if (Value = True) and not (goSuppressEnableMsg in LogOptions) then {!!.01}
743     AddLogEntry($FFFFFFFF, leEnabled, 0, 0);
744     end;
746     { Set FileName property }
747     procedure TStGeneralLog.SetFileName(const Value : TFileName);
748     begin
749     glLockLog;
750     try
751     FFileName := Value;
752     finally
753     glUnlockLog;
754     end;
755     end;
757     { Set HighLevel property }
758     procedure TStGeneralLog.SetHighLevel(const Value : Byte);
759     begin
760     glLockLog;
761     try
762     if (FHighLevel <> Value) and (Value <= 100) then begin
763     FHighLevel := Value;
764     glCalcHighLevel;
765     end;
766     finally
767     glUnlockLog;
768     end;
769     end;
771     {!!.01 - added}
772     { Set LogOptions property }
773     procedure TStGeneralLog.SetLogOptions(const Value : StGenOptionSet);
774     begin
775     glLockLog;
776     try
777     FLogOptions := Value;
778     finally
779     glUnlockLog;
780     end;
781     end;
783     { Set WriteMode property }
784     procedure TStGeneralLog.SetWriteMode(const Value : TStWriteMode);
785     begin
786     glLockLog;
787     try
788     FWriteMode := Value;
789     finally
790     glUnlockLog;
791     end;
792     end;
794     { Write log string to log buffer }
795     procedure TStGeneralLog.WriteLogString(const LogString : AnsiString);
796     begin
797     AddLogEntry($FFFFFFFF, leString, DWORD(LogString), Length(LogString));
798     end;
800     end.

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