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Tue Aug 25 18:15:15 2015 UTC (8 years, 10 months ago) by torben
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Added tpsystools component
1 torben 2671
2     This file documents the TStExpression and TStExpressionEdit components.
5     TStExpression
6     =============
8     TStExpression is a non-visual component that provides expression evaluation
9     at several different levels. At the lowest level, simple mathematical
10     expressions can be evaluated and the resulting value obtained. On a higher
11     level, you can define alpha-numeric constants that can then be used within
12     expressions; You can add user-defined functions (and even methods of a class)
13     so that the names of these routines can be used in expressions; You can
14     define variables that relate directly to variables in your program and even
15     use them in expressions.
17     Note: TStExpression replaces AnalyzeExpr that SysTools version 2.00 provided,
18     but a version of that routine is still provided for backward compatibility.
20     The TStExpression expression parser implements the following grammar, similar
21     to a subset of Pascal:
23     expression: term | expression+term | expression-term
24     term: factor | term*factor | term/factor
25     factor: base | base^factor
26     base: unsigned_num | (expression) | sign factor | func_call
27     unsigned_num: digit_seq | digit_seq.digit_seq | digit_seq scale_fac |
28     digit_seq.digit_seq scale_fac
29     sign: + | -
30     func_call: identifier | identifier(params)
31     params: expression | params,expression
32     scale_fac: E digit_seq | E sign digit_seq
33     digit_seq: digit | digit_seq digit
34     identifier: starts with A..Z,_ continues with A..Z,_,0..9
35     digit: 0..9
37     Case is not significant when matching characters.
39     The grammar follows normal rules of arithmetic precedence, with ^ highest, *
40     and / in the middle, and + and - lowest. Thus, 1+2*3^4 means 1+(2*(3^4)).
41     Parentheses can be used to force non-default precedence.
43     Note that the power operator x^y is right-associative. This means that
44     2^0.5^2 is equivalent to 2^(0.5^2). All other arithmetic operators are left
45     associative: 1-2-3 is equivalent to (1-2)-3.
47     The following functions are supported in 16-bit and 32-bit applications:
49     abs, arctan, cos, exp, frac, int(trunc), ln, pi, round, sin, sqr,
50     sqrt
52     If the VCL Math unit is available and you define the "UseMathUnit" define in
53     STDEFINE.INC, the following are also available:
55     arccos, arcsin, arctan2, tan, cotan, hypot, cosh, sinh, tanh,
56     arccosh, arcsinh, arctanh, lnxp1, log10, log2, logn, ceil, floor
58     The calling conventions for all functions match those of the VCL runtime
59     library or Math unit. The acceptable parameter ranges and output values also
60     match thoses of the VCL runtime library or MATH unit.
62     When the input expression contains an error, TStExpression raises an
63     exception of type EStExprError. Its ErrorCode property provides more detail
64     about the error. Its ErrorColumn property gives the string index of the start
65     of the token where the error was detected.
67     TStExpression is very flexible. You can add support for your own functions
68     easily. For example, to add support for the Sin() function, first write a
69     function to provide the proper number and type of parameters (the "far" can
70     be omitted with 32-bit compilers):
72     function _Sin(Value : TStFloat) : TStFloat; far;
73     begin
74     Result := Sin(Value);
75     end;
77     and then add it to the TStExpression component:
79     MyStExpression.AddFunction1Param('sin', _Sin);
81     Or, if you wanted to use a method of the form (or any other class) that you
82     were working in, you could do the same thing this way:
84     function MyForm._Sin(Value : TStFloat) : TStFloat;
85     begin
86     Result := Sin(Value);
87     end;
89     and then add it to the TStExpression component:
91     MyStExpression.AddMethod1Param('sin', _Sin);
93     TStExpression supports user-defined functions with 0 to 3 parameters. The
94     parameters and function result must be the TStFloat type (defined in the
95     STBASE unit). In the example above, that's why we didn't just add
96     the Sin() function directly, in the call to AddFunction1Param -- The
97     TStExpression component must know the data types of parameters and return
98     values. If the function you are adding has no parameters, use the
99     AddFunction0Parm() method. AddFunction2Param for functions with two
100     parameters, etc.
102     The following function and method types define all possible user-defined
103     function and method types accepted by the TStExpression component:
105     {user-defined functions with up to 3 parameters}
106     TStFunction0Param =
107     function : TStFloat;
108     TStFunction1Param =
109     function(Value1 : TStFloat) : TStFloat;
110     TStFunction2Param =
111     function(Value1, Value2 : TStFloat) : TStFloat;
112     TStFunction3Param =
113     function(Value1, Value2, Value3 : TStFloat) : TStFloat;
115     {user-defined methods with up to 3 parameters}
116     TStMethod0Param =
117     function : TStFloat
118     of object;
119     TStMethod1Param =
120     function(Value1 : TStFloat) : TStFloat
121     of object;
122     TStMethod2Param =
123     function(Value1, Value2 : TStFloat) : TStFloat
124     of object;
125     TStMethod3Param =
126     function(Value1, Value2, Value3 : TStFloat) : TStFloat
127     of object;
129     Add predefined constant values by using the AddConstant method:
131     AddConstant('X', 50)
133     Then, in any expression that uses the identifier "X", the value 50 will be
134     used when the expression is evaluated.
136     Add references to variables in your program by using the AddVariable method:
138     var
139     MyVar : TStFloat;
141     AddVariable('MyVar', @MyVar);
143     Whenever an expression is evaluated that contains the "MyVar" identifier,
144     the actual value of the variable (in your program) is retrieved and used
145     to compute the expression result. Changes to variable's value in your
146     program will be reflected when the expression is next evaluated.
148     Two things to note: First, the variable must be a TStFloat type and second,
149     the variable must remain in "scope". In general, this means that the variable
150     must either be defined globally or as a class variable. You normally would not
151     use AddVariable for variables defined local to a procedure or function (a
152     stack variable).
154     TStExpression offers a way to dynamically determine the value of an variable
155     or function that is being used in an expression -- the OnGetIdentValue event.
156     This event is fired if the expression parser is unable to locate the identifier
157     in its internal list of identifier names. In response to the event, you should
158     assign a value to the Value parameter that corresponds to the identifier name
159     passed to the event as the Identifier parameter. If no event handler is
160     assigned to this even and the expression parser is unable to locate a match for
161     an identifier used in an expression, an exception is raised.
164     Reference Section
165     -----------------
167     methods
168     -------
170     function AnalyzeExpression : TStFloat;
171     -> AnalyzeExpression causes the expression contained in the Expression property
172     to be evaluated and returns the resulting value as the function result.
175     procedure AddConstant(const Name : string; Value : TStFloat);
176     -> AddConstant adds named constant values for use within expressions.
178     Example: AddConstant('X', 50)
181     procedure AddFunction0Param(const Name : string; FunctionAddr : TStFunction0Param);
182     procedure AddFunction1Param(const Name : string; FunctionAddr : TStFunction1Param);
183     procedure AddFunction2Param(const Name : string; FunctionAddr : TStFunction2Param);
184     procedure AddFunction3Param(const Name : string; FunctionAddr : TStFunction3Param);
185     -> AddFunctionXParam adds support for user-defined functions within expressions.
187     The four variations allow defining functions with no parameters, or, with one,
188     two, or three parameters. Name is the identifier that is entered into the
189     expression. The name does not need to be the same as the actual function name.
191     Parameter and function results must be defined as TStFloat.
194     procedure AddInternalFunctions;
195     -> AddInternalFunctions adds support for all of the predefined internal
196     functions.
198     Since AddInternalFunctions is called by default, calling this routine without
199     first calling ClearIdentifiers will result in duplicate identifier exceptions.
202     procedure AddMethod0Param(const Name : string; MethodAddr : TStMethod0Param);
203     procedure AddMethod1Param(const Name : string; MethodAddr : TStMethod1Param);
204     procedure AddMethod2Param(const Name : string; MethodAddr : TStMethod2Param);
205     procedure AddMethod3Param(const Name : string; MethodAddr : TStMethod3Param);
206     -> AddMethodXParam adds support for user-defined methods within expressions.
208     The four variations allow defining methods with no parameters, or, with one,
209     two, or three parameters. Name is the identifier that is entered into the
210     expression. The name does not need to be the same as the actual method name.
212     Parameter and function results must be defined as TStFloat.
215     procedure AddVariable(const Name : string; VariableAddr : PStFloat);
216     -> Adds Name as a reference to a variable in your program.
218     Name is the identifier used in expressions.
220     Example:
222     var
223     X : TStFloat;
224     ...
225     AddVariable('X', @X)
228     procedure ClearIdentifiers;
229     -> ClearIdentifiers removes all function, method, constant, and variable identifiers.
232     procedure GetIdentList(S : TStrings);
233     -> GetIdentList fills S with a list of identifiers current recognized.
236     procedure RemoveIdentifier(const Name : string);
237     -> RemoveIdentifier removes support for the identifier Name.
239     If Name is not found, no action is taken.
242     properties
243     ----------
244     property AsFloat : TStFloat (run-time read-only)
245     -> AsFloat evaluates the expression and returns the value as a TStFloat
246     value;
248     property AsInteger : Integer (run-time read-only)
249     -> AsInteger evaluates the expression and returns the value as a whole number
250     using the Round() function to convert the TStFloat value.
252     property AsString : string (run-time read-only)
253     -> AsString evaluates the expression and returns the value as a string using
254     the FloatToStr() function to format the TStFloat value.
256     property LastError : Integer (run-time read-only)
257     -> LastError returns the error code (zero if no error).
259     property ErrorPosition : Integer (run-time read-only)
260     -> ErrorPosition returns the position of the error within the expression.
262     ErrorPosition is valid only if LastError is non-zero.
264     property Expression : string (run-time)
265     -> Expression defines the expression that should be evaluated.
267     property AllowEqual : Boolean
268     default: True
269     -> AllowEqual determines if the use of the "=" symbol in the expression will
270     add constant declarations.
272     If true, expressions like X = 5 will cause the identifer "X" to be added and
273     associated with the value 5. This expression will also return a value of 5
274     when analyzed. If false, a bad character exception is raised.
277     events
278     ------
279     property OnAddIdentifier : TNotifyEvent
280     -> OnAddIdentifier defines an event that is fired when a new identifier
281     is added.
283     This event is fired for additions of function, method, constant, and variable
284     identifiers.
286     property OnGetIdentValue : TGetIdentValueEvent
287     TGetIdentValueEvent =
288     procedure(Sender : TObject; const Identifier : string; var Value : TStFloat)
289     of object;
290     -> OnGetIdentValue defines an event handler that is fired to obtain the value
291     for an identifier that was not found in the internal list of known identifiers.
294     TStExpressionEdit
295     =================
296     The TStExpressionEdit component is a simple descendant of a TEdit component
297     that adds one new method, two properties, and two new events. In all other
298     respects, this control is the same as the standard VCL TEdit control.
300     The TStExpressionEdit uses an instance of the TStExpression component to do
301     most of the work. Any expression that is valid for the TStExpression
302     component can be entered into the component or assigned to the Text property.
303     The expression is evaluated when the component loses the focus (with AutoEval
304     true) or when the Evaluate method is called. Also, if AutoEval is true and
305     the control loses the focus, the resulting value is displayed in the control.
308     New properties and methods:
310     function Evaluate : TStFloat;
312     -> Evaluate evaluates the contents of the Text property as an expression
313     using the contained TStExpression component and returns the result of the
314     expression as the function result.
316     If an error occurs an exception is raised unless an event handler for the
317     OnError event is assigned. In which case, the event is fired instead.
319     Note: The AnalyzeExpr function (which is documented in the printed
320     manual and on-line help) is obsolete and is provided for backward
321     compatibility only.
324     property AutoEval : Boolean
326     -> AutoEval determines if the entered expression is automatically evaluated
327     when the control loses the focus.
329     If AutoEval is true, the Evaluate method is called automatically and the
330     Text of the edit control is set to the result of evaluating the expression.
331     If False, no additional action is taken.
334     property Expr : TStExpression (run-time)
336     -> Expr provides access to the contained TStExpression component and all of
337     its properties, methods, and events.
340     property OnAddIdentifier : TNotifyEvent
342     -> OnAddIdentifier defines an event that is fired when an identifier is
343     added to the internal TStExpression component.
345     This event is fired to notify you that a constant or function identifier has
346     been added to the contained TStExpression component.
349     property OnError : TStExprErrorEvent
351     TStExprErrorEvent =
352     procedure(Sender : TObject; ErrorNumber : LongInt; const ErrorStr : string)
353     of object;
355     -> OnError defines an event that is fired when an evaluation error occurs.

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