// Upgraded to Delphi 2009: Sebastian Zierer (* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is TurboPower SysTools * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * TurboPower Software * * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1996-2002 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *) {*********************************************************} {* SysTools: StConst.pas 4.04 *} {*********************************************************} {* SysTools: Base unit for SysTools *} {*********************************************************} {$I StDefine.inc} unit StConst; {-Resource constants for SysTools} interface uses SysUtils; const StVersionStr = '4.04'; const {string table constants for STREGINI} stscFalseString = 0; stscTrueString = 1; stscNoFileKey = 2; stscInvalidPKey = 3; stscNoWin32S = 4; stscCreateKeyFail = 5; stscOpenKeyFail = 6; stscIniWriteFail = 7; stscRegWriteFail = 8; stscNoKeyName = 9; stscQueryKeyFail = 10; stscEnumKeyFail = 11; stscEnumValueFail = 12; stscIniDeleteFail = 13; stscKeyHasSubKeys = 14; stscDeleteKeyFail = 15; stscIniDelValueFail = 16; stscRegDelValueFail = 17; stscOutputFileExists = 18; stscFileHasExtension = 19; stscSaveKeyFail = 20; stscNo16bitSupport = 21; stscCantFindInputFile = 22; stscLoadKeyFail = 23; stscUnloadKeyFail = 24; stscNotWinNTPlatform = 25; stscBadOptionsKeyCombo = 26; stscRestoreKeyFail = 27; stscReplaceKeyFail = 28; stscNoIniFileSupport = 29; stscRemoteKeyIsOpen = 30; stscConnectRemoteKeyFail = 31; stscCloseRemoteKeyFail = 32; stscFlushKeyFail = 33; stscBufferDataSizesDif = 34; stscKeyIsEmptyNotExists = 35; stscGetSecurityFail = 36; stscSetSecurityFail = 37; stscByteArrayTooLarge = 38; stscQueryValueFail = 39; stscNoValueNameSpecified = 40; {string table constants for container classes} stscNoCompare = 51; {Compare property must be set} stscBadType = 52; {an incompatible class is passed to a method} stscBadSize = 53; {bad size for TStDictionary, TStBits, TStCollection} stscDupNode = 54; {attempt to add duplicate node to TStTree} stscBadIndex = 55; {bad index passed to TStBits or large array} stscBadWinMode = 56; {requires enhanced mode operation} stscUnknownClass = 57; {container class name not registered} stscUnknownNodeClass = 58; {container node class name not registered} stscNoStoreData = 59; {container has no store data routine} stscNoLoadData = 60; {container has no load data routine} stscWrongClass = 61; {container class and streamed class not equal} stscWrongNodeClass = 62; {container node class and streamed class not equal} stscBadCompare = 63; {invalid compare function or unable to assign now} stscTooManyCols = 64; {assign a matrix with >1 col to array} stscBadColCount = 65; {assign a matrix with wrong col count to virtual matrix} stscBadElSize = 66; {assign a matrix with wrong elem size to virtual matrix} stscBadDups = 67; {setting Dups to False in a non-empty sorted collection} {string table constants for sorting unit} stscTooManyFiles = 71; {too many merge files in TStSorter} stscFileCreate = 72; {error creating file in TStSorter} stscFileOpen = 73; {error opening file in TStSorter} stscFileWrite = 74; {error writing file in TStSorter} stscFileRead = 75; {error reading file in TStSorter} stscBadState = 76; {TStSorter in wrong state} {string table constants for Bcd unit} stscBcdBadFormat = 81; {bad BCD format} stscBcdOverflow = 82; {BCD larger than 10**64} stscBcdDivByZero = 83; {BCD divide by zero} stscBcdBadInput = 84; {BCD negative input to sqrt, ln, or power} stscBcdBufOverflow = 85; {buffer overflow in FormatBcd} stscNoVerInfo = 100; {no version info in file} stscVerInfoFail = 101; {error reading version info} (* {shell string constants} stscShellVersionError = 110; {not available in this version of Shell32.dll} stscShellFileOpSrcError = 111; {no source files specified} stscShellFileOpDstError = 112; {no destination files specified} stscShellFileOpMapError = 113; {mapping incomplete} stscShellFormatError = 114; {format error} stscShellFormatCancel = 115; {format cancelled} stscShellFormatNoFormat = 116; {drive cannot be formatted} stscShellFormatBadDrive = 117; {not removable drive} stscTrayIconInvalidOS = 118; {bad OS (NT 3.51)} stscTrayIconCantAdd = 119; {can't add icon to the tray} stscTrayIconCantDelete = 120; {can't delete icon from the tray} stscTrayIconError = 121; {general tray icon error} stscBadDropTarget = 122; {drop target is not TWinControl} stscCOMInitFailed = 123; {COInitialize failed} stscNoPathSpecified = 124; {No destination path for shortcut} stscIShellLinkError = 125; {Error creating IShellLink} stscNotShortcut = 126; {File is not a shortcut} stscTrayIconClose = 127; {Close} stscTrayIconRestore = 128; {Restore} stscInvalidTargetFile = 130; {Shortcut target file not found} stscShellFileOpDelete = 131; {Can't use file mappings with delete op} stscShellFileNotFound = 132; {One or more source files is missing} stscTrayIconDuplicate = 133; {Cant' have more than one tray icon} stscBadVerInfoKey = 134; {User-defined key not found in ver info} stscImageListInvalid = 135; {No image list assigned.} *) stscBadVerInfoKey = 134; {User-defined key not found in ver info} {barcode errors} stscInvalidUPCACodeLen = 140; stscInvalidCharacter = 141; stscInvalidCheckCharacter = 142; stscInvalidUPCECodeLen = 143; stscInvalidEAN8CodeLen = 144; stscInvalidEAN13CodeLen = 145; stscInvalidSupCodeLen = 146; {stexpr errors} stscExprEmpty = 150; {empty expression} stscExprBadNum = 151; {error in floating point number} stscExprBadChar = 152; {unknown character} stscExprOpndExp = 153; {expected function, number, sign, or (} stscExprNumeric = 154; {numeric error} stscExprBadExp = 155; {invalid expression} stscExprOpndOvfl = 156; {operand stack overflow} stscExprUnkFunc = 157; {unknown function identifier} stscExprLParExp = 158; {left parenthesis expected} stscExprRParExp = 159; {right parenthesis expected} stscExprCommExp = 160; {list separator (comma) expected} stscExprDupIdent = 161; {duplicate identifier} {ststat errors} stscStatBadCount = 170; {unequal or bad counts of array elements} stscStatBadParam = 171; {invalid parameter} stscStatBadData = 172; {invalid data point in array} stscStatNoConverge = 173; {no convergence in numerical routine} {stfin errors} stscFinBadArg = 180; stscFinNoConverge = 181; {stmime errors} stscBadEncodeFmt = 190; stscBadAttachment = 191; stscDupeString = 192; stscInStream = 193; {ststring errors} stscOutOfBounds = 200; {Index out of string bounds} {stBarPN errors} stscInvalidLength = 210; {StHTML errors} stscNoInputFile = 215; stscNoOutputFile = 216; stscInFileError = 217; stscOutFileError = 218; stscWordDelimiters = 219; stscInvalidSLEntry = 220; stscBadStream = 221; {StShlCtl constansts} stscName = 230; stscSize = 231; stscType = 232; stscModified = 233; stscAttributes = 234; stscFileFolder = 235; stscSystemFolder = 236; stscOriginalLoc = 237; stscDateDeleted = 238; stscFile = 239; stscInvalidFolder = 240; stscFolderReadOnly = 241; {StSpawnApplication errors} stscInsufficientData= 250; {StMemoryMappedFile errors} stscCreateFileFailed = 260; stscFileMappingFailed= 261; stscCreateViewFailed = 262; stscBadOrigin = 263; stscGetSizeFailed = 264; {buffered stream errors} stscNilStream = 270; stscNoSeekForRead = 271; stscNoSeekForWrite = 272; stscCannotWrite = 273; stscBadTerminator = 274; stscBadLineLength = 275; stscCannotSetSize = 276; {RegEx errors} stscUnknownError = 290; stscExpandingClass = 291; stscAlternationFollowsClosure = 292; stscUnbalancedParens = 293; stscFollowingClosure = 294; stscPatternError = 295; stscUnbalancedTag = 296; stscNoPatterns = 297; stscPatternTooLarge = 298; stscStreamsNil = 299; stscInTextStreamError = 300; stscOutTextStreamError = 301; stscClosureMaybeEmpty = 302; stscInFileNotFound = 303; stscREInFileError = 304; stscOutFileDelete = 305; stscOutFileCreate = 306; {StNet errors 320-339} stscNetNoManualCreate = 320; stscNetUnknownError = 321; stscNetGroupNotSpecified = 322; stscNetDateSpecifiedOutOfRange = 323; stscNetInvalidParameter = 324; stscNetInvalidItemType = 325; {StNetConnection errors 330-334} {StNetPerformance errors 335-339} {StNetMessage errors 340-344} {StMoney errors 400-429} // stscMoneyIdxOutOfRange = 400; //'Index out of range (%s)' stscMoneyNilResult = 401; //'Nil result parameter' stscMoneyNilParameter = 402; //'Nil parameter to operation' stscMoneyCurrenciesNotMatch = 403; //'Currencies do not match' stscMoneyNoExchangeRatesAvail = 410; //'No Exchange Rates Available' stscMoneyInvalidExchangeParams = 411; //'Invalid exchange parameters' stscMoneyInvalidTriangleExchange = 412; //'Invalid triangle exchange' stscMoneyNoSuchExchange = 413; //'No exchange rate for %s->%s available' stscMoneyMissingIntermediateRate = 414; //''Intermediate exchange rate for %s->%s missing' stscMoneyInvalidExchRate = 415; //'Exchange rate is missing a property value' stscMoneyTriExchUsesTriExch = 415; //'Triangular exchange rate is using triangular exchange rates' stscDecMathRoundPlaces = 423; //'Decimal math: the number of decimal places to round to must be betwen 0 and 16' stscDecMathAsIntOverflow = 424; //'Decimal math: current value overflows an integer' stscDecMathConversion = 425; //'Decimal math: string value not a valid number'; stscDecMathDivByZero = 426; //'Decimal math: division by zero attempted' stscDecMathNegExp = 427; //'Decimal math: cannot raise to a negative power'; stscDecMathMultOverflow = 428; //'Decimal math: result overflowed during multiplication' stscDecMathDivOverflow = 429; //'Decimal math: result overflowed during division' { Text Data Set, Merge, and Export errors } stscTxtDatNoSuchField = 430; //'No such field' stscTxtDatUniqueNameRequired = 431; //'Field name must be unique' stscTxtDatUnhandledVariant = 432; //'Unhandled Variant Type' stscTxtDatInvalidSchema = 433; //'Invalid Schema' stscTxtDatRecordSetOpen = 434; //'Cannot perform this operation on an open record set' {PRNG errors 460-479} stscPRNGDegFreedom = 460; //'StRandom: the number of degrees of freedom should be greater than zero' stscPRNGBetaShape = 461; //'StRandom: the Beta distribution shape values should be greater than zero' stscPRNGMean = 462; //'StRandom: the mean must be greater than zero' stscPRNGGammaShape = 463; //'StRandom: the Gamma distribution shape must be greater than zero' stscPRNGGammaScale = 464; //'StRandom: the Gamma distribution scale must be greater than zero' stscPRNGStdDev = 465; //'StRandom: the standard deviation must be greater than zero' stscPRNGWeibullShape = 466; //'StRandom: the Weibull distribution shape must be greater than zero' stscPRNGWeibullScale = 467; //'StRandom: the Weibull distribution scale must be greater than zero' stscPRNGLimit = 468; //'StRandom: the limit must be greater than zero' stscPRNGUpperLimit = 469; //'StRandom: the upper limit must be greater than the lower limit' stscPRNGErlangOrder = 470; //'StRandom: the Erlang distribution's order must be greater than zero' resourcestring stscSysStringListFull = 'String list is full'; stscSysBadStartDir = 'Invalid starting directory'; stscFalseStringS = 'FALSE'; stscTrueStringS = 'TRUE'; stscNoFileKeyS = 'No Ini File or Primary Key specified'; stscInvalidPKeyS = 'Invalid primary key specified'; stscNoWin32SS = 'RegIni Class not supported under Win32s'; stscCreateKeyFailS = 'Failed to create key\nError Code: %d'; stscOpenKeyFailS = 'Failed to open key\nError Code: %d'; stscIniWriteFailS = 'Failed to write value to INI file'; stscRegWriteFailS = 'Failed to write value to Registry\nError Code: %d'; stscNoKeyNameS = 'No key name specified'; stscQueryKeyFailS = 'Unable to query specified key\nError Code: %d'; stscEnumKeyFailS = 'Unable to enumerate key\nError Code: %d'; stscEnumValueFailS = 'Unable to enumerate value\nError Code: %d'; stscIniDeleteFailS = 'Unable to delete section from INI file'; stscKeyHasSubKeysS = 'Can not delete key which has subkeys (%d)'; stscDeleteKeyFailS = 'Unable to delete key\nError Code: %d'; stscIniDelValueFailS = 'Unable to delete value from INI file'; stscRegDelValueFailS = 'Unable to delete value from key\nError Code: %d'; stscOutputFileExistsS = 'Output file exists'; stscFileHasExtensionS = 'File name can not have an extension'; stscSaveKeyFailS = 'Unable to save key\nError Code: %d'; stscNo16bitSupportS = 'Function not supported in 16-bit applications'; stscCantFindInputFileS = 'Can not find input file'; stscLoadKeyFailS = 'Unable to load key\nError Code: %d'; stscUnloadKeyFailS = 'Unable to unload key\nErrorCode: %d'; stscNotWinNTPlatformS = 'Function not supported on this platform'; stscBadOptionsKeyComboS = 'Selection options incompatible\nwith specified primary key'; stscRestoreKeyFailS = 'Unable to restore key\nError Code: %d'; stscReplaceKeyFailS = 'Unable to replace key\nError Code: %d'; stscNoIniFileSupportS = 'Function not supported on INI files'; stscRemoteKeyIsOpenS = 'Remote key already open'; stscConnectRemoteKeyFailS = 'Unable to connect to remote registry key\nError Code: %d'; stscCloseRemoteKeyFailS = 'Unable to close remote registry key'; stscFlushKeyFailS = 'Unable to flush specified key'; stscBufferDataSizesDifS = 'Buffer size differs from data size\nBuffer: %d Data: %d'; stscKeyIsEmptyNotExistsS = 'Specified Key is empty or does not exist'; stscGetSecurityFailS = 'Failed to Get Security Information\nError Code: %d'; stscSetSecurityFailS = 'Failed to Set Security Information\nError Code: %d'; stscByteArrayTooLargeS = 'Size of byte array exceeds limit'; stscQueryValueFailS = 'Unable to query value in key'; stscNoValueNameSpecifiedS = 'No Value Name specified'; stscNoCompareS = 'Compare property must be set'; stscBadTypeS = 'An incompatible class is passed to a method'; stscBadSizeS = 'Bad size parameter'; stscDupNodeS = 'Attempt to add duplicate node to TStTree'; stscBadIndexS = 'Index is out of range'; stscBadWinModeS = 'Requires enhanced mode operation for Windows 3.1x'; stscUnknownClassS = 'Container class name %s read from stream is unregistered'; stscUnknownNodeClassS = 'Node class name %s read from stream is unregistered'; stscNoStoreDataS = 'Container''s StoreData property is unassigned'; stscNoLoadDataS = 'Container''s LoadData property is unassigned'; stscWrongClassS = 'Class name on stream differs from object''s class'; stscWrongNodeClassS = 'Node class name on stream differs from object''s node class'; stscBadCompareS = 'Unable to assign this compare function now'; stscTooManyColsS = 'Cannot assign a matrix with more than 1 column to an array'; stscBadColCountS = 'Can only assign a matrix to a virtual matrix if column counts are equal'; stscBadElSizeS = 'Can only assign a matrix to a virtual matrix if element sizes are equal'; stscBadDupsS = 'Can only set Duplicates to False in an empty sorted collection'; stscTooManyFilesS = 'Too many merge files in TStSorter'; stscFileCreateS = 'Error creating file'; stscFileOpenS = 'Error opening file'; stscFileWriteS = 'Error writing file (bytes written <> bytes requested)'; stscFileReadS = 'Error reading file (bytes read <> bytes requested)'; stscBadStateS = 'TStSorter in wrong state'; stscBcdBadFormatS = 'Bad BCD format'; stscBcdOverflowS = 'BCD larger than 10**64'; stscBcdDivByZeroS = 'BCD divide by zero'; stscBcdBadInputS = 'BCD negative input to sqrt, ln, or power'; stscBcdBufOverflowS = 'Buffer overflow in FormatBcd'; stscNoVerInfoS = 'File does not contain version info'; stscVerInfoFailS = 'Unable to read version info'; (* stscShellVersionErrorS = 'Operation not supported in this version of the shell'; stscShellFileOpSrcErrorS = 'No source files specified'; stscShellFileOpDstErrorS = 'No destination files specified'; stscShellFileOpMapErrorS = 'File mapping incomplete'; stscShellFormatErrorS = 'Format failed'; stscShellFormatCancelS = 'Format cancelled'; stscShellFormatNoFormatS = 'Drive cannot be formatted'; stscShellFormatBadDriveS = 'Invalid drive. Drive is not removable'; stscTrayIconInvalidOSS = 'Operating system does not support tray icons'; stscTrayIconCantAddS = 'Error adding tray icon'; stscTrayIconCantDeleteS = 'Error removing tray icon'; stscTrayIconErrorS = 'Tray icon error'; stscBadDropTargetS = 'Drop target must be a TWinControl descendant'; stscCOMInitFailedS = 'Cannot initialize COM'; stscNoPathSpecifiedS = 'Destination directory not specified'; stscIShellLinkErrorS = 'Error creating IShellLink'; stscNotShortcutS = 'File is not a shortcut'; stscTrayIconCloseS = '&Close'; stscTrayIconRestoreS = '&Restore'; stscInvalidTargetFileS = 'Cannot create shortcut. Target file does not exist'; stscShellFileOpDeleteS = 'Cannot use file mappings in a delete operation'; stscShellFileNotFoundS = 'Source file error, file not found'; stscTrayIconDuplicateS = 'Cannot have more than one StTrayIcon per application'; stscBadVerInfoKeyS = 'The specified key cannnot be found in version info'; stscImageListInvalidS = 'ImageList is not assigned'; *) stscBadVerInfoKeyS = 'The specified key cannnot be found in version info'; stscInvalidUPCACodeLenS = 'Invalid code length (must be 11 or 12)'; stscInvalidCharacterS = 'Invalid character'; stscInvalidCheckCharacterS = 'Invalid check character'; stscInvalidUPCECodeLenS = 'Invalid code length (must be 6)'; stscInvalidEAN8CodeLenS = 'Invalid code length (must be 7 or 8)'; stscInvalidEAN13CodeLenS = 'Invalid code length (must be 12 or 13)'; stscInvalidSupCodeLenS = 'Invalid supplemental code length (must be 2 or 5)'; stscFinBadArgS = 'Invalid argument to financial function'; stscFinNoConvergeS = 'Function does not converge'; stscExprEmptyS = 'Empty expression'; stscExprBadNumS = 'Error in floating point number'; stscExprBadCharS = 'Unknown character'; stscExprOpndExpS = 'Expected function, number, sign, or ('; stscExprNumericS = 'Numeric error'; stscExprBadExpS = 'Invalid expression'; stscExprOpndOvflS = 'Operand stack overflow'; stscExprUnkFuncS = 'Unknown function identifier'; stscExprLParExpS = 'Left parenthesis expected'; stscExprRParExpS = 'Right parenthesis expected'; stscExprCommExpS = 'List separator expected'; stscExprDupIdentS = 'Duplicate identifier'; stscBadEncodeFmtS = 'Encoding Format Not Supported'; stscBadAttachmentS = 'Attachment Doesn''t Exist'; stscDupeStringS = 'Duplicate string'; stscInStreamS = 'Error in input stream'; stscOutOfBoundsS = 'Index out of string bounds'; stscInvalidLengthS = 'POSTNET code must be 5, 9 or 11 digits'; stscNoInputFileS = 'Input file not specified'; stscNoOutputFileS = 'Output file not specified'; stscInFileErrorS = 'Error opening input file'; stscOutFileErrorS = 'Error creating output file'; stscNameS = 'Name'; stscSizeS = 'Size'; stscTypeS = 'Type'; stscModifiedS = 'Modified'; stscAttributesS = 'Attributes'; stscFileFolderS = 'File Folder'; stscSystemFolderS = 'System Folder'; stscOriginalLocS = 'Original Location'; stscDateDeletedS = 'Date Deleted'; stscFileS = 'File'; stscInvalidFolderS = 'Invalid folder'; stscFolderReadOnlyS = 'Cannot create folder: Parent folder is read-only'; stscInvalidSortDirS = 'Invalid sort direction'; stscInsufficientDataS = 'FileName cannot be empty when RunParameters is specified'; stscCreateFileFailedS = 'CreateFile failed'; stscFileMappingFailedS = 'CreateFileMapping failed'; stscCreateViewFailedS = 'MapViewOfFile failed'; stscBadOriginS = 'Bad origin parameter for call to Seek'; stscGetSizeFailedS = 'Error reading size of existing file'; stscNilStreamS = 'Buffered/text stream: Attempted to read, write, or seek and underlying stream is nil'; stscNoSeekForReadS = 'Buffered/text stream: Could not seek to the correct position in the underlying stream (for read request)'; stscNoSeekForWriteS = 'Buffered/text stream: Could not seek to the correct position in the underlying stream (for write request)'; stscCannotWriteS = 'Buffered/text stream: Could not write the entire buffer to the underlying stream'; stscBadTerminatorS = 'Text stream: Case statement was used with a bad value of LineTerminator'; stscBadLineLengthS = 'Text stream: Length of a fixed line must be between 1 and 4096 bytes'; stscCannotSetSizeS = 'Buffered/text stream: Cannot set the size of the underlying stream (needs OnSetStreamSize event)'; stscUnknownErrorS = 'Unknown error creating a pattern token'; stscExpandingClassS = 'Problem in expanding character class'; stscAlternationFollowsClosureS = 'Alternation cannot immediately follow a closure marker'; stscUnbalancedParensS = 'Unbalanced nesting parentheses'; stscFollowingClosureS = 'Closure cannot immediately follow BegOfLine, EndOfLine or another closure'; stscPatternErrorS = 'Error detected near end of pattern'; stscUnbalancedTagS = 'Unbalanced tag marker'; stscNoPatternsS = 'No Match, Replace, or SelAvoid Patterns defined'; stscPatternTooLargeS = 'Pattern exceeds MaxPatLen'; stscStreamsNilS = 'Input and/or output stream is not assigned'; stscInTextStreamErrorS = 'Error creating internal input text stream'; stscOutTextStreamErrorS = 'Error creating internal output text stream'; stscClosureMaybeEmptyS = 'A * or + operand could be empty'; stscOutFileDeleteS = 'Error deleting old previous file'; stscInFileNotFoundS = 'Input file not found'; stscREInFileErrorS = 'Error creating internal text stream'; stscOutFileCreateS = 'Error creating output file'; stscNetNoManualCreateS = 'Can''t manually create an object of this type'; stscNetUnknownErrorS = 'Unknown network error'; stscNetGroupNotSpecifiedS = 'Local or global group not specified'; stscNetDateSpecifiedOutOfRangeS = 'Date specified out or range'; stscNetInvalidParameterS = 'Invalid parameter'; stscNetInvalidItemTypeS = 'Invalid item type for this method'; stscStatBadCountS = 'Unequal or bad counts of array elements'; stscStatBadParamS = 'Invalid parameter'; stscStatBadDataS = 'Invalid data point in array'; stscStatNoConvergeS = 'no convergence in numerical routine'; stscWordDelimitersS = '219'; stscInvalidSLEntryS = '220'; stscBadStreamS = '221'; stscMoneyIdxOutOfRangeS = 'Index out of range (%s)'; stscMoneyNilResultS = 'Nil result parameter'; stscMoneyNilParameterS = 'Nil parameter to operation'; stscMoneyCurrenciesNotMatchS = 'Currencies do not match'; stscMoneyNoExchangeRatesAvailS = 'No Exchange Rates Available'; stscMoneyInvalidExchangeParamsS = 'Invalid exchange parameters'; stscMoneyInvalidTriangleExchangeS = 'Invalid triangle exchange'; stscMoneyNoSuchExchangeS = 'No exchange rate for %s->%s available'; stscMoneyMissingIntermediateRateS = 'Intermediate exchange rate for %s->%s missing'; stscMoneyInvalidExchRateS = 'Exchange rate is missing a property value'; stscMoneyTriExchUsesTriExchS = 'Triangular exchange rate is using triangular exchange rates'; stscDecMathRoundPlacesS = 'Decimal math: the number of decimal places to round to must be betwen 0 and 16'; stscDecMathAsIntOverflowS = 'Decimal math: current value overflows an integer'; stscDecMathConversionS = 'Decimal math: string value not a valid number'; stscDecMathDivByZeroS = 'Decimal math: division by zero attempted'; stscDecMathNegExpS = 'Decimal math: cannot raise to a negative power'; stscDecMathMultOverflowS = 'Decimal math: result overflowed during multiplication'; stscDecMathDivOverflowS = 'Decimal math: result overflowed during division'; stscTxtDatNoSuchFieldS = 'No such field'; stscTxtDatUniqueNameRequiredS = 'Field name must be unique'; stscTxtDatUnhandledVariantS = 'Unhandled Variant Type'; stscTxtDatInvalidSchemaS = 'Invalid Schema'; stscTxtDatRecordSetOpenS = 'Cannot perform this operation on an open record set'; stscPRNGDegFreedomS = 'StRandom: the number of degrees of freedom should be greater than zero'; stscPRNGBetaShapeS = 'StRandom: the Beta distribution shape values should be greater than zero'; stscPRNGMeanS = 'StRandom: the mean must be greater than zero'; stscPRNGGammaShapeS = 'StRandom: the Gamma distribution shape must be greater than zero'; stscPRNGGammaScaleS = 'StRandom: the Gamma distribution scale must be greater than zero'; stscPRNGStdDevS = 'StRandom: the standard deviation must be greater than zero'; stscPRNGWeibullShapeS = 'StRandom: the Weibull distribution shape must be greater than zero'; stscPRNGWeibullScaleS = 'StRandom: the Weibull distribution scale must be greater than zero'; stscPRNGLimitS = 'StRandom: the limit must be greater than zero'; stscPRNGUpperLimitS = 'StRandom: the upper limit must be greater than the lower limit'; stscPRNGErlangOrderS = 'StRandom: the Erlang distribution''s order must be greater than zero'; type StStrRec = record ID: Integer; Str: string; end; const SysToolsStrArray : array [0..174] of StStrRec = ( {string table constants for STREGINI} (ID: stscFalseString; Str: stscFalseStringS), (ID: stscTrueString; Str: stscTrueStringS), (ID: stscNoFileKey; Str: stscNoFileKeyS), (ID: stscInvalidPKey; Str: stscInvalidPKeyS), (ID: stscNoWin32S; Str: stscNoWin32SS), (ID: stscCreateKeyFail; Str: stscCreateKeyFailS), (ID: stscOpenKeyFail; Str: stscOpenKeyFailS), (ID: stscIniWriteFail; Str: stscIniWriteFailS), (ID: stscRegWriteFail; Str: stscRegWriteFailS), (ID: stscNoKeyName; Str: stscNoKeyNameS), (ID: stscQueryKeyFail; Str: stscQueryKeyFailS), (ID: stscEnumKeyFail; Str: stscEnumKeyFailS), (ID: stscEnumValueFail; Str: stscEnumValueFailS), (ID: stscIniDeleteFail; Str: stscIniDeleteFailS), (ID: stscKeyHasSubKeys; Str: stscKeyHasSubKeysS), (ID: stscDeleteKeyFail; Str: stscDeleteKeyFailS), (ID: stscIniDelValueFail; Str: stscIniDelValueFailS), (ID: stscRegDelValueFail; Str: stscRegDelValueFailS), (ID: stscOutputFileExists; Str: stscOutputFileExistsS), (ID: stscFileHasExtension; Str: stscFileHasExtensionS), (ID: stscSaveKeyFail; Str: stscSaveKeyFailS), (ID: stscNo16bitSupport; Str: stscNo16bitSupportS), (ID: stscCantFindInputFile; Str: stscCantFindInputFileS), (ID: stscLoadKeyFail; Str: stscLoadKeyFailS), (ID: stscUnloadKeyFail; Str: stscUnloadKeyFailS), (ID: stscNotWinNTPlatform; Str: stscNotWinNTPlatformS), (ID: stscBadOptionsKeyCombo; Str: stscBadOptionsKeyComboS), (ID: stscRestoreKeyFail; Str: stscRestoreKeyFailS), (ID: stscReplaceKeyFail; Str: stscReplaceKeyFailS), (ID: stscNoIniFileSupport; Str: stscNoIniFileSupportS), (ID: stscRemoteKeyIsOpen; Str: stscRemoteKeyIsOpenS), (ID: stscConnectRemoteKeyFail; Str: stscConnectRemoteKeyFailS), (ID: stscCloseRemoteKeyFail; Str: stscCloseRemoteKeyFailS), (ID: stscFlushKeyFail; Str: stscFlushKeyFailS), (ID: stscBufferDataSizesDif; Str: stscBufferDataSizesDifS), (ID: stscKeyIsEmptyNotExists; Str: stscKeyIsEmptyNotExistsS), (ID: stscGetSecurityFail; Str: stscGetSecurityFailS), (ID: stscSetSecurityFail; Str: stscSetSecurityFailS), (ID: stscByteArrayTooLarge; Str: stscByteArrayTooLargeS), (ID: stscQueryValueFail; Str: stscQueryValueFailS), (ID: stscNoValueNameSpecified; Str: stscNoValueNameSpecifiedS), {string table constants for container classes} (ID: stscNoCompare; Str: stscNoCompareS), {Compare property must be set} (ID: stscBadType; Str: stscBadTypeS), {an incompatible class is passed to a method} (ID: stscBadSize; Str: stscBadSizeS), {bad size for TStDictionary, TStBits, TStCollection} (ID: stscDupNode; Str: stscDupNodeS), {attempt to add duplicate node to TStTree} (ID: stscBadIndex; Str: stscBadIndexS), {bad index passed to TStBits or large array} (ID: stscBadWinMode; Str: stscBadWinModeS), {requires enhanced mode operation} (ID: stscUnknownClass; Str: stscUnknownClassS), {container class name not registered} (ID: stscUnknownNodeClass; Str: stscUnknownNodeClassS), {container node class name not registered} (ID: stscNoStoreData; Str: stscNoStoreDataS), {container has no store data routine} (ID: stscNoLoadData; Str: stscNoLoadDataS), {container has no load data routine} (ID: stscWrongClass; Str: stscWrongClassS), {container class and streamed class not equal} (ID: stscWrongNodeClass; Str: stscWrongNodeClassS), {container node class and streamed class not equal} (ID: stscBadCompare; Str: stscBadCompareS), {invalid compare function or unable to assign now} (ID: stscTooManyCols; Str: stscTooManyColsS), {assign a matrix with >1 col to array} (ID: stscBadColCount; Str: stscBadColCountS), {assign a matrix with wrong col count to virtual matrix} (ID: stscBadElSize; Str: stscBadElSizeS), {assign a matrix with wrong elem size to virtual matrix} (ID: stscBadDups; Str: stscBadDupsS), {setting Dups to False in a non-empty sorted collection} {string table constants for sorting unit} (ID: stscTooManyFiles; Str: stscTooManyFilesS), {too many merge files in TStSorter} (ID: stscFileCreate; Str: stscFileCreateS), {error creating file in TStSorter} (ID: stscFileOpen; Str: stscFileOpenS), {error opening file in TStSorter} (ID: stscFileWrite; Str: stscFileWriteS), {error writing file in TStSorter} (ID: stscFileRead; Str: stscFileReadS), {error reading file in TStSorter} (ID: stscBadState; Str: stscBadStateS), {TStSorter in wrong state} {string table constants for Bcd unit} (ID: stscBcdBadFormat; Str: stscBcdBadFormatS), {bad BCD format} (ID: stscBcdOverflow; Str: stscBcdOverflowS), {BCD larger than 10**64} (ID: stscBcdDivByZero; Str: stscBcdDivByZeroS), {BCD divide by zero} (ID: stscBcdBadInput; Str: stscBcdBadInputS), {BCD negative input to sqrt, ln, or power} (ID: stscBcdBufOverflow; Str: stscBcdBufOverflowS), {buffer overflow in FormatBcd} (ID: stscNoVerInfo; Str: stscNoVerInfoS), {no version info in file} (ID: stscVerInfoFail; Str: stscVerInfoFailS), {error reading version info} (* {shell string constants} (ID: stscShellVersionError; Str: stscShellVersionErrorS), {not available in this version of Shell32.dll} (ID: stscShellFileOpSrcError; Str: stscShellFileOpSrcErrorS), {no source files specified} (ID: stscShellFileOpDstError; Str: stscShellFileOpDstErrorS), {no destination files specified} (ID: stscShellFileOpMapError; Str: stscShellFileOpMapErrorS), {mapping incomplete} (ID: stscShellFormatError; Str: stscShellFormatErrorS), {format error} (ID: stscShellFormatCancel; Str: stscShellFormatCancelS), {format cancelled} (ID: stscShellFormatNoFormat; Str: stscShellFormatNoFormatS), {drive cannot be formatted} (ID: stscShellFormatBadDrive; Str: stscShellFormatBadDriveS), {not removable drive} (ID: stscTrayIconInvalidOS; Str: stscTrayIconInvalidOSS), {bad OS (NT 3.51)} (ID: stscTrayIconCantAdd; Str: stscTrayIconCantAddS), {can't add icon to the tray} (ID: stscTrayIconCantDelete; Str: stscTrayIconCantDeleteS), {can't delete icon from the tray} (ID: stscTrayIconError; Str: stscTrayIconErrorS), {general tray icon error} (ID: stscBadDropTarget; Str: stscBadDropTargetS), {drop target is not TWinControl} (ID: stscCOMInitFailed; Str: stscCOMInitFailedS), {COInitialize failed} (ID: stscNoPathSpecified; Str: stscNoPathSpecifiedS), {No destination path for shortcut} (ID: stscIShellLinkError; Str: stscIShellLinkErrorS), {Error creating IShellLink} (ID: stscNotShortcut; Str: stscNotShortcutS), {File is not a shortcut} (ID: stscTrayIconClose; Str: stscTrayIconCloseS), {Close} (ID: stscTrayIconRestore; Str: stscTrayIconRestoreS), {Restore} (ID: stscInvalidTargetFile; Str: stscInvalidTargetFileS), {Shortcut target file not found} (ID: stscShellFileOpDelete; Str: stscShellFileOpDeleteS), {Can't use file mappings with delete op} (ID: stscShellFileNotFound; Str: stscShellFileNotFoundS), {One or more source files is missing} (ID: stscTrayIconDuplicate; Str: stscTrayIconDuplicateS), {Cant' have more than one tray icon} (ID: stscBadVerInfoKey; Str: stscBadVerInfoKeyS), {User-defined key not found in ver info} (ID: stscImageListInvalid; Str: stscImageListInvalidS), {No image list assigned.} *) (ID: stscBadVerInfoKey; Str: stscBadVerInfoKeyS), {User-defined key not found in ver info} {barcode errors} (ID: stscInvalidUPCACodeLen; Str: stscInvalidUPCACodeLenS), (ID: stscInvalidCharacter; Str: stscInvalidCharacterS), (ID: stscInvalidCheckCharacter; Str: stscInvalidCheckCharacterS), (ID: stscInvalidUPCECodeLen; Str: stscInvalidUPCECodeLenS), (ID: stscInvalidEAN8CodeLen; Str: stscInvalidEAN8CodeLenS), (ID: stscInvalidEAN13CodeLen; Str: stscInvalidEAN13CodeLenS), (ID: stscInvalidSupCodeLen; Str: stscInvalidSupCodeLenS), {stexpr errors} (ID: stscExprEmpty; Str: stscExprEmptyS), {empty expression} (ID: stscExprBadNum; Str: stscExprBadNumS), {error in floating point number} (ID: stscExprBadChar; Str: stscExprBadCharS), {unknown character} (ID: stscExprOpndExp; Str: stscExprOpndExpS), {expected function, number, sign, or (} (ID: stscExprNumeric; Str: stscExprNumericS), {numeric error} (ID: stscExprBadExp; Str: stscExprBadExpS), {invalid expression} (ID: stscExprOpndOvfl; Str: stscExprOpndOvflS), {operand stack overflow} (ID: stscExprUnkFunc; Str: stscExprUnkFuncS), {unknown function identifier} (ID: stscExprLParExp; Str: stscExprLParExpS), {left parenthesis expected} (ID: stscExprRParExp; Str: stscExprRParExpS), {right parenthesis expected} (ID: stscExprCommExp; Str: stscExprCommExpS), {list separator (comma) expected} (ID: stscExprDupIdent; Str: stscExprDupIdentS), {duplicate identifier} {ststat errors} (ID: stscStatBadCount; Str: stscStatBadCountS), {unequal or bad counts of array elements} (ID: stscStatBadParam; Str: stscStatBadParamS), {invalid parameter} (ID: stscStatBadData; Str: stscStatBadDataS), {invalid data point in array} (ID: stscStatNoConverge; Str: stscStatNoConvergeS), {no convergence in numerical routine} {stfin errors} (ID: stscFinBadArg; Str: stscFinBadArgS), (ID: stscFinNoConverge; Str: stscFinNoConvergeS), {stmime errors} (ID: stscBadEncodeFmt; Str: stscBadEncodeFmtS), (ID: stscBadAttachment; Str: stscBadAttachmentS), (ID: stscDupeString; Str: stscDupeStringS), (ID: stscInStream; Str: stscInStreamS), {ststring errors} (ID: stscOutOfBounds; Str: stscOutOfBoundsS), {Index out of string bounds} {stBarPN errors} (ID: stscInvalidLength; Str: stscInvalidLengthS), {StHTML errors} (ID: stscNoInputFile; Str: stscNoInputFileS), (ID: stscNoOutputFile; Str: stscNoOutputFileS), (ID: stscInFileError; Str: stscInFileErrorS), (ID: stscOutFileError; Str: stscOutFileErrorS), (ID: stscWordDelimiters; Str: stscWordDelimitersS), (ID: stscInvalidSLEntry; Str: stscInvalidSLEntryS), (ID: stscBadStream; Str: stscBadStreamS), {StShlCtl constansts} (ID: stscName; Str: stscNameS), (ID: stscSize; Str: stscSizeS), (ID: stscType; Str: stscTypeS), (ID: stscModified; Str: stscModifiedS), (ID: stscAttributes; Str: stscAttributesS), (ID: stscFileFolder; Str: stscFileFolderS), (ID: stscSystemFolder; Str: stscSystemFolderS), (ID: stscOriginalLoc; Str: stscOriginalLocS), (ID: stscDateDeleted; Str: stscDateDeletedS), (ID: stscFile; Str: stscFileS), (ID: stscInvalidFolder; Str: stscInvalidFolderS), (ID: stscFolderReadOnly; Str: stscFolderReadOnlyS), {StSpawnApplication errors} (ID: stscInsufficientData; Str: stscInsufficientDataS), {StMemoryMappedFile errors} (ID: stscCreateFileFailed; Str: stscCreateFileFailedS), (ID: stscFileMappingFailed; Str: stscFileMappingFailedS), (ID: stscCreateViewFailed; Str: stscCreateViewFailedS), (ID: stscBadOrigin; Str: stscBadOriginS), (ID: stscGetSizeFailed; Str: stscGetSizeFailedS), {buffered stream errors} (ID: stscNilStream; Str: stscNilStreamS), (ID: stscNoSeekForRead; Str: stscNoSeekForReadS), (ID: stscNoSeekForWrite; Str: stscNoSeekForWriteS), (ID: stscCannotWrite; Str: stscCannotWriteS), (ID: stscBadTerminator; Str: stscBadTerminatorS), (ID: stscBadLineLength; Str: stscBadLineLengthS), (ID: stscCannotSetSize; Str: stscCannotSetSizeS), {RegEx errors} (ID: stscUnknownError; Str: stscUnknownErrorS), (ID: stscExpandingClass; Str: stscExpandingClassS), (ID: stscAlternationFollowsClosure; Str: stscAlternationFollowsClosureS), (ID: stscUnbalancedParens; Str: stscUnbalancedParensS), (ID: stscFollowingClosure; Str: stscFollowingClosureS), (ID: stscPatternError; Str: stscPatternErrorS), (ID: stscUnbalancedTag; Str: stscUnbalancedTagS), (ID: stscNoPatterns; Str: stscNoPatternsS), (ID: stscPatternTooLarge; Str: stscPatternTooLargeS), (ID: stscStreamsNil; Str: stscStreamsNilS), (ID: stscInTextStreamError; Str: stscInTextStreamErrorS), (ID: stscOutTextStreamError; Str: stscOutTextStreamErrorS), (ID: stscClosureMaybeEmpty; Str: stscClosureMaybeEmptyS), (ID: stscInFileNotFound; Str: stscInFileNotFoundS), (ID: stscREInFileError; Str: stscREInFileErrorS), (ID: stscOutFileDelete; Str: stscOutFileDeleteS), (ID: stscOutFileCreate; Str: stscOutFileCreateS), {StNet errors 320-339} (ID: stscNetNoManualCreate; Str: stscNetNoManualCreateS), (ID: stscNetUnknownError; Str: stscNetUnknownErrorS), (ID: stscNetGroupNotSpecified; Str: stscNetGroupNotSpecifiedS), (ID: stscNetDateSpecifiedOutOfRange; Str: stscNetDateSpecifiedOutOfRangeS), (ID: stscNetInvalidParameter; Str: stscNetInvalidParameterS), (ID: stscNetInvalidItemType; Str: stscNetInvalidItemTypeS), { StMoney errors } // (ID: stscMoneyIdxOutOfRange; Str: stscMoneyIdxOutOfRangeS), (ID: stscMoneyNilResult; Str: stscMoneyNilResultS), (ID: stscMoneyNilParameter; Str: stscMoneyNilParameterS), (ID: stscMoneyCurrenciesNotMatch; Str: stscMoneyCurrenciesNotMatchS), (ID: stscMoneyNoExchangeRatesAvail; Str: stscMoneyNoExchangeRatesAvailS), (ID: stscMoneyInvalidExchangeParams; Str: stscMoneyInvalidExchangeParamsS), (ID: stscMoneyInvalidTriangleExchange; Str: stscMoneyInvalidTriangleExchangeS), (ID: stscMoneyNoSuchExchange; Str: stscMoneyNoSuchExchangeS), (ID: stscMoneyMissingIntermediateRate; Str: stscMoneyMissingIntermediateRateS), (ID: stscMoneyInvalidExchRate; Str: stscMoneyInvalidExchRateS), (ID: stscMoneyTriExchUsesTriExch; Str: stscMoneyTriExchUsesTriExchS), (ID: stscDecMathMultOverflow; Str: stscDecMathMultOverflowS), (ID: stscDecMathDivOverflow; Str: stscDecMathDivOverflowS), (ID: stscTxtDatNoSuchField; Str: stscTxtDatNoSuchFieldS), (ID: stscTxtDatUniqueNameRequired; Str: stscTxtDatUniqueNameRequiredS), (ID: stscTxtDatUnhandledVariant; Str: stscTxtDatUnhandledVariantS), (ID: stscTxtDatInvalidSchema; Str: stscTxtDatInvalidSchemaS), (ID: stscTxtDatRecordSetOpen; Str: stscTxtDatRecordSetOpenS) ); function SysToolsStr(Index : Integer) : string; implementation function SysToolsStr(Index : Integer) : string; var i : Integer; begin for i := Low(SysToolsStrArray) to High(SysToolsStrArray) do if SysToolsStrArray[i].ID = Index then Result := SysToolsStrArray[i].Str; end; initialization end.