using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using IBM.WMQ; using Microsoft.Win32; using DaoCommon; namespace MQFilter { class FilterController { public const int TRANSACTIONS_PER_RUN = 2000; public string mqHost { get; private set; } public string mqChannel { get; private set; } public string mqQueueManager { get; private set; } public string logDirectory { get; private set; } public string[] filterTranscations { get; private set; } Logfile logFile; public static readonly string queueNameIndbakke = "DAO.INDBAKKE"; public static readonly string queueNameDimaps = "DAO.SAMLET"; public static readonly string queueNameMysql = "DAO.ALL"; public static readonly string queueNameStore = "DAO.STORE"; TimeSpan silentPeriodBegin; TimeSpan silentPeriodEnd; protected FilterController() { initialize(); logFile = new Logfile(LogfileType.LogEvents, "filter", logDirectory); logFile.addSingleLogEntry("Starting service"); } private void initialize() { Console.WriteLine("FilterController: Loading config"); RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey("Software\\DAO\\MQFilter"); //Læser globale MQ Parametre mqHost = (string)key.GetValue("MQHost"); if (mqHost == null || mqHost.Length == 0) { key.SetValue("MQHost", "", RegistryValueKind.String); throw new System.ArgumentException("MQHost cannot be null or empty"); } mqChannel = (string)key.GetValue("MQChannel"); if (mqChannel == null || mqChannel.Length == 0) { key.SetValue("MQChannel", "", RegistryValueKind.String); throw new System.ArgumentException("MQChannel cannot be null or empty"); } mqQueueManager = (string)key.GetValue("MQQueueManager"); if (mqQueueManager == null || mqQueueManager.Length == 0) { key.SetValue("MQQueueManager", "", RegistryValueKind.String); throw new System.ArgumentException("MQQueueManager cannot be null or empty"); } //////////// logDirectory = (string)key.GetValue("LogDirectory"); if (logDirectory == null || logDirectory.Length == 0) { key.SetValue("LogDirectory", "", RegistryValueKind.String); throw new System.ArgumentException("LogDirectory cannot be null or empty"); } if (Directory.Exists(logDirectory) == false) { Directory.CreateDirectory(logDirectory); } //////////// string silentBeginStr = (string)key.GetValue("SilentPeriodBegin"); if (silentBeginStr == null || silentBeginStr.Length == 0) { key.SetValue("SilentPeriodBegin", "", RegistryValueKind.String); throw new System.ArgumentException("SilentPeriodBegin cannot be null or empty"); } silentPeriodBegin = TimeSpan.Parse(silentBeginStr); string silentEndStr = (string)key.GetValue("SilentPeriodEnd"); if (silentEndStr == null || silentEndStr.Length == 0) { key.SetValue("SilentPeriodEnd", "", RegistryValueKind.String); throw new System.ArgumentException("SilentPeriodEnd cannot be null or empty"); } silentPeriodEnd = TimeSpan.Parse(silentEndStr); //////////// String tmpFilterTransactions = (string)key.GetValue("FilterTransactions"); if (tmpFilterTransactions == null || tmpFilterTransactions.Length == 0) { key.SetValue("FilterTransactions", "", RegistryValueKind.String); throw new System.ArgumentException("FilterTransactions cannot be null or empty"); } tmpFilterTransactions = tmpFilterTransactions.Replace(';', ','); filterTranscations = Regex.Split(tmpFilterTransactions, ","); for (int i = 0; i < filterTranscations.Length; i++) { filterTranscations[i] = filterTranscations[i].Trim().ToUpper(); } //////////// } public void transportAllMessages() { try { transportMessagesWorker(); } catch (Exception e) { logFile.addSingleLogEntry("Error during transportAllMessages: " + e.Message); Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); } } private void transportMessagesWorker() { int messageCount = 0; MQQueueManager mqMgr = null; MQQueue queueIndbakke = null; MQQueue queueMysql = null; MQQueue queueDimaps = null; MQQueue queueStore = null; using (Logfile translog = new Logfile(LogfileType.LogTransactions, "filter", logDirectory)) try { //MQ options Hashtable connProps = MQHelper.getConnectionProperties(mqHost, mqChannel); int openInputOptions = MQC.MQOO_INPUT_AS_Q_DEF + MQC.MQOO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING; int openOutputOptions = MQC.MQOO_OUTPUT + MQC.MQOO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING; //MQ objects i v6 implementerer ikke IDisposable og kan derfor ikke bruges med "using" statement mqMgr = new MQQueueManager(mqQueueManager, connProps);//stage 1 connect to mq queueIndbakke = MQHelper.openQueueHelper(queueNameIndbakke, mqMgr, openInputOptions); queueMysql = MQHelper.openQueueHelper(queueNameMysql, mqMgr, openOutputOptions); queueDimaps = MQHelper.openQueueHelper(queueNameDimaps, mqMgr, openOutputOptions); queueStore = MQHelper.openQueueHelper(queueNameStore, mqMgr, openOutputOptions); bool isContinue = true; while (isContinue) { MQMessage mqMsg = new MQMessage(); MQGetMessageOptions mqGetMsgOpts = new MQGetMessageOptions(); try { queueIndbakke.Get(mqMsg, mqGetMsgOpts); if (mqMsg.Format.CompareTo(MQC.MQFMT_STRING) == 0) { if (mqMsg.MessageLength == 0) //Skip empty transactions (so far only seen on my test server) continue; //System.Console.WriteLine("LEN>" + mqMsg.MessageLength); string salt2String = mqMsg.ReadString(mqMsg.MessageLength); // validér at headeren er gyldig if ( Salt2Helper.validateSalt2Header(salt2String) == false) { using (Logfile discardedlog = new Logfile(LogfileType.LogDiscarded, "filter", logDirectory)) { discardedlog.writeLogEntry(salt2String); } continue; //gå frem til at tage næste transaktion fra køen } translog.writeLogEntry(salt2String); MQPutMessageOptions pmo = new MQPutMessageOptions(); // accept the defaults, // same as MQPMO_DEFAULT MQMessage msg = new MQMessage(); msg.Format = MQC.MQFMT_STRING; msg.CharacterSet = 1252; msg.WriteString(salt2String); Salt2Header header = Salt2Helper.parseHeader(salt2String); queueMysql.Put(msg, pmo); if (saveForLater(header)) { queueStore.Put(msg, pmo); } else { queueDimaps.Put(msg, pmo); } messageCount++;// increment per run message counter if (messageCount >= TRANSACTIONS_PER_RUN) // if we have moved TRANSACTIONS_PER_RUN messages in this run - let it go { isContinue = false; } } else { System.Console.WriteLine("Non-text message"); } } catch (MQException mqe) { isContinue = false; // report reason, if any if (mqe.Reason == MQC.MQRC_NO_MSG_AVAILABLE) { // special report for normal end System.Console.WriteLine("no more messages"); } else { // general report for other reasons System.Console.WriteLine("MQQueue::Get ended with " + mqe.Message); ; } } } } finally { MQHelper.closeQueueSafe(queueIndbakke); MQHelper.closeQueueSafe(queueMysql); MQHelper.closeQueueSafe(queueDimaps); MQHelper.closeQueueSafe(queueStore); MQHelper.closeQueueManagerSafe(mqMgr); } } private Boolean saveForLater(Salt2Header header) { TimeSpan now = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay; if (now >= silentPeriodBegin && now < silentPeriodEnd) { if (header.afsender == "DAO") //DAO transaktioner må altid komme igennem return false; if (contains(header.transaktionForkortelse, this.filterTranscations) ) //Så længe vi skal være .net3.0 kompatible er LINQ problematisk (LINQ kræver 3.5) { return true; } else { return false; } } else //normal operation - send straight trough { return false; } } private bool contains(string needle, string[] haystack) // s { foreach(string hay in haystack) { if (needle.Equals(hay)) { return true; } } return false; } /* Singleton */ private static FilterController instance = null; public static FilterController getInstance() { if (instance == null) instance = new FilterController(); return instance; } } }