TODO: * More concistent use of logging framework instead of just System.out.println() * More encapsulation of java beans (no public member vars) --History of tasks completed * Integrate CircuitBreaker around webservice calls to Google and OSM - DONE !!! * Google API key should be load from config - DONE !!! * Enable/disable OSM and google should be configurable - DONE !!! ** Maybe able to switch runtime - DONE !!! * Create admin console page where you can ** Show statistics for current dataset - DONE !!! ** Extract a list of adresses without coverage - DONE !!! ** Trigger a rebuild - DONE !!! *** Show if a rebuild is running - DONE !!! *** Rebuild manager should make sure only 1 running job at a time - DONE !!! * Add log for the various result types - DONE !!! * Investigate RateLimiter from google guava to control requests to Google/OSM - Done!!! * Get findbugs to report 0 problems - Done!!!