/* * RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND * * BBNT Solutions LLC * A Verizon Company * 10 Moulton Street * Cambridge, MA 02138 * (617) 873-3000 * * Copyright BBNT Solutions LLC 2001, 2002 All Rights Reserved * */ package dk.thoerup.traininfoservice.geo; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; /** * A class that represents a point on the Earth as a three dimensional unit * length vector, rather than latitude and longitude. For the theory and an * efficient implementation using partial evaluation see: * http://openmap.bbn.com/~kanderso/lisp/performing-lisp/essence.ps * * This implementation matches the theory carefully, but does not use partial * evaluation. * *

* For the area calculation see: http://math.rice.edu/~pcmi/sphere/ * * @author Ken Anderson * @author Sachin Date * @author Ben Lubin * @author Michael Thome * @version $Revision: $ on $Date: 2007/02/13 20:00:54 $ */ public class Geo { /*************************************************************************** * Constants for the shape of the earth. see * http://www.gfy.ku.dk/%7Eiag/HB2000/part4/groten.htm **************************************************************************/ // Replaced by Length constants. // public static final double radiusKM = 6378.13662; // in KM. // public static final double radiusNM = 3443.9182; // in NM. // Replaced with WGS 84 constants // public static final double flattening = 1.0/298.25642; public static final double flattening = 1.0 / 298.257223563; public static final double FLATTENING_C = (1.0 - flattening) * (1.0 - flattening); public static final double METERS_PER_NM = 1852; private static final double NPD_LTERM1 = 111412.84 / METERS_PER_NM; private static final double NPD_LTERM2 = -93.5 / METERS_PER_NM; private static final double NPD_LTERM3 = 0.118 / METERS_PER_NM; private double x; private double y; private double z; /** * Compute nautical miles per degree at a specified latitude (in degrees). * Calculation from NIMA: http://pollux.nss.nima.mil/calc/degree.html */ public final static double npdAtLat(double latdeg) { double lat = (latdeg * Math.PI) / 180.0; return (NPD_LTERM1 * Math.cos(lat) + NPD_LTERM2 * Math.cos(3 * lat) + NPD_LTERM3 * Math.cos(5 * lat)); } /** Convert from geographic to geocentric latitude (radians) */ public static double geocentricLatitude(double geographicLatitude) { return Math.atan((Math.tan(geographicLatitude) * FLATTENING_C)); } /** Convert from geocentric to geographic latitude (radians) */ public static double geographicLatitude(double geocentricLatitude) { return Math.atan(Math.tan(geocentricLatitude) / FLATTENING_C); } /** Convert from degrees to radians. */ public static double radians(double degrees) { return Length.DECIMAL_DEGREE.toRadians(degrees); } /** Convert from radians to degrees. */ public static double degrees(double radians) { return Length.DECIMAL_DEGREE.fromRadians(radians); } /** Convert radians to kilometers. * */ public static double km(double radians) { return Length.KM.fromRadians(radians); } /** Convert kilometers to radians. * */ public static double kmToAngle(double km) { return Length.KM.toRadians(km); } /** Convert radians to nauticalMiles. * */ public static double nm(double radians) { return Length.NM.fromRadians(radians); } /** Convert nautical miles to radians. * */ public static double nmToAngle(double nm) { return Length.NM.toRadians(nm); } public Geo() {} /** * Construct a Geo from its latitude and longitude. * * @param lat latitude in decimal degrees. * @param lon longitude in decimal degrees. */ public Geo(double lat, double lon) { initialize(lat, lon); } /** * Construct a Geo from its latitude and longitude. * * @param lat latitude. * @param lon longitude. * @param isDegrees should be true if the lat/lon are specified in decimal * degrees, false if they are radians. */ public Geo(double lat, double lon, boolean isDegrees) { if (isDegrees) { initialize(lat, lon); } else { initializeRadians(lat, lon); } } /** Construct a Geo from its parts. */ public Geo(double x, double y, double z) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; } /** Construct a Geo from another Geo. */ public Geo(Geo geo) { this(geo.x, geo.y, geo.z); } public static final Geo makeGeoRadians(double latr, double lonr) { double rlat = geocentricLatitude(latr); double c = Math.cos(rlat); return new Geo(c * Math.cos(lonr), c * Math.sin(lonr), Math.sin(rlat)); } public static final Geo makeGeoDegrees(double latd, double lond) { return makeGeoRadians(radians(latd), radians(lond)); } public static final Geo makeGeo(double x, double y, double z) { return new Geo(x, y, z); } public static final Geo makeGeo(Geo p) { return new Geo(p.x, p.y, p.z); } /** * Initialize this Geo to match another. * * @param g */ public void initialize(Geo g) { x = g.x; y = g.y; z = g.z; } /** * Initialize this Geo with new parameters. * * @param x * @param y * @param z */ public void initialize(double x, double y, double z) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; } /** * Initialize this Geo with to represent coordinates. * * @param lat latitude in decimal degrees. * @param lon longitude in decimal degrees. */ public void initialize(double lat, double lon) { initializeRadians(radians(lat), radians(lon)); } /** * Initialize this Geo with to represent coordinates. * * @param lat latitude in radians. * @param lon longitude in radians. */ public void initializeRadians(double lat, double lon) { double rlat = geocentricLatitude(lat); double c = Math.cos(rlat); x = c * Math.cos(lon); y = c * Math.sin(lon); z = Math.sin(rlat); } /** * Find the midpoint Geo between this one and another on a Great Circle line * between the two. The result is undefined of the two points are antipodes. * * @param g2 * @return midpoint Geo. */ public Geo midPoint(Geo g2) { return add(g2).normalize(); } /** * Find the midpoint Geo between this one and another on a Great Circle line * between the two. The result is undefined of the two points are antipodes. * * @param g2 * @param ret a Geo value to set returned values in. Do not pass in a null * value. * @return midpoint Geo. */ public Geo midPoint(Geo g2, Geo ret) { return add(g2).normalize(ret); } public Geo interpolate(Geo g2, double x) { return scale(x).add(g2.scale(1 - x)).normalize(); } /** * * @param g2 * @param x * @param ret Do not pass in a null value. * @return */ public Geo interpolate(Geo g2, double x, Geo ret) { return scale(x).add(g2.scale(1 - x, ret), ret).normalize(ret); } public String toString() { return "Geo[" + getLatitude() + "," + getLongitude() + "]"; } public double getLatitude() { return degrees(geographicLatitude(Math.atan2(z, Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y)))); } public double getLongitude() { return degrees(Math.atan2(y, x)); } public double getLatitudeRadians() { return geographicLatitude(Math.atan2(z, Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y))); } public double getLongitudeRadians() { return Math.atan2(y, x); } /** * Reader for x, in internal axis representation (positive to the right side * of screen). * * @return */ public final double x() { return this.x; } /** * Reader for y in internal axis reprensentation (positive into screen). * * @return */ public final double y() { return this.y; } /** * Reader for z in internal axis representation (positive going to top of * screen). * * @return */ public final double z() { return this.z; } public void setLength(double r) { // It's tempting to call getLatitudeRadians() here, but it changes the // angle. I think we want to keep the angles the same, and just extend // x, y, z, and then let the latitudes get refigured out for the // ellipsoid when they are asked for. double rlat = Math.atan2(z, Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y)); double rlon = getLongitudeRadians(); double c = r * Math.cos(rlat); x = c * Math.cos(rlon); y = c * Math.sin(rlon); z = r * Math.sin(rlat); } /** North pole. */ public static final Geo north = new Geo(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); /** Dot product. */ public double dot(Geo b) { return (this.x() * b.x() + this.y() * b.y() + this.z() * b.z()); } /** Dot product. */ public static double dot(Geo a, Geo b) { return (a.x() * b.x() + a.y() * b.y() + a.z() * b.z()); } /** Euclidian length. */ public double length() { return Math.sqrt(this.dot(this)); } /** Multiply this by s. * */ public Geo scale(double s) { return scale(s, new Geo()); } /** * Multiply this by s. * * @return ret that was passed in, filled in with scaled values. Do not pass * in a null value. */ public Geo scale(double s, Geo ret) { ret.initialize(this.x() * s, this.y() * s, this.z() * s); return ret; } /** Returns a unit length vector parallel to this. */ public Geo normalize() { return this.scale(1.0 / this.length()); } /** * Returns a unit length vector parallel to this. * * @return ret with normalized values. Do not pass in a null value. */ public Geo normalize(Geo ret) { return this.scale(1.0 / this.length(), ret); } /** Vector cross product. */ public Geo cross(Geo b) { return cross(b, new Geo()); } /** * Vector cross product. * * @return ret Do not pass in a null value. */ public Geo cross(Geo b, Geo ret) { ret.initialize(this.y() * b.z() - this.z() * b.y(), this.z() * b.x() - this.x() * b.z(), this.x() * b.y() - this.y() * b.x()); return ret; } /** Eqvivalent to this.cross(b).length(). */ public double crossLength(Geo b) { double x = this.y() * b.z() - this.z() * b.y(); double y = this.z() * b.x() - this.x() * b.z(); double z = this.x() * b.y() - this.y() * b.x(); return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z); } /** Eqvivalent to this.cross(b).normalize(). */ public Geo crossNormalize(Geo b) { return crossNormalize(b, new Geo()); } /** * Eqvivalent to this.cross(b).normalize(). * * @return ret Do not pass in a null value. */ public Geo crossNormalize(Geo b, Geo ret) { double x = this.y() * b.z() - this.z() * b.y(); double y = this.z() * b.x() - this.x() * b.z(); double z = this.x() * b.y() - this.y() * b.x(); double L = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z); ret.initialize(x / L, y / L, z / L); return ret; } /** * Eqvivalent to this.cross(b).normalize(). * * @return ret Do not pass in a null value. */ public static Geo crossNormalize(Geo a, Geo b, Geo ret) { return a.crossNormalize(b, ret); } /** Returns this + b. */ public Geo add(Geo b) { return add(b, new Geo()); } /* * @return ret Do not pass in a null value. */ public Geo add(Geo b, Geo ret) { ret.initialize(this.x() + b.x(), this.y() + b.y(), this.z() + b.z()); return ret; } /** Returns this - b. */ public Geo subtract(Geo b) { return subtract(b, new Geo()); } /** * Returns this - b. * * * @return ret Do not pass in a null value. */ public Geo subtract(Geo b, Geo ret) { ret.initialize(this.x() - b.x(), this.y() - b.y(), this.z() - b.z()); return ret; } public boolean equals(Geo v2) { return this.x == v2.x && this.y == v2.y && this.z == v2.z; } /** Angular distance, in radians between this and v2. */ public double distance(Geo v2) { return Math.atan2(v2.crossLength(this), v2.dot(this)); } /** Angular distance, in radians between v1 and v2. */ public static double distance(Geo v1, Geo v2) { return v1.distance(v2); } /** Angular distance, in radians between the two lat lon points. */ public static double distance(double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2) { return Geo.distance(new Geo(lat1, lon1), new Geo(lat2, lon2)); } /** Distance in kilometers. * */ public double distanceKM(Geo v2) { return km(distance(v2)); } /** Distance in kilometers. * */ public static double distanceKM(Geo v1, Geo v2) { return v1.distanceKM(v2); } /** Distance in kilometers. * */ public static double distanceKM(double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2) { return Geo.distanceKM(new Geo(lat1, lon1), new Geo(lat2, lon2)); } /** Distance in nautical miles. * */ public double distanceNM(Geo v2) { return nm(distance(v2)); } /** Distance in nautical miles. * */ public static double distanceNM(Geo v1, Geo v2) { return v1.distanceNM(v2); } /** Distance in nautical miles. * */ public static double distanceNM(double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2) { return Geo.distanceNM(new Geo(lat1, lon1), new Geo(lat2, lon2)); } /** Azimuth in radians from this to v2. */ public double azimuth(Geo v2) { /* * n1 is the great circle representing the meridian of this. n2 is the * great circle between this and v2. The azimuth is the angle between * them but we specialized the cross product. */ // Geo n1 = north.cross(this); // Geo n2 = v2.cross(this); // crossNormalization is needed to geos of different length. Geo n1 = north.crossNormalize(this); Geo n2 = v2.crossNormalize(this); double az = Math.atan2(-north.dot(n2), n1.dot(n2)); return (az > 0.0) ? az : 2.0 * Math.PI + az; } /** * Given 3 points on a sphere, p0, p1, p2, return the angle between them in * radians. */ public static double angle(Geo p0, Geo p1, Geo p2) { return Math.PI - p0.cross(p1).distance(p1.cross(p2)); } /** * Computes the area of a polygon on the surface of a unit sphere given an * enumeration of its point.. For a non unit sphere, multiply this by the * radius of sphere squared. */ public static double area(Enumeration vs) { int count = 0; double area = 0; Geo v0 = (Geo) vs.nextElement(); Geo v1 = (Geo) vs.nextElement(); Geo p0 = v0; Geo p1 = v1; Geo p2 = null; while (vs.hasMoreElements()) { count = count + 1; p2 = (Geo) vs.nextElement(); area = area + angle(p0, p1, p2); p0 = p1; p1 = p2; } count = count + 1; p2 = v0; area = area + angle(p0, p1, p2); p0 = p1; p1 = p2; count = count + 1; p2 = v1; area = area + angle(p0, p1, p2); return area - (count - 2) * Math.PI; } /** * Is the point, p, within radius radians of the great circle segment * between this and v2? */ public boolean isInside(Geo v2, double radius, Geo p) { // Allocate a Geo to be reused for all of these calculations, instead of // creating 3 of them that are just thrown away. There's one more we // still need to allocate, for dp below. Geo tmp = new Geo(); /* * gc is a unit vector perpendicular to the plane defined by v1 and v2 */ Geo gc = this.crossNormalize(v2, tmp); /* * |gc . p| is the size of the projection of p onto gc (the normal of * v1,v2) cos(pi/2-r) is effectively the size of the projection of a * vector along gc of the radius length. If the former is larger than * the latter, than p is further than radius from arc, so must not be * isInside */ if (Math.abs(gc.dot(p)) > Math.cos((Math.PI / 2.0) - radius)) return false; /* * If p is within radius of either endpoint, then we know it isInside */ if (this.distance(p) <= radius || v2.distance(p) <= radius) return true; /* d is the vector from the v2 to v1 */ Geo d = v2.subtract(this, tmp); /* L is the length of the vector d */ double L = d.length(); /* n is the d normalized to length=1 */ Geo n = d.normalize(tmp); /* dp is the vector from p to v1 */ Geo dp = p.subtract(this, new Geo()); /* size is the size of the projection of dp onto n */ double size = n.dot(dp); /* p is inside iff size>=0 and size <= L */ return (0 <= size && size <= L); } /** * do the segments v1-v2 and p1-p2 come within radius (radians) of each * other? */ public static boolean isInside(Geo v1, Geo v2, double radius, Geo p1, Geo p2) { return v1.isInside(v2, radius, p1) || v1.isInside(v2, radius, p2) || p1.isInside(p2, radius, v1) || p1.isInside(p2, radius, v2); } /** * Static version of isInside uses conventional (decimal degree) * coordinates. */ public static boolean isInside(double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2, double radius, double lat3, double lon3) { return (new Geo(lat1, lon1)).isInside(new Geo(lat2, lon2), radius, new Geo(lat3, lon3)); } /** * Is Geo p inside the time bubble along the great circle segment from this * to v2 looking forward forwardRadius and backward backwardRadius. */ public boolean inBubble(Geo v2, double forwardRadius, double backRadius, Geo p) { return distance(p) <= ((v2.subtract(this) .normalize() .dot(p.subtract(this)) > 0.0) ? forwardRadius : backRadius); } /** Returns the point opposite this point on the earth. */ public Geo antipode() { return this.scale(-1.0, new Geo()); } /** * Returns the point opposite this point on the earth. * * * @return ret Do not pass in a null value. */ public Geo antipode(Geo ret) { return this.scale(-1.0, ret); } /** * Find the intersection of the great circle between this and q and the * great circle normal to r. *

* * That is, find the point, y, lying between this and q such that * *

     *  y = [x*this + (1-x)*q]*c
     *  where c = 1/y.dot(y) is a factor for normalizing y.
     *  y.dot(r) = 0
     *  substituting:
     *  [x*this + (1-x)*q]*c.dot(r) = 0 or
     *  [x*this + (1-x)*q].dot(r) = 0
     *  x*this.dot(r) + (1-x)*q.dot(r) = 0
     *  x*a + (1-x)*b = 0
     *  x = -b/(a - b)
* * We assume that this and q are less than 180 degrees appart. When this and * q are 180 degrees appart, the point -y is also a valid intersection. *

* Alternatively the intersection point, y, satisfies y.dot(r) = 0 * y.dot(this.crossNormalize(q)) = 0 which is satisfied by y = * r.crossNormalize(this.crossNormalize(q)); * */ public Geo intersect(Geo q, Geo r) { return intersect(q, r, new Geo()); } /** * Find the intersection of the great circle between this and q and the * great circle normal to r. *

* * That is, find the point, y, lying between this and q such that * *

     *  y = [x*this + (1-x)*q]*c
     *  where c = 1/y.dot(y) is a factor for normalizing y.
     *  y.dot(r) = 0
     *  substituting:
     *  [x*this + (1-x)*q]*c.dot(r) = 0 or
     *  [x*this + (1-x)*q].dot(r) = 0
     *  x*this.dot(r) + (1-x)*q.dot(r) = 0
     *  x*a + (1-x)*b = 0
     *  x = -b/(a - b)
* * We assume that this and q are less than 180 degrees appart. When this and * q are 180 degrees appart, the point -y is also a valid intersection. *

* Alternatively the intersection point, y, satisfies y.dot(r) = 0 * y.dot(this.crossNormalize(q)) = 0 which is satisfied by y = * r.crossNormalize(this.crossNormalize(q)); * * @return ret Do not pass in a null value. */ public Geo intersect(Geo q, Geo r, Geo ret) { double a = this.dot(r); double b = q.dot(r); double x = -b / (a - b); // This still results in one Geo being allocated and lost, in the // q.scale call. return this.scale(x, ret).add(q.scale(1.0 - x), ret).normalize(ret); } /** alias for computeCorridor(path, radius, radians(10), true) * */ /* public static Geo[] computeCorridor(Geo[] path, double radius) { return computeCorridor(path, radius, radians(10.0), true); }*/ /** * Wrap a fixed-distance corridor around an (open) path, as specified by an * array of Geo. * * @param path Open path, must not have repeated points or consecutive * antipodes. * @param radius Distance from path to widen corridor, in angular radians. * @param err maximum angle of rounded edges, in radians. If 0, will * directly cut outside bends. * @param capp iff true, will round end caps * @return a closed polygon representing the specified corridor around the * path. * */ /* public static Geo[] computeCorridor(Geo[] path, double radius, double err, boolean capp) { if (path == null || radius <= 0.0) { return new Geo[] {}; } // assert path!=null; // assert radius > 0.0; int pl = path.length; if (pl < 2) return null; // final polygon will be right[0],...,right[n],left[m],...,left[0] ArrayList right = new ArrayList((int) (pl * 1.5)); ArrayList left = new ArrayList((int) (pl * 1.5)); Geo g0 = null; // previous point Geo n0 = null; // previous normal vector Geo l0 = null; Geo r0 = null; Geo g1 = path[0]; // current point for (int i = 1; i < pl; i++) { Geo g2 = path[i]; // next point Geo n1 = g1.crossNormalize(g2); // n is perpendicular to the vector // from g1 to g2 n1 = n1.scale(radius); // normalize to radius // these are the offsets on the g2 side at g1 Geo r1b = g1.add(n1); Geo l1b = g1.subtract(n1); if (n0 == null) { if (capp && err > 0) { // start cap Geo[] arc = approximateArc(g1, l1b, r1b, err); for (int j = arc.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { right.add(arc[j]); } } else { // no previous point - we'll just be square right.add(l1b); left.add(r1b); } // advance normals l0 = l1b; r0 = r1b; } else { // otherwise, compute a more complex shape // these are the right and left on the g0 side of g1 Geo r1a = g1.add(n0); Geo l1a = g1.subtract(n0); double handed = g0.cross(g1).dot(g2); // right or left handed // divergence if (handed > 0) { // left needs two points, right needs 1 if (err > 0) { Geo[] arc = approximateArc(g1, l1b, l1a, err); for (int j = arc.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { right.add(arc[j]); } } else { right.add(l1a); right.add(l1b); } l0 = l1b; Geo ip = Intersection.segmentsIntersect(r0, r1a, r1b, g2.add(n1)); // if they intersect, take the intersection, else use the // points and punt if (ip != null) { left.add(ip); } else { left.add(r1a); left.add(r1b); } r0 = ip; } else { Geo ip = Intersection.segmentsIntersect(l0, l1a, l1b, g2.subtract(n1)); // if they intersect, take the intersection, else use the // points and punt if (ip != null) { right.add(ip); } else { right.add(l1a); right.add(l1b); } l0 = ip; if (err > 0) { Geo[] arc = approximateArc(g1, r1a, r1b, err); for (int j = 0; j < arc.length; j++) { left.add(arc[j]); } } else { left.add(r1a); left.add(r1b); } r0 = r1b; } } // advance points g0 = g1; n0 = n1; g1 = g2; } // finish it off Geo rn = g1.subtract(n0); Geo ln = g1.add(n0); if (capp && err > 0) { // end cap Geo[] arc = approximateArc(g1, ln, rn, err); for (int j = arc.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { right.add(arc[j]); } } else { right.add(rn); left.add(ln); } int ll = right.size(); int rl = left.size(); Geo[] result = new Geo[ll + rl]; for (int i = 0; i < ll; i++) { result[i] = (Geo) right.get(i); } int j = ll; for (int i = rl - 1; i >= 0; i--) { result[j++] = (Geo) left.get(i); } return result; }*/ /** simple vector angle (not geocentric!) */ static double simpleAngle(Geo p1, Geo p2) { return Math.acos(p1.dot(p2) / (p1.length() * p2.length())); } /** * compute a polygonal approximation of an arc centered at pc, beginning at * p0 and ending at p1, going clockwise and including the two end points. * * @param pc center point * @param p0 starting point * @param p1 ending point * @param err The maximum angle between approximates allowed, in radians. * Smaller values will look better but will result in more returned * points. * @return */ /* public static final Geo[] approximateArc(Geo pc, Geo p0, Geo p1, double err) { double theta = angle(p0, pc, p1); // if the rest of the code is undefined in this situation, just skip it. if (Double.isNaN(theta)) { return new Geo[] { p0, p1 }; } int n = (int) (2.0 + Math.abs(theta / err)); // number of points // (counting the end // points) Geo[] result = new Geo[n]; result[0] = p0; double dtheta = theta / (n - 1); double rho = 0.0; // angle starts at 0 (directly at p0) for (int i = 1; i < n - 1; i++) { rho += dtheta; // Rotate p0 around this so it has the right azimuth. result[i] = Rotation.rotate(pc, 2.0 * Math.PI - rho, p0, new Geo()); } result[n - 1] = p1; return result; } public final Geo[] approximateArc(Geo p0, Geo p1, double err) { return approximateArc(this, p0, p1, err); }*/ /** @deprecated use #offset(double, double) */ /* public Geo geoAt(double distance, double azimuth) { return offset(distance, azimuth); }*/ /** * Returns a Geo that is distance (radians), and azimuth (radians) away from * this. * * @param distance distance of this to the target point in radians. * @param azimuth Direction of target point from this, in radians, clockwise * from north. * @note this is undefined at the north pole, at which point "azimuth" is * undefined. */ /* public Geo offset(double distance, double azimuth) { return offset(distance, azimuth, new Geo()); }*/ /** * Returns a Geo that is distance (radians), and azimuth (radians) away from * this. * * @param distance distance of this to the target point in radians. * @param azimuth Direction of target point from this, in radians, clockwise * from north. * @note this is undefined at the north pole, at which point "azimuth" is * undefined. * @return ret Do not pass in a null value. */ /* public Geo offset(double distance, double azimuth, Geo ret) { // m is normal the the meridian through this. Geo m = this.crossNormalize(north, ret); // p is a point on the meridian distance distance from this. // Geo p = (new Rotation(m, distance)).rotate(this); Geo p = Rotation.rotate(m, distance, this, ret); // Rotate p around this so it has the right azimuth. return Rotation.rotate(this, 2.0 * Math.PI - azimuth, p, ret); } public static Geo offset(Geo origin, double distance, double azimuth) { return origin.offset(distance, azimuth); }*/ /** * * @param origin * @param distance * @param azimuth * @param ret * @return ret Do not pass in a null value. */ /* public static Geo offset(Geo origin, double distance, double azimuth, Geo ret) { return origin.offset(distance, azimuth, ret); }*/ /* * //same as offset, except using trig instead of vector mathematics public * Geo trig_offset(double distance, double azimuth) { double latr = * getLatitudeRadians(); double lonr = getLongitudeRadians(); * * double coslat = Math.cos(latr); double sinlat = Math.sin(latr); double * cosaz = Math.cos(azimuth); double sinaz = Math.sin(azimuth); double sind = * Math.sin(distance); double cosd = Math.cos(distance); * * return makeGeoRadians(Math.asin(sinlat * cosd + coslat * sind * cosaz), * Math.atan2(sind * sinaz, coslat * cosd - sinlat * sind * cosaz) + lonr); } */ // // Follows are a series of Geo array operations as useful utilities // /** * convert a String containing space-separated pairs of comma-separated * decimal lat-lon pairs into a Geo array. */ public static Geo[] posToGa(String coords) { return posToGa(coords.split(" ")); } /** * Convert an array of strings with comma-separated decimal lat,lon pairs * into a Geo array */ public static Geo[] posToGa(String[] coords) { // convert to floating lat/lon degrees Geo[] ga = new Geo[coords.length]; for (int i = 0; i < coords.length; i++) { String[] ll = coords[i].split(","); ga[i] = Geo.makeGeoDegrees(Double.parseDouble(ll[0]), Double.parseDouble(ll[1])); } return ga; } /** * Convert a Geo array into a floating point lat lon array (alternating lat * and lon values). * * @return the ll array provided, or a new array of lla is null. */ public static double[] GaToLLa(Geo[] ga, double[] lla) { if (lla == null) { lla = new double[2 * ga.length]; } for (int i = 0; i < ga.length; i++) { Geo g = ga[i]; lla[i * 2] = g.getLatitude(); lla[i * 2 + 1] = g.getLongitude(); } return lla; } /** * Convert a Geo array into a floating point lat lon array (alternating lat * and lon values). * * @return the ll array provided, or a new array of lla is null. */ public static float[] GaToLLa(Geo[] ga, float[] lla) { if (lla == null) { lla = new float[2 * ga.length]; } for (int i = 0; i < ga.length; i++) { Geo g = ga[i]; lla[i * 2] = (float) g.getLatitude(); lla[i * 2 + 1] = (float) g.getLongitude(); } return lla; } /** * Convert a Geo array into a floating point lat lon array (alternating lat * and lon values) */ public static float[] GaToLLa(Geo[] ga) { return GaToLLa(ga, new float[2 * ga.length]); } /** * Return a Geo array with the duplicates removed. May arbitrarily mutate * the input array. */ public static Geo[] removeDups(Geo[] ga) { Geo[] r = new Geo[ga.length]; int p = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ga.length; i++) { if (p == 0 || !(r[p - 1].equals(ga[i]))) { r[p] = ga[i]; p++; } } if (p != ga.length) { Geo[] x = new Geo[p]; System.arraycopy(r, 0, x, 0, p); return x; } else { return ga; } } /** * Convert a float array of alternating lat and lon pairs into a Geo array. */ public static Geo[] LLaToGa(float[] lla) { return LLaToGa(lla, true); } /** * Convert a float array of alternating lat and lon pairs into a Geo array. */ public static Geo[] LLaToGa(float[] lla, boolean isDegrees) { Geo[] r = new Geo[lla.length / 2]; for (int i = 0; i < lla.length / 2; i++) { if (isDegrees) { r[i] = Geo.makeGeoDegrees(lla[i * 2], lla[i * 2 + 1]); } else { r[i] = Geo.makeGeoRadians(lla[i * 2], lla[i * 2 + 1]); } } return r; } /** * Convert a double array of alternating lat and lon pairs into a Geo array. */ public static Geo[] LLaToGa(double[] lla) { return LLaToGa(lla, true); } /** * Convert a double array of alternating lat and lon pairs into a Geo array. */ public static Geo[] LLaToGa(double[] lla, boolean isDegrees) { Geo[] r = new Geo[lla.length / 2]; for (int i = 0; i < lla.length / 2; i++) { if (isDegrees) { r[i] = Geo.makeGeoDegrees(lla[i * 2], lla[i * 2 + 1]); } else { r[i] = Geo.makeGeoRadians(lla[i * 2], lla[i * 2 + 1]); } } return r; } /** * return a float array of alternating lat lon pairs where the first and * last pair are the same, thus closing the path, by adding a point if * needed. Does not mutate the input. */ public static float[] closeLLa(float[] lla) { int l = lla.length; int s = (l / 2) - 1; if (lla[0] == lla[s * 2] && lla[1] == lla[s * 2 + 1]) { return lla; } else { float[] llx = new float[l + 2]; for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { llx[i] = lla[i]; } llx[l] = lla[0]; llx[l + 1] = lla[1]; return llx; } } /** * return a Geo array where the first and last elements are the same, thus * closing the path, by adding a point if needed. Does not mutate the input. */ public static Geo[] closeGa(Geo[] ga) { int l = ga.length; if (ga[0].equals(ga[l - 1])) { return ga; } else { Geo[] x = new Geo[l + 1]; System.arraycopy(ga, 0, x, 0, l); x[l] = ga[0]; return x; } } }