TrainInfoService index.html index.htm index.jsp enum: Describes whether to use azure based site or use the old ( backend Mobile Int: The error threshold for banedk circuitbreaker banedk_threshold 5 Int: the timeout for an open banedk circuitbreaker (milliseconds) banedk_timeout 60000 Int: how long should banedk results be cached (milliseconds) cache_timeout 120000 Int: with which interval should statistics be save to DB (milliseconds) stats_interval 300000 Int: how long should the fetcher wait for to reply (milliseconds) reply_timeout 3000 String: who should receive status mails mail_recipient bool: tritinfo_enabled true Resource reference to a factory for java.sql.Connection instances that may be used for talking to the database that is configured in server.xml. jdbc/android javax.sql.DataSource Container