package dk.thoerup.traininfoservice.banedk; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Logger; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.BrowserVersion; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebClient; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.DomNodeList; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlElement; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlPage; import dk.thoerup.circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker; import dk.thoerup.circuitbreaker.CircuitBreakerManager; import dk.thoerup.traininfoservice.StationBean; import dk.thoerup.traininfoservice.StationDAO; import dk.thoerup.traininfoservice.Statistics; public class DepartureFetcher { Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DepartureFetcher.class.getName()); Map> cache; StationDAO stationDao = new StationDAO(); private boolean useTempSite; public DepartureFetcher(boolean tempSite, int cacheTimeout) { useTempSite = tempSite; cache = new TimeoutMap>(cacheTimeout); } public List cachedLookupDepartures(int stationID, boolean arrival) throws Exception { final String key = "" + stationID + ":" + arrival; List list = cache.get(key); if (list == null) { list = lookupDepartures(stationID,arrival); cache.put(key, list); } else { Statistics.getInstance().incrementDepartureCacheHits();"Departure: Cache hit " + key); //remove before production } return list; } public List lookupDepartures(int stationID, boolean arrival) throws Exception { List departureList = new ArrayList(); StationBean station = stationDao.getById(stationID); if (station.getRegional() != null) { List list = lookupDepartures(station.getRegional(), "FJRN", arrival); departureList.addAll(list); } if (station.getStrain() != null) { List list = lookupDepartures(station.getStrain(), "S2", arrival); departureList.addAll(list); } Collections.sort( departureList ); return departureList; } public List lookupDepartures(String stationcode, String type, boolean arrival) throws Exception { if (useTempSite == false) { return lookupDeparturesNormalSite(stationcode, type, arrival); } else { return lookupDeparturesFromTemporarySite(stationcode, type); } } public List lookupDeparturesNormalSite(String stationcode, String type, boolean arrival) throws Exception { List departureList = new ArrayList(); final WebClient webClient = new WebClient( BrowserVersion.FIREFOX_3 ); webClient.setTimeout(2500); webClient.setJavaScriptEnabled(false); String uri = "" + type + "&S=" + stationcode; BanedkInvocation wrapper = new BanedkInvocation(webClient, uri); CircuitBreaker breaker = CircuitBreakerManager.getManager().getCircuitBreaker("banedk"); HtmlPage page = (HtmlPage) breaker.invoke(wrapper); String tableName = arrival == false ? "afgangtabel" : "ankomsttabel"; HtmlElement table = page.getElementById(tableName); if (table != null) { DomNodeList tableRows = table.getElementsByTagName("tr"); for (HtmlElement currentRow : tableRows) { String rowClass = currentRow.getAttribute("class"); if (rowClass != null && rowClass.toLowerCase().contains("station") ) { DomNodeList fields = currentRow.getElementsByTagName("td"); DepartureBean departure = new DepartureBean(); String time = fields.get(0).asText(); if (time.equals("")) time = "0:00"; // bug work-around departure.setTime(time); int updated = extractUpdated( fields.get(1) ); departure.setUpdated(updated); String trainNumber = fields.get(2).asText(); if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("S2")) //If it is S-train we need to extract the trainNumber trainNumber = trainNumber + " " + extractTrainNumber(fields.get(2)); departure.setTrainNumber(trainNumber); String destination = fields.get(3).asText(); departure.setDestination(destination); String origin = fields.get(4).asText(); departure.setOrigin(origin); String location = fields.get(5).asText(); departure.setLocation(location); String status = fields.get(6).asText(); departure.setStatus(status); String note = extractNote( fields.get(7) ); departure.setNote(note); departure.setType(type); departureList.add(departure); } } } else { logger.warning("No departures found for station=" + stationcode + ", type=" + type); } webClient.closeAllWindows(); return departureList; } public List lookupDeparturesFromTemporarySite(String stationcode, String type) throws Exception { List departureList = new ArrayList(); final WebClient webClient = new WebClient(BrowserVersion.FIREFOX_3); webClient.setTimeout(2500); webClient.setJavaScriptEnabled(false); String uri = "" + type + "&s=" + stationcode; BanedkInvocation wrapper = new BanedkInvocation(webClient, uri); CircuitBreaker breaker = CircuitBreakerManager.getManager().getCircuitBreaker("banedk"); HtmlPage page = (HtmlPage) breaker.invoke(wrapper); HtmlElement table = page.getElementById("traf_afgang"); if (table != null) { DomNodeList tableRows = table.getElementsByTagName("tr"); boolean isFirst = true; for (HtmlElement currentRow : tableRows) { if (isFirst == true) { //skip table headers isFirst = false; continue; } DomNodeList fields = currentRow.getElementsByTagName("td"); DepartureBean departure = new DepartureBean(); String time = fields.get(0).asText().trim(); if (time.equals("")) time = "0:00"; // bug work-around departure.setTime(time); String trainNumber = fields.get(1).asText(); departure.setTrainNumber(trainNumber); String destination = fields.get(2).asText(); departure.setDestination(destination); String origin = fields.get(3).asText(); departure.setOrigin(origin); String status = fields.get(4).asText(); departure.setStatus(status); String note = fields.get(5).asText(); departure.setNote(note); departureList.add(departure); } } else { logger.warning("No departures found for station=" + stationcode + ", type=" + type); } webClient.closeAllWindows(); return departureList; } private int extractUpdated(HtmlElement updatedTd) { //extract the digit (in this case: 4) from "media/trafikinfo/opdater4.gif" int updated = -1; DomNodeList updatedImgs = updatedTd.getElementsByTagName("img"); String updatedStr = updatedImgs.get(0).getAttribute("src"); if (updatedStr != null) { for (int i=0; i elems = noteTd.getElementsByAttribute("span", "class", "bemtype"); if (elems.size() > 0 && note.charAt(note.length()-1) == 'i') note = note.substring(0,note.length() -1 ); return note; } private String extractTrainNumber(HtmlElement trainTd) { String number = ""; HtmlElement anchorElement = trainTd.getElementsByTagName("a").get(0); String href = anchorElement.getAttribute("href"); String argstring = href.substring( href.indexOf('?') + 1); String args[] = argstring.split("&"); for (String arg : args) { String pair[] = arg.split("="); // Key=pair[0], Value=pair[1] if (pair[0].equalsIgnoreCase("TogNr")) number = pair[1]; } return number; } //test /* public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { DepartureFetcher f = new DepartureFetcher(); List deps = f.lookupDepartures("AR", "FJRN"); for(DepartureBean d : deps) { System.out.println( d.getTime() + ";" + d.getUpdated() + ";" + d.getTrainNumber() + ";" + d.getDestination() + ";" + d.getOrigin() + ";" + d.getLocation() + ";" + d.getStatus() + ";" + d.getNote() ); } System.out.println("--------------------------"); }*/ }