#include #include #include #include #include #include "lcd.h" #include "Delay.h" #define BUFFER 160 #define PWRFAIL RB1 #define FIREDET RB2 #define FEEDING RB3 #define EMPTYTANK RB4 unsigned char global_Pot_Hi, global_Pot_Lo; unsigned char global_serial_send[BUFFER], global_serial_recieve_buffer[BUFFER]; bit global_recieve_done = 0; unsigned int global_serial_byte_counter = 0, global_sms_counter = 1, global_time_counter = 0; unsigned int global_emergency_counter = 600, global_time_interval = 3600; unsigned char global_temp = 0; unsigned int global_temp_update_display = 0; unsigned char global_message_buffer1[BUFFER]; unsigned char global_message_buffer2[BUFFER]; unsigned char global_message_buffer_length1; unsigned char global_message_buffer_length2; unsigned char global_lcd_buf[16]; unsigned int global_imei_tversum; unsigned char global_cell_nr[15] = ""; // = "21681784"; bit global_modem_init = 0; bit global_has_imei = 0; unsigned char global_sms_recieve_number[3]; __EEPROM_DATA( 60, 0, 1, 8, '2', '1', '6', '8'); __EEPROM_DATA( '1', '7', '8', '4',0,0,0,0); void serial_recieved(void); void serial_send(void); void update_lcd(void); void convert_temp(void); void timer1_interrupt(void); void on_recieve(void); void on_initial_recieve(void); void sms_recieved(void); void send_sms(const unsigned char* payload); void eeprom_writer(void); void reset_recieve_buffer(void) { global_recieve_done = 0; global_message_buffer_length1 = 0; global_message_buffer_length2 = 0; memset(global_message_buffer1, 0, BUFFER); memset(global_message_buffer2, 0, BUFFER); } ////////// INITS ////////// void pic18_io_init(void) { TRISA0 = 1; // analog input TRISA5 = 0; // Output TRISB1 = 1; // TRISB1-4 Digital input TRISB2 = 1; TRISB3 = 1; TRISB4 = 1; } void ad_init(void) // Nicked from H7 { // AD Conversion clock ADCS0 = 0; ADCS1 = 0; ADCS2 = 0; //Select AN0/RA0 for AD source. // In this (000) setup, it's only RA0/AN0 that does ad convertion. CHS0=0; CHS1=0; CHS2=0; //Only AN0 is selected for AD and with Vdd/Vss as limits PCFG0=0; PCFG1=1; PCFG2=1; PCFG3=1; //Reset the A/D result registers ADRESH = 0; ADRESL = 0; //Result is right justified ADFM=1; //Fire up for A/D converter module ADON=1; } void interrupt_init(void) { // Assumes that all interrupts default is 0 PEIE = 1; GIE = 1; RCIE = 1; // Recieve interrupt enable. IPEN = 0; // Nfo interrupt priority TXIE = 0; // Serial interrupt enabled TMR1IE = 1; // Enables timer 1 } void timer_init(void) { TMR1CS = 1; //use external clock T1CKPS1 = 1; //1:8 prescale T1CKPS0 = 1; TMR1H = 0xEF; TMR1L = 0xFF; T1OSCEN = 1; //enable oscillator circuit RD16 = 0; //normal 8 bit writes TMR1ON = 1; } void rs232_init(void) { SPEN = 0; // Serial Port Enable Bit... 0 = disabled TRISC6 = 0; TRISC7 = 1; SPBRG = 207; // 1200 baud rate... 25 = 9600 // x = (Fosc / (16*[baud rate]) )-1 TXSTA = 0x24; // Enables BRGH and TXEN inthe TXSTA register RCSTA = 0x90; // 0x90 enables SPEN and CREN in the RCSTA register } void modem_init(void) { int i; char buf[2]; while ( strstr(global_message_buffer1,"+WIND: 7") == 0 && global_time_counter < 10 ) ; // Waiting for the modem to be ready reset_recieve_buffer(); sprintf(global_serial_send,"at+cgsn\r"); serial_send(); while (global_has_imei == 0) { if (strstr(global_message_buffer1,"OK") != 0) { global_imei_tversum = 0; for (i=0; i<15; ++i) { buf[0] = global_message_buffer2[i]; buf[1] = 0; global_imei_tversum += atoi(buf); } global_has_imei = 1; } } sprintf(global_serial_send,"%s", "at+cpin?\r"); serial_send(); DelayMs(100); // Delay to give the modem a chance to answer. if (strstr(global_message_buffer1, "+CPIN: SIM PIN") != 0) { sprintf(global_serial_send,"%s", "at+cpin=8043\r"); serial_send(); while(global_modem_init == 0) { on_initial_recieve(); } } reset_recieve_buffer(); sprintf(global_serial_send, "at+cmgd=1,4\r"); serial_send(); while ( strstr(global_message_buffer1,"OK") == 0) ; } void serial_send(void) { int i; char data_byte; for(i = 0; i < BUFFER; i++) { data_byte = global_serial_send[i]; if( data_byte == '\r') i = (BUFFER - 1); TXREG = data_byte; while(TRMT==0) ; DelayMs(10); } DelayMs(150); global_serial_send[0] = 0; DelayMs(150); } void on_initial_recieve(void) { if (strstr(global_serial_recieve_buffer,"+WIND: 11") != 0) { global_modem_init = 1; reset_recieve_buffer(); } } ////////// INTERRUPT HANDLER ////////// void interrupt interrupt_handler(void) { // Finds out what interrupt have been trigged, and starts the respective function. if(RCIF == 1) // Serial recieve interrupt { serial_recieved(); RCIF = 0; } if(TMR1IF == 1) // timer1 interrupt trigger. { timer1_interrupt(); TMR1IF = 0; } } ////////// INTERRUPT TRIGGED ////////// void serial_recieved(void) { char data_byte; data_byte = RCREG; if (data_byte == '\n') // Cant be bothered to do anyting if the byte is a '\n'. return; if (global_serial_byte_counter == 0 && data_byte == '\r') // don't care about '\r', if it's the first byte we recieve. return; if ( global_serial_byte_counter < BUFFER) //Prevent buffer overrun global_serial_recieve_buffer[ global_serial_byte_counter++ ] = data_byte; // fills the data_byte into our buffer. else { global_serial_recieve_buffer[0] = 0; global_serial_byte_counter = 0; return; } if (data_byte == '\r') // when we meet a '\r', the transmission is done, and we fill the constxt of // global_message_buffer1 into global_message_buffer2 our main buffer into // global_message_buffer2, and the same with our recieve buffer, global_serial_recieve_buffer // into global_message_buffer1. { global_recieve_done = 1; // indicates the recieve transmission is done. global_serial_recieve_buffer[global_serial_byte_counter] = 0; //zero terminate // global_message_buffer1 -> global_message_buffer2 strcpy(global_message_buffer2, global_message_buffer1); global_message_buffer_length2 = global_message_buffer_length1; // global_serial_recieve_buffer -> global_message_buffer1 strcpy(global_message_buffer1, global_serial_recieve_buffer); global_message_buffer_length1 = global_serial_byte_counter; global_serial_byte_counter = 0; } } void timer1_interrupt(void) { TMR1H = 0xEF; TMR1L = 0xFF; global_time_counter++; global_emergency_counter++; // RA1 = !RA1; } ////////// ORDENARY FUNKTIONS ////////// void update_lcd(void) { if(global_temp_update_display != global_time_counter) { // lcd_clear(); lcd_goto(0x00); sprintf(global_lcd_buf, "Temp: %3d", global_temp); lcd_puts(global_lcd_buf); global_temp_update_display = global_time_counter; } } void send_update(void) { char update[40]; sprintf(update, "%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d", global_sms_counter, global_temp, FIREDET, EMPTYTANK, FEEDING, PWRFAIL); send_sms(update); global_sms_counter++; } void send_sms(const unsigned char* payload) { sprintf(global_serial_send, "at+cmgs=\"%s\"\r", global_cell_nr); serial_send(); sprintf(global_serial_send, "%s%c", payload, 0x1A); serial_send(); DelayMs(150); if(global_sms_counter % 4 == 0) { eeprom_writer(); sprintf(global_serial_send, "at+cmgd=1,3\r"); serial_send(); while ( strstr(global_message_buffer1,"OK") == 0) ; } } void convert_temp(void) { short adVal; adVal = (global_Pot_Hi << 8) | global_Pot_Lo; if( adVal >=840 ) global_temp = 100; else global_temp = (unsigned char) (adVal / 8.3886); } void eeprom_writer(void) { char len,i; len = strlen(global_cell_nr); eeprom_write(0, (global_time_interval/60)); eeprom_write(1, global_sms_counter>>8); eeprom_write(2, global_sms_counter); eeprom_write(3, len); for (i=0; i= 90 || PWRFAIL == 1 || FIREDET == 0 || FEEDING ==1 ) && global_emergency_counter >= 600 ) { send_update(); global_emergency_counter = 0; } // Every X sec. a status sms is send. if(global_time_counter >= global_time_interval) { send_update(); global_time_counter = 0; } // To avoid buffer overrun. if( global_emergency_counter > 7200 ) global_emergency_counter = 600; // Checking if A/D convertion is done, and save the data in global_Pot_?? if(GODONE==0) { global_Pot_Hi = ADRESH; global_Pot_Lo = ADRESL; convert_temp(); update_lcd(); GODONE = 1; } // Handels the recieve sms'es. on_recieve(); } }