/* * Primary developers: Hedin & Kevin */ #include "StdAfx.h" #include ".\PostgresLayer.h" PostgresLayer::PostgresLayer(ConfigFile &config) { CString dsn; dsn.Format("ODBC;Description=asd;DRIVER=PostgreSQL ANSI;SERVER=%s; uid=%s;password=%s;database=%s",config.host, config.username, config.password, config.database); db.OpenEx(dsn, CDatabase::noOdbcDialog); } PostgresLayer::~PostgresLayer(void) { db.Close(); } // Developed by Torben H. Nielsen vector PostgresLayer::Search(CString barcode, CString name, CString inits, bool available, bool reserved, bool deposited) { vector buffer; barcode.Replace("'","\""); name.Replace("'","\""); inits.Replace("'","\""); //here are the wanted equipments found through 3 seperate queries - I could also //find them all in one query where I joined the 3 selects via a UNION CString SQL; if (available == true) { SQL = "SELECT DISTINCT Udstyr.stregkode,Udstyr.Navn,Udstyr.Beskrivelse,Udstyr.Placering,Status.Beskrivelse \ FROM Udstyr \ INNER JOIN Status ON Udstyr.status = Status.StatusID WHERE Udstyr.Status = 3 "; if (barcode != "") SQL += " AND Udstyr.stregkode = '" + barcode + "' "; if (name != "") SQL += " AND Udstyr.Navn ILIKE '%" + name + "%' "; CRecordset rs(&db); rs.Open(AFX_DB_USE_DEFAULT_TYPE, SQL); FillEquipmentVector(buffer,rs); rs.Close(); } if (reserved == true) { SQL = "SELECT DISTINCT Udstyr.stregkode,Udstyr.Navn,Udstyr.Beskrivelse,Udstyr.Placering,Status.Beskrivelse \r\n\ FROM Udstyr \r\n\ INNER JOIN Status ON Udstyr.status = Status.StatusID \r\n\ INNER JOIN Resevation ON Udstyr.Stregkode = Resevation.stregkode \r\n\ INNER JOIN Person ON Resevation.PersonID = Person.PersonID\r\n\ WHERE ( Udstyr.Status = 2 OR Person.Initialer ILIKE '" + inits + "') "; if (barcode != "") SQL += " AND Udstyr.stregkode = '" + barcode + "' "; if (name != "") SQL += " AND Udstyr.Navn ILIKE '%" + name + "%' "; //if (inits != "") // SQL += " AND Person.Initialer = '" + inits + "' "; CRecordset rs(&db); rs.Open(AFX_DB_USE_DEFAULT_TYPE, SQL); FillEquipmentVector(buffer,rs); rs.Close(); } if (deposited == true) { SQL = "SELECT DISTINCT Udstyr.stregkode,Udstyr.Navn,Udstyr.Beskrivelse,Udstyr.Placering,Status.Beskrivelse \ FROM Udstyr \ INNER JOIN Status ON Udstyr.status = Status.StatusID \ INNER JOIN Udlån ON Udstyr.Stregkode = Udlån.stregkode \ INNER JOIN Person ON Udlån.PersonID = Person.PersonID \ WHERE Udstyr.Status = 1 \ AND Udlån.Afleveringsdato IS NULL"; if (barcode != "") SQL += " AND Udstyr.stregkode = '" + barcode + "' "; if (name != "") SQL += " AND Udstyr.Navn ILIKE '%" + name + "%' "; if (inits != "") SQL += " AND Person.Initialer ILIKE '" + inits + "' "; CRecordset rs(&db); rs.Open(AFX_DB_USE_DEFAULT_TYPE, SQL); FillEquipmentVector(buffer,rs); rs.Close(); } return buffer; } CString PostgresLayer::GenerateQueryForLatestCheckouts( CString barcode ) { CString SQL; SQL = "SELECT Udlån.StartDato, Udlån.Afleveringsdato,Udlån.Antaldage, Person.Initialer\ FROM Udlån\ INNER JOIN Person ON Udlån.PersonID = Person.PersonID "; SQL += "WHERE Udlån.Stregkode = " + barcode + " ORDER BY STARTDATO DESC LIMIT 10"; return SQL; }